Transparency and credibility of factual facts

عثمان بن فاروق يفاجئ زوجين غير مسلمين مؤدبين بمعلومات من الكتاب المقدس

هاشم في حوار جديد مع مسيحيين حول نبوءة الكتاب المقدس عن رسول الله

طبيعة يسوع - أنور و مبشر في ركن الخطباء

أوروبا تحتاج للإسلام - حوار حمزة مع زائر

we can say that polygamy is allowed in the Old Testament, that countless Prophets and pious men practiced it. If the ban had been a divine ordinance, then it is astonishing that the most prestigious of men in the Bible practiced it.
The teachings of Christ also do not argue for the prohibition of polygamy, even if the Church does not teach it. There is no text in the New Testament that would ban this practice. Paul restricted monogamous marriage only to bishops.

“Gideon had seventy sons from him, for he had many wives. His concubine, who was in Shechem, also bore him a son, whose name was called Abimelech. "(Judges 8,30-31

In Western society, it is common for a man to have mistresses and / or several extra-marital affairs. In these cases, the woman involved leads a dishonorable and unstable life. Ironically, this same society is unable to accept that a man chooses polygyny, in which women maintain a dignified and honorable position in society and lead stable lives.

There are more women than men in many African and Asian countries, as well as in our Western countries. In
India, more than one million female fetuses are aborted every year and due to the high rate of female infanticide, the female population is smaller than that of men. If they stop practicing this evil, in a few decades the male population will be lower than the female population.

Forcing every man to marry only one woman is unrealistic. And even if every man married a woman, there would be millions left without a husband.
Great Britain has 4,000,000 more women than men, not counting homosexuals.
Germany has 5,000,000 more women than men. The United States has 7,800,000 more women than men, in New York there are 1,000,000 more women than men, a third of men in the
New York population are gay, that is ie sodomite. So if all the men would marry there would still be 7,800,000 who could not have a husband, on top of that, in the society of men in the United States, there are 25,000,000 sodomite men, these men obviously do not wish to marry a woman, so there are still 25,000,000 women who cannot find a husband. In
Russia there are 7,000,000 more women than men. Without counting the men in prison and the men who simply cannot afford to get married. And only God knows how many more women there are really than men in the world
شاب بريطاني يعتنق الإسلام على يد محمد حجاب

2/2 عائلة الآلهة! منصور وهاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثاني

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Matthew 5:18
The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him,
came to complete the law of the ancient prophets
Without decrease or increase
So the Old Testament cannot be repealed

Why such variance in viewpoints? To begin with, different theological camps disagree on which books should be included in the Bible. One camp’s apocrypha is another’s scripture. Secondly, even among those books that have been canonized, the many variant source texts lack uniformity. This lack of uniformity is so ubiquitous that The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible states, “It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the NT in which the MS [manuscript] tradition is wholly uniform.”[2]

Not one sentence? We can’t trust a single sentence of the Bible? Hard to believe.

The fact is that there are over 5700 Greek manuscripts of all or part of the New Testament.[3] Furthermore, “no two of these manuscripts are exactly alike in all their particulars…. And some of these differences are significant.”[4] Factor in roughly ten thousand manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, add the many other ancient variants (i.e., Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic, Nubian, Gothic, Slavonic), and what do we have?
A lot of manuscripts

A lot of manuscripts that fail to correspond in places and not infrequently contradict one another. Scholars estimate the number of manuscript variants in the hundreds of thousands, some estimating as high as 400,000.[5] In Bart D. Ehrman’s now famous words, “Possibly it is easiest to put the matter in comparative terms: there are more differences in our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament.”[6]
How did this happen?

Poor record keeping. Dishonesty. Incompetence. Doctrinal prejudice. Take your pick.

None of the original manuscripts have survived from the early Christian period.[7]/[8] The most ancient complete manuscripts (Vatican MS. No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Syriac Codex) date from the fourth century, three hundred years after Jesus’ ministry. But the originals? Lost. And the copies of the originals? Also lost. Our most ancient manuscripts, in other words, are copies of the copies of the copies of nobody-knows-just-how-many copies of the originals.
No wonder they differ

In the best of hands, copying errors would be no surprise. However, New Testament manuscripts were not in the best of hands. During the period of Christian origins, scribes were untrained, unreliable, incompetent, and in some cases illiterate.[9] Those who were visually impaired could have made errors with look-alike letters and words, while those who were hearing-impaired may have erred in recording scripture as it was read aloud. Frequently scribes were overworked, and hence inclined to the errors that accompany fatigue.

In the words of Metzger and Ehrman, “Since most, if not all, of them [the scribes] would have been amateurs in the art of copying, a relatively large number of mistakes no doubt crept into their texts as they reproduced them.”[10] Worse yet, some scribes allowed doctrinal prejudice to influence their transmission of scripture.[11] As Ehrman states, “The scribes who copied the texts changed them.”[12] More specifically, “The number of deliberate alterations made in the interest of doctrine is difficult to assess.”[13] And even more specifically, “In the technical parlance of textual criticism—which I retain for its significant ironies—these scribes ‘corrupted’ their texts for theological reasons.”[14]

Errors were introduced in the form of additions, deletions, substitutions and modifications, most commonly of words or lines, but occasionally of entire verses.[15] [16] In fact, “numerous changes and accretions came into the text,”[17] with the result that “all known witnesses of the New Testament are to a greater or lesser extent mixed texts, and even several of the earliest manuscripts are not free from egregious errors.”[18]

In Misquoting Jesus, Ehrman presents persuasive evidence that the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:12) and the last twelve verses of Mark were not in the original gospels, but added by later scribes.[19] Furthermore, these examples “represent just two out of thousands of places in which the manuscripts of the New Testament came to be changed by scribes.”[20]

In fact, entire books of the Bible were forged.[21] This doesn’t mean their content is necessarily wrong, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s right. So which books were forged? Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude—a whopping nine of the twenty-seven New Testament books and epistles—are to one degree or another suspect.[22]
Forged books? In the Bible?

Why are we not surprised? After all, even the gospel authors are unknown. In fact, they’re anonymous.[23] Biblical scholars rarely, if ever, ascribe gospel authorship to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. As Ehrman tells us, “Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”[24] Graham Stanton affirms, “The gospels, unlike most Graeco-Roman writings, are anonymous. The familiar headings which give the name of an author (‘The Gospel according to …’) were not part of the original manuscripts, for they were added only early in the second century.”[25]

So what, if anything, did Jesus’ disciples have to do with authoring the gospels? Little or nothing, so far as we know. But we have no reason to believe they authored any of the books of the Bible. To begin with, let us remember Mark was a secretary to Peter, and Luke a companion to Paul. The verses of Luke 6:14-16 and Matthew 10:2-4 catalogue the twelve disciples, and although these lists differ over two names, Mark and Luke don’t make either list. So only Matthew and John were true disciples. But all the same, modern scholars pretty much disqualify them as authors anyway.

Good question. John being the more famous of the two, why should we disqualify him from having authored the Gospel of “John”?
Umm … because he was dead?

Multiple sources acknowledge there is no evidence, other than questionable testimonies of second century authors, to suggest that the disciple John was the author of the Gospel of “John.”[26] [27] Perhaps the most convincing refutation is that the disciple John is believed to have died in or around 98 CE.[28] However, the Gospel of John was written circa 110 CE.[29] So whoever Luke (Paul’s companion), Mark (Peter’s secretary), and John (the unknown, but certainly not the long-dead one) were, we have no reason to believe any of the gospels were authored by Jesus’ disciples

New Testament of the Bible regarding Jesus by Yusha ...

هندوسية تدخل الإٍسلام بعد سؤال مترجم A hindu woman is accepting Islam

مسيحي يعتنق الإسلام في حوار مع عباس ...

Show me an "orthodox" Jew that practices every letter of the Law of Moses "completely"..............Show me anyone who totally abides by every dot and tittle of the LAW. If you do not practice "ALL" you are guilty of breaking "All".

You can't pick and choose what laws to follow and what to dismiss because it does not agree with today's society.

Enlighten us, What Jew still abides by the OLD LAW to include, "Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death......If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done, shall it be done unto him, fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person it shall be given to him......." -- Lev. 24:17-22

Or......."If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death........." -- Lev. 20:10-11

If you are not circumcised on the 8th day after shall be cut off from his peoples........ (Genesis 17:14)

Animal sacrifices are commanded. Do you offer such sacrifices? Such as was required of Jesus while He was alive and a practicing JEW?

"Now when the days of her purification according TO THE LAW OF MOSES were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of our Lord, "Every male who opens the womb (being born) shall be called Holy to the Lord"), and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, "A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons." -- Luke 2:22-24

Did your parents offer 2 doves or young pigeons when you were born?
All sects of Judaism, Christianity and Shi'a Islam are all false and untrue
The correct one is the Sunni Muslim sect
Which applies the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him


Allah the name of God

actually Allah is the name itself of The Most Supreme Creator, the Lord of the worlds which is also uniquely synonymous too since with this word Allah by all semetic religions (see video below for proofs) was referred only to the Creator of the worlds which did not need much explanation even to the pagan Arabs because they have been using right from the days of Prophet Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham who built the kaaba from 5000 years ago

As seen in this verse of Quran 29:61 which is addressed to the idolators and pagans of Arabia

“If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, " Allah ." Then how are they deluded?”

So this proves Allah was also synonymous but only to the Supreme power and not to other gods as they had many gods whom the pagans worshipped. The Quran sura 112 introduced Allah again to the pagans in the right precise sense since they had started to forget the pure nature of Allah that was taught to them by Prophet Abraham though they were using the name of Allah even before the coming of Quran since Prophets Muhammad ﷺ's father name was Abdullah or Servant of Allah. Another incident that substantiates this claim is when the incident of the year of the elephant took place the pagans stopped to worship all idols for about 7 years only worshipping Allah, the Lord of the Kaaba.

The name Abdullah means submission and servitude to allah alone

So that's why when some translate the Allah as God during shahada or testimony to embrace Islam they read as

“there is no God but Allah and Muhammad PBUH is Messenger of Allah “

And this verse from 17:110 also reiterates the same, note that Allah calls himself as Allah and not just ilah in this verse

“Say, "Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call - to Him belong the best names." And do not recite [too] loudly in your prayer or [too] quietly but seek between that an [intermediate] way.”

since the pagans did have many gods who they thought as powerful to save them help them but they also worshiped Allah whom they believed as the Ultimate Creator of the world. But still rebellious or idiotic enough to associate daughters to Allah whom they thought as Angels and partners to Allah the bogus statues of dead Saints. Since the word God in English can be misused to refer multiple gods or masculine or feminine ie Goddess etc Muslims call Allah to show that they mean the God of the pure Monotheist Prophet Abraham since the word Allah cannot be used in multiple sense nor refers any gender.

Elohim El, Elah, Alah

In the Bible, God is very often referred to as ‘Elohim’ in the Hebrew language. The ‘im’ in the ending is a plural of honour and God is referred to as ‘El’ or ‘Elah’ in the English Bible with commentary, edited by reverend C. I. Scofield. ‘Elah’ is alternatively spelled as ‘Alah’. The difference in spelling is only of a single ‘L’. Muslims spell Allah as ‘Allah’ while the Reverend has spelled it as Alah and they pronounce it as ‘Elah’. Muslims pronounce it as Allah. Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages therefore we say it should be pronounced as ‘Allah’ and not as ‘Elah’.

The video will show how Allah was used by all semetic religions.

Ahmed Deedat Answer - Where was the word 'ALLAH' lost by Jews and Christians?


The duty of the prophets is to explain the divine message that God assigned to them

The Qur’an is complete, overall, and not incomplete

That is why the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, explained the Qur’an to people, in theory and in practice, so that people could emulate it

You how do you know how to fast, pray, supplicate, in short, how do you know how you must act as a Muslim, and according to which standard do you judge your behaviour? How do you know the way the Prophet lived, the words that he said, the things that he did صلى الله عليه وسلم ? How is the Quran to be explicated without the authority of the Prophet? How do you know what he has commanded of the Muslims? Do you reject the words of Allah when He said "obey Allah and obey the Messenger"?"It is not for a believing man or woman – when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter – to have any other choice in their matter. Whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has clearly gone astray." (33:36)

Fiqh, or jurisprudence, is built upon the Quran and the Prophetic narrations. It takes every command, injunction, prescription, prohibition contained in these, and organizes them into a practicable, cohesive system, primarily, those contained in the four schools of jurisprudence: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali. (For more information read: The Evolution of Fiqh, Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips). The scholars do not make rulings based on whims, fancies and desires, what they think to be most rational or popular, or to arbitrarily justify impermissible actions. They take from the book of Allah and the way of His Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. But perhaps this is not good enough for some people.
Does God rest?

The Bible says that: God had finished the work by the seventh day; so on the seventh day he rested, the seventh day is holy because on it God rested from all the work,

God had finished the work by the seventh day, so on the seventh day he rested

Genesis 2:2
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

The Lord abstained from work and rested.

Exodus 31:17

Expressions like tired, weak, or in need of rest and fatigue are among general practice of human beings. Fatigue is partially due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.

It is well known that balancing work and rest is the proper way to combat fatigue.

Researchers noticed the effect of Rest periods on productivity.

Post-exercise fatigue is the way you feel after typical enthusiastic exercises. Proper rest leads to improved performance of the muscles.

This is applicable for man and vertebrates but not for all the creatures.

Also, this is not applicable for some components inside our bodies.

Example of Non-Resting creatures:

Sciences say that many creatures do not rest at all e.g., the heart, the red cells, the white cells, the platelets, the Bacteria, the Fungi, the Sun etc

The Sun does not rest at all.

The heart does not rest at all.

The red cells, the white cells, the platelets do not rest at all.

Bacteria do not rest at all.

Fungi do not rest at all.
Now, the Question is:

How come that many creatures do not rest while the Almighty Creator Rest?

It is the Quran which answered this question more than 1400 years ago.

Does God rest in the Qur’an?

Now let us go to the Quran to Rest the Lord's case in respect to the question does the Lord Rest?

The Quran says: Rest assured, the god does not Rest and He never ever Rest

Allah is not like us.

No one is similar to Allah.

Surah 42:11

SHAKIR: the originator of the heavens and the earth; he made mates for you from among yourselves, and mates of the cattle too, multiplying you thereby; nothing like a likeness of him; and he is the hearing, the seeing

PICKTHAL: the creator of the heavens and the earth. he hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby he multiplieth you. naught is as his likeness; and he is the hearer, the seer.

YUSUFALI: (he is) the creator of the heavens and the earth: he has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does he multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto him, and he is the one that hears and sees (all things).

They dispute concerning Allah, and Allah is far beyond your thoughts and imaginations.

If we get tired, Allah does not.

If we rest, Allah does not

If we get sick, Allah does not

If we die, Allah does not

Surah 13:13

SHAKIR: and the thunder declares his glory with his praise, and the angels too for awe of him; and he sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom he pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and he is mighty in prowess

PICKTHAL: the thunder hymneth his praise and (so do) the angels for awe of him. he launcheth the thunderbolts and smiteth with them whom he will while they dispute (in doubt) concerning Allah, and he is mighty in wrath.

YUSUFALI: nay, thunder repeateth his praises, and so do the angels, with awe: he flingeth the loud-voiced thunder-bolts, and therewith he striketh whomsoever he will..yet these (are the men) who (dare to) dispute about Allah, with the strength of his power (supreme)!

Allah never ever rest.

Surah 50:38

SHAKIR: and certainly We Created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods and there touched us not any fatigue

PICKTHAL: and verily We Created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

YUSUFALI: We Created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us

1/2شتم من خلف الشاشة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الأول

2/2 النبي محمد له نفس مميزات النبي موسى! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الثاني

Mary in the Bible and in the quran
to compare the character of Mary (Maryam (as)) both in the biblical text and in the Koranic text.

that the Koranic text gives much more consideration to the character of Mary than the biblical text.

Mary in the Bible
- A very unflattering portrait of Mary is drawn;
- Doubt as to the accusation of adultery hovers throughout the 4 Gospels;
- The biblical Jesus obviously does not respect his mother by calling her "woman";
- The mother-son relationship between them is not a model for humanity;
- Her name appears less than 30 times (includes quotes: "the virgin", "the mother of the Lord", "the mother of Jesus" and "Mary"). 25 times in Jesus' childhood (as) and his beginning of ministry, after she almost completely disappears, she, "the mother of God" (sic!) According to Christians;
- Paul does not even mention it once in all his writings nor the Gospel according to Mark (which is the oldest, however, the most primitive of the 4 Gospels

Worse yet, Christians follow Paul throughout their lives and not the teaching of Jesus (as). Paul does not even mention the name of Mary (as) in his writings despite being the most prolific author of the New Testament. Not even a small verse on it!

It is therefore in consternation that we can say that the holy book of Christians, inspired by the Holy Spirit, let us remember, paints a very calamitous portrait of Mary.

On the Koranic side:
- Mary is elected "above the women of this world";

Mary, who is moreover a Jewess, above the women of this world. Is there a more convincing tribute than this?

- The doubt as to the accusation of adultery is removed without the slightest ambiguity by the miracle of the baby Jesus (as) who clears his mother;
- God recommended to Jesus (as) kindness towards his mother;
- The relationship he maintains with his mother is filled with love and joy;
(which is absolutely not the case in the Gospel text).

Mary has a privileged place in Islam, a Sura even bears her name (Sura 19 - Maryam), recounting at the same time her story. There is no chapter in the whole Bible that is dedicated to Mary. The name of Mary appears much more often in the Koranic text (34 times + 1 time in Sura title) than in the biblical text (less than 30 times)

Now let's stop for a moment and ask ourselves a few questions:

Isn't it strange that the "evil Islamic spirit" has given Mary much more glory in the Qur'an than has the "Holy Ghost" of Christians in the Bible? Was it really the Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible? Would it not rather be an "evil" -Holy Spirit?

لماذا تم تعميد يسوع؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي

الضربة القاضية! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحيين

الطاقة وهبتنا الحياة! منصور في حوار مع ملحد

أوامر الرب - الحمدلله علي نعمة الإسلام

أعطني دليلاً على ما تؤمنين به! هاشم في حوار مع امرأة مسيحية

تعلم الإنجليزية (من القرآن سورة الفاتحة )

لماذا أحرق عثمان المصاحف؟ | منصور في حوار مع مسيحي متعجرف

أحاديثكم دُونت بعد مئتي سنة | منصور في حوار مع مسيحي متعجرف

1_2 مبشر مسيحي يستخدم أسلوباً غريباً _ هاشم في حوار مع مبشر مسيحي

لماذا تقرؤون القرآن كالغناء" رجل يسأل الأخ منصور عن القرآن و اللغة العربية | ركن الخطباء مترجم


Many Christians quote this verse and they also quote john 10:31-33 to support their argument such as:

“Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. “

The Christians stop at verse 33 and say that here Jesus claimed to be God and hence the jews started stoning him.

When we read the very next verse after john 10:33, Jesus Christ himself responds to to this misunderstanding of Jews (and some christians today).

Many Christians do not quote the next verse which gives jesus's response to the jewish claim that he was claiming to be God, and in this verse jesus denies their accusation that he claimed to be god.

Tthe jews accused jesus of claiming divinity and the christians also say that jesus was making this assertion and claim but jesus clearly denies this in John 10:34-36

Let's see jesus's response to their accusation.

John 10:34-36 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

In reply to the jews accusation Jesus replies by quoting Psalms 82:6 "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." In other words jesus is telling them that if your own book calls you as God , why are you accusing me when i only said i'm a son of god? You are called Gods n i'm only saying i'm a son of God.

Jesus says i'm only calling myself son of elohim where as you are called elohim and if jesus really claimed divinity, what other accusation do the jews need to kill him?? this is more than what they want, infact there can be no reason greater than this, but rather they accuse him and condemn him because he claimed to be the messiah. The analogy is like a robber who robs a bank and also a coke tin and he is accused n imprisoned for the theft of the coke tin and not the bank robbery.

Moreover if jesus meant divinity by saying "i and the father are one" he would have used the word "heis" for "one" and not "hen", the word in john 10.30 is "hen" which means one in purpose not in status or person.


1 corinthians 3.8, where this same word "hen" is used and see how it is translated by NIB,NIV,NLT, NRS,

1Cor 3:8 The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose*, and each will receive wages according to the labor of each.

The greek that is translated as "have a common purpose" is the same word "hen"


Jesus does not mean the oneness that the christian thinks because the greek is "hen estin" which means "one we are" or "we are one"

Also if you say that jesus is God because he said that he was one with the father, then his disciples are also Gods or are in God head just as jesus because jesus uses the word one, only once as pertaining to him and God but uses it 5 times in relating the disciples with God.


John 17:11 "Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.

John 17:21 "that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.

John 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:

John 17:23 "I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

Is jesus praying that the 12 disciples including judas(the traitor) be taken into godhead? NO!!

He means that they may be one in purpose just as jesus and god are.

I hope this reply is sufficient for the christians.

Note One more thing here:

Many english translations translate verse 36 and have jesus refer to himself as “THE Son of God,” while in the greek text the definite article "the, i.e ho/thon" is absent , the greek has jesus calling himself as “A Son of God”, and not as “THE Son of God”. Refer to the ASV, ERV, NIV etc. which have excluded the word "the" or either its in brackets as in ASV. Now what can the translator do, to translate it correctly while not having jesus being called as "a" son?? they translate it as "i am god's son". Refer to NIV, ASV, DBY etc and YNG traslates it as “Son of God I am?”.

May Allah Guide Us All To The Right Track(AAMEEN)

Explain this bible verse ' I and My Father are one' Dr Zakir Naik #HUDATV

Does God rest?

The Bible says that: God had finished the work by the seventh day; so on the seventh day he rested, the seventh day is holy because on it God rested from all the work,

God had finished the work by the seventh day, so on the seventh day he rested

Genesis 2:2
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

The Lord abstained from work and rested.

Exodus 31:17

Expressions like tired, weak, or in need of rest and fatigue are among general practice of human beings. Fatigue is partially due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.

It is well known that balancing work and rest is the proper way to combat fatigue.

Researchers noticed the effect of Rest periods on productivity.

Post-exercise fatigue is the way you feel after typical enthusiastic exercises. Proper rest leads to improved performance of the muscles.

This is applicable for man and vertebrates but not for all the creatures.

Also, this is not applicable for some components inside our bodies.

Example of Non-Resting creatures:

Sciences say that many creatures do not rest at all e.g., the heart, the red cells, the white cells, the platelets, the Bacteria, the Fungi, the Sun etc

The Sun does not rest at all.

The heart does not rest at all.

The red cells, the white cells, the platelets do not rest at all.

Bacteria do not rest at all.

Fungi do not rest at all.
Now, the Question is:

How come that many creatures do not rest while the Almighty Creator Rest?

It is the Quran which answered this question more than 1400 years ago.

Does God rest in the Qur’an?

Now let us go to the Quran to Rest the Lord's case in respect to the question does the Lord Rest?

The Quran says: Rest assured, the god does not Rest and He never ever Rest

Allah is not like us.

No one is similar to Allah.

Surah 42:11

SHAKIR: the originator of the heavens and the earth; he made mates for you from among yourselves, and mates of the cattle too, multiplying you thereby; nothing like a likeness of him; and he is the hearing, the seeing

PICKTHAL: the creator of the heavens and the earth. he hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby he multiplieth you. naught is as his likeness; and he is the hearer, the seer.

YUSUFALI: (he is) the creator of the heavens and the earth: he has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does he multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto him, and he is the one that hears and sees (all things).

They dispute concerning Allah, and Allah is far beyond your thoughts and imaginations.

If we get tired, Allah does not.

If we rest, Allah does not

If we get sick, Allah does not

If we die, Allah does not

Surah 13:13

SHAKIR: and the thunder declares his glory with his praise, and the angels too for awe of him; and he sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom he pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and he is mighty in prowess

PICKTHAL: the thunder hymneth his praise and (so do) the angels for awe of him. he launcheth the thunderbolts and smiteth with them whom he will while they dispute (in doubt) concerning Allah, and he is mighty in wrath.

YUSUFALI: nay, thunder repeateth his praises, and so do the angels, with awe: he flingeth the loud-voiced thunder-bolts, and therewith he striketh whomsoever he will..yet these (are the men) who (dare to) dispute about Allah, with the strength of his power (supreme)!

Allah never ever rest.

Surah 50:38

SHAKIR: and certainly We Created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods and there touched us not any fatigue

PICKTHAL: and verily We Created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

YUSUFALI: We Created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us

1/2شتم من خلف الشاشة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الأول

2/2 النبي محمد له نفس مميزات النبي موسى! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الثاني

There is a simple answer......God did not "rest" as is commonly translated meaning in the English Language........when properly translated the Hebrew Word as used in Genesis 2:2 does not carry the literal English translation for rest due to tiredness or weariness. God is Omnipotent and is a Spirit and does not require physical rest.

"IN FACT" the first 2 uses of the Hebrew word "Shabbat" or "Shabbath" means...........CEASE, DESIST......not rest due to werriness....but simply STOPPED as per the actual content and subject matter of the entire passage. Read the Passages........God CREATED for 6 days then HE "stopped" creating on the 7th day. Why 7? 7 is the scriptural number for PERFECTION. God stopped creating when He deemed His creation "perfect". Within the context of Genesis 8:22 the word is used as such, "Day and night not shall not Sabbat.......CEASE" Giving a self definition of how the word is to be translated Genesis. God simply Ceased Creating.

The "Enhanced Strong's Lexicon" documents of the 71 times the word Sabbat or Sabbat is used in scripture.........47 of those times it is properly translated to mean STOP, CEASE........Sabbath of the 11 times it is used to represent "rest" it is Sabbath

Fact: There was no command to worship on the 7th day until the Law of Moses took effect. Anyone? Find one example of anyone using the 7th as a day of worship to keep Holy......anyone, before the Law of Moses took effect?

In fact the first record found in scripture as a command to worship on the Sabbath Day, 7th day, did not come until the time period when Israel was making an exist from Egypt (Ex. 16:4-5. 22-30)............that was a gap of time that covered about 2000 years of history found in Genesis before the 1st command to worship on the Sabbath. There is no such command found in the Covenant of Abraham and there is no record of anyone following such a command.

Read the passages in Ex. 16, it clear that Sabbath worship was something new to the people.

Its clear this command did not exist for their fathers .....i.e, the ancestors before the time of was a new command expressly for the people Moses was addessing in His time period, "The Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with 'us' (those during Moses' time), THOSE WHO ARE HERE TODAY, ALL OF US WHO ARE ALIVE." -- Deut. 5:3
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Isaiah 4:28 “The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.”

The correct view is this alongside what Islam says.

PICKTHAL: and verily We Created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

The importance of the sabath was a command of God almighty that Jews had to observe. It was not optional. Some tried to scheme and play with this and God was not happy, it was simply meant as obedience to God.

Actually the implication is quite clear. According to Exodus 31:17, not only did God rest on the seventh day, he rested to be refreshed.

Exodus 31:17:
"It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed"

This does indeed imply that God does tire according to that verse. Of course this is in conflict with common sense, and other Bible verses. A testament to the corruption of your scripture. Why don't you accept Islam then? :) You seem to agree that God does not need rest, but that part of the Bible disagrees with you.

Dr Zakir Naik Is there any mention of the 'seven day' weekly cycle-order of creation in the Quran?

Proof from the bible that jesus is not a god #Dr Zakir Naik

Isaiah 4:28 “The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.”

The correct view is this alongside what Islam says.

PICKTHAL: and verily We Created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

The importance of the sabath was a command of God almighty that Jews had to observe. It was not optional. Some tried to scheme and play with this and God was not happy, it was simply meant as obedience to God.

Actually the implication is quite clear. According to Exodus 31:17, not only did God rest on the seventh day, he rested to be refreshed.

Exodus 31:17:
"It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed"

This does indeed imply that God does tire according to that verse. Of course this is in conflict with common sense, and other Bible verses. A testament to the corruption of your scripture. Why don't you accept Islam then? :) You seem to agree that God does not need rest, but that part of the Bible disagrees with you.

Dr Zakir Naik Is there any mention of the 'seven day' weekly cycle-order of creation in the Quran?

Proof from the bible that jesus is not a god #Dr Zakir Naik

Again.........point to any passage of scripture prior to Moses delivering the Mosaic Covenant and its command to worship on the Sabbath (Exodus 16:4-5, 22-30)......a time period documented in scripture to be about 2000 years of history from Genesis to Exodus. There is no record of anyone worshiping on the 7th day prior to the command from Moses.

Then you point to Exodus prove what? :dunno: The same term is used Sabbath........and it can and does mean to STOP, CEASE. God stopped creating....working on the 7th day. Its man that needs "Sabbath Rest" not the God of Creation who is a spirit. You are concluding that an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Spirit requires rest, like a man?

Read the entire text in its proper context that surrounds this passage. In Exodus 31:17. Who was the command for? It was for the Israelites..........not any Muslims or Gentiles. "A sign between ME (God) and THE ISRAELITES.......", alone just as Moses pointed out in Deut. 5:3

The actual record in scripture proves the point, the command to Sabbath Worship was never for the previous generations or ancestors of Moses' time period. -- Deut. 5:3 "The Lord (God) did not make this covenant with our fathers (ancestors), but with US (the Israelites, Biblical Israel), THOSE WHO ARE HERE TODAY (when? the day Moses 1st delivered the of which was to Keep the Sabbath Holy), ALL OF US WHO ARE ALIVE."

The scriptures point out that the Covenant was not for any other nation of peoples on earth, "......Or what great nation (other than Biblical Israel) is that that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law WHICH I (Moses) AM SETTING BEFORE YOU TODAY?" -- Deut. 4:8

The 10 commandments and Sabbath Worship were expressly for Biblical Israel.......not any other great nation on earth.
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“3 Tell them that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Cursed is the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant—’”” Jeremiah 3:11

“Those who forsake instruction praise the wicked,
but those who heed it resist them. . Proverbs 28:4

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

II Timothy 3 - Books 16-17

Here Paul was talking about the Old Testament because the New Testament had not yet been written.

Also, the New Testament does not contain anything about marriage laws (unlike the Old Testament). If a Christian claims that he does not follow the Old Testament, then in this case he has the right to marry his mother or sister because nothing in the New Testament forbids that!

Despite this, we find that Paul has a different special law
About the law of Christ and about the Jewish law, which is
The Sharia that is now followed by the Christians, and we mention some of his sayings
by which the law openly rejects, saying,

“17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

. And Jesus himself was very clear about the Old Testament, the prophets, and the primary laws
Jesus was very clear that he would not change any of the teachings of the laws in the Old Testament. Rather, he adds to that by saying that Christians have to follow these laws literally, until the Day of Judgment.

That was in the time of Christ
But now the Old Testament and the New Testament are corrupted

How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie (Jeremiah 8:8, quoted from the New American Standard Bible). Here the Prophet Jeremiah is scolding the Israelites that their corrupt scribes have made the Law of the Lord (that is the Torah) into a lie by their lying pen (that is the pen they used to change the verses). This proof in the Book, the People of the Book are carrying, clearly establishes that their Book has been corrupted by their own scribes.

Jesus own language of Aramaic, which is a Semitic language, an eastern language similar to Hebrew and Arabic. The original extant copies of the gospels are in Greek, a western language. Now there are four gospels, supposed to have been written by four of the disciples of Jesus: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Was Jesus quoting, from these Greek books, written many years after his disappearance when he was addressing his people? Certainly not! He was quoting from the Book he received from God, which was the original Bible in the language of his own people. The argument that God revealed his Bible to Jesus in Greek is like saying that God revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad in English!

So the original Gospel was not in Greek, it was in the language Jesus and his people spoke and understood. We have no record or evidence to indicate that; this original Gospel was written down by scribes under Jesus’s own supervision. I repeat: We have no original Gospel existing now as a single volume, in the original language. Every educated Christian must know this fact! (Those who are in doubt can go to the Jerome Biblical Commentary, or any authentic book by genuine scholars that deal with the subject. Nevertheless, missionaries give the impression that this is only a baseless charge by Muslims. Instead of the original Gospel, we have four books written by persons who are supposed to have been Jesus’s disciples. I say supposed,

because modern scholars who have done research on the subject, question the claim that these were the disciples of Jesus, in the first place. These four books called the Gospels are placed at the beginning of some 27 books, bound together into one volume, called The New Testament. Out of these 27 books, thirteen were written by a man called St. Paul. This Paul was not a disciple of Jesus, nor has Jesus met him, as he himself testifies. Modern Christians are ardent followers of St. Paul, even in cases where Paul clearly contradicts Jesus!

The Islamic request to Christians is for them to please follow Jesus, and not to follow Paul, who preaches a different gospel! The Islamic belief about the present Book, which the Christians use as the word of God, called the New Testament is that it is not the Gospel of Jesus mentioned in the Qur’an. Still, Muslims believe that the Gospels in the bible contain some teachings of Jesus, as well as the interpretations of the writers of those books, whoever they might have been.

Moses Jesus Muhammad (Zakir Naik)​

Allah the name of God

actually Allah is the name itself of The Most Supreme Creator, the Lord of the worlds which is also uniquely synonymous too since with this word Allah by all semetic religions (see video below for proofs) was referred only to the Creator of the worlds which did not need much explanation even to the pagan Arabs because they have been using right from the days of Prophet Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham who built the kaaba from 5000 years ago

As seen in this verse of Quran 29:61 which is addressed to the idolators and pagans of Arabia

“If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, " Allah ." Then how are they deluded?”

So this proves Allah was also synonymous but only to the Supreme power and not to other gods as they had many gods whom the pagans worshipped. The Quran sura 112 introduced Allah again to the pagans in the right precise sense since they had started to forget the pure nature of Allah that was taught to them by Prophet Abraham though they were using the name of Allah even before the coming of Quran since Prophets Muhammad ﷺ's father name was Abdullah or Servant of Allah. Another incident that substantiates this claim is when the incident of the year of the elephant took place the pagans stopped to worship all idols for about 7 years only worshipping Allah, the Lord of the Kaaba.

The name Abdullah means submission and servitude to allah alone

So that's why when some translate the Allah as God during shahada or testimony to embrace Islam they read as

“there is no God but Allah and Muhammad PBUH is Messenger of Allah “

And this verse from 17:110 also reiterates the same, note that Allah calls himself as Allah and not just ilah in this verse

“Say, "Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call - to Him belong the best names." And do not recite [too] loudly in your prayer or [too] quietly but seek between that an [intermediate] way.”

since the pagans did have many gods who they thought as powerful to save them help them but they also worshiped Allah whom they believed as the Ultimate Creator of the world. But still rebellious or idiotic enough to associate daughters to Allah whom they thought as Angels and partners to Allah the bogus statues of dead Saints. Since the word God in English can be misused to refer multiple gods or masculine or feminine ie Goddess etc Muslims call Allah to show that they mean the God of the pure Monotheist Prophet Abraham since the word Allah cannot be used in multiple sense nor refers any gender.

Elohim El, Elah, Alah
In the Bible, God is very often referred to as ‘Elohim’ in the Hebrew language. The ‘im’ in the ending is a plural of honour and God is referred to as ‘El’ or ‘Elah’ in the English Bible with commentary, edited by reverend C. I. Scofield. ‘Elah’ is alternatively spelled as ‘Alah’. The difference in spelling is only of a single ‘L’. Muslims spell Allah as ‘Allah’ while the Reverend has spelled it as Alah and they pronounce it as ‘Elah’. Muslims pronounce it as Allah. Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages therefore we say it should be pronounced as ‘Allah’ and not as ‘Elah’.

The video will show how Allah was used by all semetic religions.
Ahmed Deedat Answer - Where was the word 'ALLAH' lost by Jews and Christians?



A young man asks why the dress of Muslim women has not changed with the passage of time, like the rest of the religions || Amazing reply Dr. Zakir Naik

Death is often a frightening thought, but one that we should not be scared of. When you truly understand death you will no longer have to be scared of it.

When we are able to understand that Allah (SWT) made this Dunya (Arabic for the temporal world) a test for the believers and that this is not our real home; you will truly be able to find peace within your heart. You think that death is scary, but this Dunya is scarier. The reality of this Dunya is that we often excuse our poor behaviour of the neglection of Allah (SWT) due to our worldly responsibilities.

You may be thinking well what will happen after death in Islam . In Islamic tradition, the following is what occurs after an individual passes away. The occurrence is not always as you may expect, and it can strike you at any time whether you like it or not. Allah (SWT) sends his angel Azreal, known as the angel of death, to retrieve the soul from the human. After Allah (SWT) has instructed Azreal (AS) to take your soul, you are then declared dead in the world of the Dunya.

“Allah takes the souls at the time of their death.” 39:42, Holy Quran

After you have died, your family and Muslim community will conduct your Ghusl (full-body ritual purification) and then proceed to your Janazah (funeral prayer) which is a part of the Islamic funeral rituals. After this and many prayers, your body is then buried six-foot underground, alone and by itself.

After some time in your grave, you are then visited by two angels, known as Munkar and Nakir. They are assigned to test the faith of those dead within their graves. When they arrive, they sit you up in your grave and ask you the following: “Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet? And what is your faith?”.

When this is completed, you have been determined to either rest in peace until the day of judgement or you are severely punished by the angels until Allah (SWT) determines otherwise, until the day of resurrection. You will have now entered the stage of Barzakh, the veil or barrier which stands between two things that are not able to meet. You can easily interpret this stage as a waiting period until the day of judgement, a separation between the living and the hereafter.

“That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind. No! It is only a word he is saying, and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected.” – (23:100) the Holy Quran.

The stage of Barzakh is a world similar to this world, but different. The treatment and style of living they receive with the inter-space of Barzakh is a reflection of their deeds and actions performed in the Dunya. It is believed that if the individual was a firm and devout servant of Allah (SWT), they are expected to receive many pleasures during this middle stage. If they have committed many sins or are kafirs (disbelievers), they will face a hard time during this stage.

When Allah (SWT) commands this stage to be over, the day of resurrection will arrive and all of Allah's (SWT) creations will be brought before him to be judged.

Day of Judgement (Qiyamah)

It is not known to man when the day of judgement will occur, however, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told us the signs which will occur in preparation for this day. There are many minor and major signs which will indicate that the time is near. The most well-known of them will be the appearance of the Dajjal (False-Messiah) and the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) (AS).

The day, which will last 50,000 years, is a day in which Muslims spend their whole lives preparing for. All of mankind will come bearing the book of what they did within their lives; all their sins and good deeds will be judged by the ultimate judge.

The day of resurrection is the final test all of creation will have to face before they reach their final destination for eternity, whether that be hell or heaven. In Islam, we believe that we will all be resurrected according to the way we lived and the way we died. Whether that be in good deeds or sins, Allah (SWT) will bring you back to that state.

We pray that Allah (SWT) makes our journey across the Sirat (bridge) to paradise easy and prevents us from falling into the fires of hell.

You have the opportunity before it is too late to seek the right path

God says in the Qur'an

(85) And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.

Cardiac arrest and brain Death, Dr Zakir Naik

What Happens to a Person After Death? - Dr Zakir Naik

Life After Death in Hinduism and Islam - Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth in Hinduism - Zakir Naik

Is there any Sign or has anyone Seen After a Person Dies, whether he goes to Heaven or Hell?

very cool

لو صفعت منصراً هكذا فهل سيدير لي خده الآخر؟ - ش. عثمان بن فاروق

من حياة العصابات والمخدرات إلى أشهر داعية في أمريكا - قصة ش.عثمان بن فاروق


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