Trudeau heads to Washington as Trump pushes protectionist demands


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No suprises here, this has always been the Canadian method. Smile in your face, stab you in the back. They even call it the "charm offensive". All of our PM's and Premiers do this. With some assistance from Obama and his pals, we have really got the inside track on how to swindle you guys again. Don't fall for it.

Meet with politicians and tell them, "you're not really going to put your country above the big government institutions are you?". Smile, wave, tell a few jokes, and then let America put their guard down while we steal your jobs, covertly enter your business, feed bs to your security agencies and fund state operations against U.S and European corporations. On top of, obviously, offering little innovation and employment for Americans, but with the help of the MSM tell America how much you need Canada for your economy...right.

I have a couple of nice emails all revved to go in advance of our PM's visit, and also the charm offensive Ontario has been engaging in with your governors. The most recent seems to be Rick Scott of Florida, who will be visiting Toronto in a months time, and charmed to hell, fed some bs about our "great relationship (it's great. we take your jobs and send over our retired people)."

I hope the administration takes heed. Canada (and others) have been fleecing you for 30 years, don't fall for the same song and dance. Lest you want to become a big socialist cesspool with entitled government clowns and have a security apparatus who's only job is to protect the abusive government while limiting individual freedoms.

Oh, one important and final note: I don't hate Canada, Canada hates me. Big difference. I took the time to bold some of the scare tactics, they aren't being totally sincere or transparent.

Trudeau heads to Washington as Trump pushes protectionist demands

Officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that Canada is getting slammed with hard protectionist proposals at the bargaining table and needs to find some resolution with Mr. Trump.

Canada believes Mr. Trudeau's visit will help push negotiations in the right direction, the sources said. Ottawa insists it has to keep up the outreach program, both to the White House and outside it, that it has been conducting all year in order to remind the Americans how much their economy relies on that of Canada.

Mr. Trudeau will be accompanied to Washington by his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, as well as Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and parliamentary secretary Andrew Leslie.

On Thursday, Mr. Trudeau will travel to Mexico City to talk trade with outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto, during the Prime Minister's first official visit to Mexico. Mr. Trudeau will also honour the victims of the country's recent earthquake, attend an official dinner and address the Mexican Senate on Friday. International Trade Minister François-Philippe Champagne will join Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Freeland in Mexico.

Mexico's ambassador to the United States, Geronimo Gutierrez, told The Globe that Mexico still hopes to improve NAFTA. But he said the country is prepared to walk away from talks if it can't get a good deal.

"Mexico's position will continue to be serious and constructive, but we have also been very clear about the fact that we rather leave the negotiating table than [accept] a harmful deal," he said.

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said last week that he expects the administration will throw down some specific demands for loosening Canada's supply management system for dairy, eggs and poultry, which fixes prices and keep foreign imports out.

Mr. Perdue said supply management is "very unfair" and he's not happy that so little progress has been made in NAFTA talks so far. "If you've ever watched a boxing match, they circle one another for a while, and I think we've been circling," he said.

The Trump administration is also quietly floating a proposal to include a 50-per-cent U.S. content requirement for autos, as well as increasing the North American content from 62.5 per cent to 85 per cent, a source said. Canadian officials said there have been no formal proposals on auto content so far.

Jerry Dias, president of Unifor, which represents Canadian auto workers, said the Trudeau government won't agree to 50-per-cent U.S. content, or a sign onto a deal that doesn't include improved labour standards in Mexico. He said strict content requirements won't have an impact without raising the 2.5-per-cent tariff on vehicles imported to the United States outside NAFTA, because auto makers could still move their operations to Mexico, where labour is much cheaper.

"Canada will never accept that the U.S. automatically gets 50 per cent of the industry based on rules of origin. Nobody will ever agree to that under any circumstances," he said.

"Justin [Trudeau] ought not to be afraid to say to Trump, that, listen, we are quite comfortable walking away from a lousy deal. This isn't you in control."

The top business lobby group in the United States has already issued an extraordinary public warning that Mr. Trump's tough stand in negotiations risks destroying NAFTA and swiftly throwing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work.
Trump is already a lame duck, so Trudeau will probably get whatever he wants.

Regardless of your flippant remark, the fact is that Trump has all of the political capital on his side in this debate. He can walk away from NAFTA and actually GAIN votes. Many Bernie Sanders supporters were also against NAFTA, Trumps supporters give out the loudest cheers when Trump talks about walking away from NAFTA, and also of course, building the wall.

If America continues to be fleeced, it's on you this time. America is FAR better informed and aware of the real abuses that can and do go on, while competing against a Big Government, covert police state socialist system. Before NAFTA was signed it was all theory. Sort of like the theory that having China in the WTO would be good for their domestic human rights. How did that work out?

You are dealing with these negotiations with eyes open now. No excuses. You either address Canadian abuses or you walk away. Anything less and American workers and the economy loses.
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Trump is already a lame duck, so Trudeau will probably get whatever he wants.

Regardless of your flippant remark, the fact is that Trump has all of the political capital on his side in this debate. He can walk away from NAFTA and actually GAIN votes. Many Bernie Sanders supporters were also against NAFTA, Trumps supporters give out the loudest cheers when Trump talks about walking away from NAFTA, and also of course, building the wall.

If America continues to be fleeced, it's on you this time. America is FAR better informed and aware of the real abuses that can and do go on, while competing against a Big Government, covert police state socialist system. Before NAFTA was signed it was all theory. Sort of like the theory that having China in the WTO would be good for their domestic human rights. How did that work out?

You are dealing with these negotiations with eyes open now. No excuses. You either address Canadian abuses or you walk away. Anything less and American workers and the economy loses.
NAFTA's not going anywhere. Just like how repeal failed and how Mexico's not paying for a wall.
Trump is already a lame duck, so Trudeau will probably get whatever he wants.

Regardless of your flippant remark, the fact is that Trump has all of the political capital on his side in this debate. He can walk away from NAFTA and actually GAIN votes. Many Bernie Sanders supporters were also against NAFTA, Trumps supporters give out the loudest cheers when Trump talks about walking away from NAFTA, and also of course, building the wall.

If America continues to be fleeced, it's on you this time. America is FAR better informed and aware of the real abuses that can and do go on, while competing against a Big Government, covert police state socialist system. Before NAFTA was signed it was all theory. Sort of like the theory that having China in the WTO would be good for their domestic human rights. How did that work out?

You are dealing with these negotiations with eyes open now. No excuses. You either address Canadian abuses or you walk away. Anything less and American workers and the economy loses.
NAFTA's not going anywhere. Just like how repeal failed and how Mexico's not paying for a wall.

It will go somewhere. Whether now or in a future governments mandate, it is going to be sunsetted as Mexico and Canada are not capitalist countries.

How do you think citizens act when insolvency of jurisdictions is at hand? Or National Debt becomes too excessive and the risk of currency collapse and American influence wanes?

You have to be direct and call out Canadian abuses and exploitation. To date, Ross and his team have done that in a more transparent and direct manner than any administration in the past.

I would go even further. If Trump feels he is getting political pushback, he tells the voters in 2018 to vote even more GOP candidates, and make sure the candidates follow suit in their desire to walk away from NAFTA, and without question the GOP earn some big numbers. I think the trade file is far too often overlooked by the media, most certainly on purpose.

Trump stated on the trail some tough language. He was going to rip up TPP, which he did, he was going to renegotiation, or, walk away from NAFTA. All of this tough language supported overwhelmingly. Do you not think this same tough talk and promises which he has his team engaging in as I type, is not a winner for 2018? Trade and jobs go hand in hand, that is 90% of the voters concerns.
Trump is already a lame duck, so Trudeau will probably get whatever he wants.

Regardless of your flippant remark, the fact is that Trump has all of the political capital on his side in this debate. He can walk away from NAFTA and actually GAIN votes. Many Bernie Sanders supporters were also against NAFTA, Trumps supporters give out the loudest cheers when Trump talks about walking away from NAFTA, and also of course, building the wall.

If America continues to be fleeced, it's on you this time. America is FAR better informed and aware of the real abuses that can and do go on, while competing against a Big Government, covert police state socialist system. Before NAFTA was signed it was all theory. Sort of like the theory that having China in the WTO would be good for their domestic human rights. How did that work out?

You are dealing with these negotiations with eyes open now. No excuses. You either address Canadian abuses or you walk away. Anything less and American workers and the economy loses.
NAFTA's not going anywhere. Just like how repeal failed and how Mexico's not paying for a wall.

It will go somewhere. Whether now or in a future governments mandate, it is going to be sunsetted as Mexico and Canada are not capitalist countries.

How do you think citizens act when insolvency of jurisdictions is at hand? Or National Debt becomes too excessive and the risk of currency collapse and American influence wanes?

You have to be direct and call out Canadian abuses and exploitation. To date, Ross and his team have done that in a more transparent and direct manner than any administration in the past.

I would go even further. If Trump feels he is getting political pushback, he tells the voters in 2018 to vote even more GOP candidates, and make sure the candidates follow suit in their desire to walk away from NAFTA, and without question the GOP earn some big numbers. I think the trade file is far too often overlooked by the media, most certainly on purpose.

Trump stated on the trail some tough language. He was going to rip up TPP, which he did, he was going to renegotiation, or, walk away from NAFTA. All of this tough language supported overwhelmingly. Do you not think this same tough talk and promises which he has his team engaging in as I type, is not a winner for 2018? Trade and jobs go hand in hand, that is 90% of the voters concerns.
The U.S. reaps all kinds of riches from you paltry motherfuckers. So if NAFTA ever is renegotiated, I'm sure it will only bend you over an inch or two more, at most.
Trump is already a lame duck, so Trudeau will probably get whatever he wants.

Regardless of your flippant remark, the fact is that Trump has all of the political capital on his side in this debate. He can walk away from NAFTA and actually GAIN votes. Many Bernie Sanders supporters were also against NAFTA, Trumps supporters give out the loudest cheers when Trump talks about walking away from NAFTA, and also of course, building the wall.

If America continues to be fleeced, it's on you this time. America is FAR better informed and aware of the real abuses that can and do go on, while competing against a Big Government, covert police state socialist system. Before NAFTA was signed it was all theory. Sort of like the theory that having China in the WTO would be good for their domestic human rights. How did that work out?

You are dealing with these negotiations with eyes open now. No excuses. You either address Canadian abuses or you walk away. Anything less and American workers and the economy loses.
NAFTA's not going anywhere. Just like how repeal failed and how Mexico's not paying for a wall.

It will go somewhere. Whether now or in a future governments mandate, it is going to be sunsetted as Mexico and Canada are not capitalist countries.

How do you think citizens act when insolvency of jurisdictions is at hand? Or National Debt becomes too excessive and the risk of currency collapse and American influence wanes?

You have to be direct and call out Canadian abuses and exploitation. To date, Ross and his team have done that in a more transparent and direct manner than any administration in the past.

I would go even further. If Trump feels he is getting political pushback, he tells the voters in 2018 to vote even more GOP candidates, and make sure the candidates follow suit in their desire to walk away from NAFTA, and without question the GOP earn some big numbers. I think the trade file is far too often overlooked by the media, most certainly on purpose.

Trump stated on the trail some tough language. He was going to rip up TPP, which he did, he was going to renegotiation, or, walk away from NAFTA. All of this tough language supported overwhelmingly. Do you not think this same tough talk and promises which he has his team engaging in as I type, is not a winner for 2018? Trade and jobs go hand in hand, that is 90% of the voters concerns.
The U.S. reaps all kinds of riches from you paltry motherfuckers. So if NAFTA ever is renegotiated, I'm sure it will only bend you over an inch or two more, at most.

You must not be following these negotiations closely. Trump has an agenda and his team is far better informed about nefarious tactics by Canada and Mexico. They are not fools, they know that America is being fleeced and they intend to do something about it.

By the way. If the Democrats are really concerned about their inner cities and working poor, they would be behind Trump 100% on this issue. So many politicians talk about poverty but have no interest in looking out for American interests.

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