Troll Level: Supreme Court Justice Clerk Obtained

Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
My tea almost came out my nose.

Leftists Attacked Woman Behind Kavanaugh For 'White Power' Hand Signal. She Just Trolled Them Like A Boss.
Can we confirm her for some position?
Have to put her out front of the MSM often.

Zina Bash Is the Woman Sitting Behind Brett Kavanaugh
1. Bash Is Regarded as One of the Most Beautiful People in D.C.
2. Bash Worked in Immigration Policy for the Trump White House
3. Bash Is ‘Ridiculously Rich’

Estimated at $18 million
4. Her Father Made a Documentary Titled, ‘The Hoax of Man-Made Global Warming’

5. Bash Has Been Accused of Using a ‘White Power’ Hand Symbol During the Hearing, but Her Husband Says It Was Just the ‘Random Way She Rested Her Hand’

This and much more @ Zina Bash Is the Woman Sitting Behind Brett Kavanaugh |
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I know we are dealing with mental midgets..but seriously why would white power advocates flash a secret sign on tv? What purpose would it accomplish?

What we take from this I am not sure but it is some kind of insight into the twisted demented thinking of liberals.

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