Tres Hombres...


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
In the 1700’s three dudes, and others certainly, but three dudes in particular, pretty much wrote the book on democracy.

John Locke – English dude, gave us the phrase ‘…the individuals right to Life, Liberty and Property…’ in which the framers of the U.S. Constitution expanded ‘Property’ to ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ hopefully because they figured that some people would find misery in maintaining various ‘Properties’ and not because current property owners hired a mercenary lobbyist to spin them a way to control access to the “Property Owners Club”.

Baron de Montesquie – French dude, gave us the concept behind Separation of Power into Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government.

Though these two dudes advocated democracy in a big way, they distrusted rule by the masses. Welcome, the Electoral College system…

A proponent of true democracy is dude number three. Jean-Jacques Rousseau – French dude. He proposed that if the government was not busy tending to every need of the local Monarch, it could be used as a vehicle for the masses to get together and say things like “Damn, it was a bitch getting here! What say we all chip in and build some roads to and from this town?”

This came out of “The Age of Enlightenment” circa 1700’s and early 1800’s. The age of enlightenment also gave us the concepts of reason – subjecting assumptions to examination and testing, the natural order of things, the unchangeable laws of physics, and the concepts of change and progress. It was argued that Change and Progress work hand in hand as human beings work to perfect themselves and their society. The age of enlightenment also gave us the concept of questioning authority, no matter how it got there.

“What say we all chip in and build a road together?”

We, The People are not entitled to health care.
But we do have the right to all chip in and provide it for some; all if we can afford it.

We, The People are not entitled to roads and bridges.
But we can all chip in and build some if transportation is important to us.

We, The People do not have the right to security.
But we can agree on some rules all chip in and to pay for a security force to uphold those rules.

We, The People are not entitled to education.
But we do have the right to all chip in and provide it for some; all if we can afford it.

Before We, The People can possibly sit down and figure out how we are all going to chip in out of our surplus, and what we are going to invest that surplus in, we, the people, need full access to our government. As long as some, including foreigners, have “better access to government through money” by use of professional, mercenary lobbyists we will not be governed by the will of the people.

Our government feels unfair because it is. Let us change the fundamental way that our government conducts its business. Let us update a great idea called The American Experiment to 21st century technology and expectations and see what we can do.

Obama / Biden in 2008


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