Transsexualism and Delusional Thinking


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Much as I like transgendered porn, respect an indivdual's right to do anything to their body including mutilate it and reshape it to their liking, the fact of the matter is transgender reassignment and surgery isn't changing a person's sex beyond the legal aspect. Biologically you're forever whatever you were born as. Perhaps medical science will evolve to where one day those born males who undergo cosmetic surgery to look liek females cna actually have children, but right now that isn't what the surgeries do. They simple change your appearence, but not your biological functioning.

Understanding the difference is important because respecting in law delusions isn't a good idea. What if people suddenly wanted to change their body's appearence but not in reversing their sex? Thinking of the so-called bagelheads in Japan inserting silicon into their foreheads making it look like a bagel's been implanted, what if that trend of body modification continued to the extent of changing our skin color?

Is a white person giving themself black skin suddenly black because they appear black? Can they get positions under affirmitive action because they look and identify as black? If we do that already for transgenders letting them use opposite-sex bathrooms than they were born into, and in every legal sense be treated as whatever sex they merely appear as, that's something to think about in the near-future.

What about the 'at what point is a man a woman and vice-versa' aspect of it. At what point is a man a woman who may opt to retian their male genitalia but get breast implants and wear makeup like a woman? Is that a female too for purposes of the law? What about a convincing crossdresser fully male but in appearence who can change back to male appearence at will?

Respecting in law a person's delusional thought-processes is wrong. Some of you look way hot and I love ya for the fantasies you give rise to :) But where the law is concerned you're whatever you were born as. Not what you appear as.
Perhaps the growing popularity of gender fluids will answer some of your questions. Gender fluids change genders at will or despite their will. They do it spontaneously. A gender fluid can walk into a woman's locker room believing themselves fully female. Then become fully male in a split second. The gender fluid quarterback can show up on the day of the game demanding a cheerleaders costume.

The movie Psycho explored the gender fluid phenomenon and put itself ahead of its time.

I'm willing to guess that many of them know for a fact that they are not changing their gender, rather, they are choosing to alter their body to resemble the other sex, for whatever reasons- a lot of times for sex.

In my opinion, the healthy, beautiful ones really only look good as a transgender in their teens and twenties. Sometimes early thirties. After that they start aging horribly and just tend to look terrible compared to healthy men and women at that age.

"Respecting in law a person's delusional thought-processes is wrong."


The right to self-determination and individual liberty is fundamental; that you subjectively perceive transgender persons as 'delusional' doesn't mitigate that fact, nor does it warrant compelling conformity through force of law.

Gender is much more than simply one's physical anatomy, to compel conformity based solely on physical anatomy is unwarranted and pedestrian, a rigid, authoritarian mindset, both antiquated and anachronistic.
"Respecting in law a person's delusional thought-processes is wrong."


The right to self-determination and individual liberty is fundamental; that you subjectively perceive transgender persons as 'delusional' doesn't mitigate that fact, nor does it warrant compelling conformity through force of law.

Gender is much more than simply one's physical anatomy, to compel conformity based solely on physical anatomy is unwarranted and pedestrian, a rigid, authoritarian mindset, both antiquated and anachronistic.

So at my gym...if mid workout I decide " a female!" I can stroll into the womens shower and locker room to clean up. And if they violate my rights and feelings by not allowing it...I can sue!?!?!

Woohoo! Know what im doing tonight!
Much as I like transgendered porn...
Is that the true reason of your thinkings on this theme?
So at my gym...if mid workout I decide " a female!" I can stroll into the womens shower and locker room to clean up. And if they violate my rights and feelings by not allowing it...I can sue!?!?!
Woohoo! Know what im doing tonight!
Jerking tonight?

The lack of sexual relations is one of the main reasons people think about changing their sex.
"Respecting in law a person's delusional thought-processes is wrong."


The right to self-determination and individual liberty is fundamental; that you subjectively perceive transgender persons as 'delusional' doesn't mitigate that fact, nor does it warrant compelling conformity through force of law.

Gender is much more than simply one's physical anatomy, to compel conformity based solely on physical anatomy is unwarranted and pedestrian, a rigid, authoritarian mindset, both antiquated and anachronistic.

They are delusional if they assert they're changing their sex. They're not, nor do the doctors who perform those surgeries suggest that that's what they're doing. So if they're not literally changing sex, yet they assert they have that they should be allowed to use opposite-sex bathrooms and in-law be treated as opposite-sexed, that's delusional thinking.
Another problem with the legality of this issue is how much of a visual change is required for the law to regard you as opposite-sex? What if a man who wants to live as a woman doesn't want the long hair, makeup, breasts, or even to wear traditionally woman's clothing, and for all intents and purposes still looks male? Do we allow he to be considered a she in the eyes of the law even though he still looks male but perhaps acts female?
Another problem with the legality of this issue is how much of a visual change is required for the law to regard you as opposite-sex? What if a man who wants to live as a woman doesn't want the long hair, makeup, breasts, or even to wear traditionally woman's clothing, and for all intents and purposes still looks male? Do we allow he to be considered a she in the eyes of the law even though he still looks male but perhaps acts female?

That is a good question lol
How much female to male porn do you watch?

None. Like male to female, but only pre-op. Sorta defeats the point if post-op :)
If you stick around females long enough they grow old and look like dudes in drag..

Not if they frequently bathe in the blood of virgins :rock:

Virgins are in short supply these days...what with the volcanoes and altar sacrifices...
How much female to male porn do you watch?

None. Like male to female, but only pre-op. Sorta defeats the point if post-op :)
If you stick around females long enough they grow old and look like dudes in drag..

Not if they frequently bathe in the blood of virgins :rock:

Virgins are in short supply these days...what with the volcanoes and altar sacrifices...

"If you've masturbated to orgasm, you're no longer a virgin." - Dr. Betty Dodson
Good point Delta, this brings up gender stereotypes that liberals claim to abhorr, but want to confirm when it comes to this transgender stuff. Apparently all women have long hair, wear dresses. No woman wears jeans, a flannel shirt and a baseball hat apparently.

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