Translating the doublespeak from liberals

Liberals know that their agenda isn't popular with the majority ...

Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.

The liberals at our founding were called Quislings.

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
Do all of you Teabaggers really believe the shit that you write?

It's like science denial, if they say it is or isn't true, that's "proof", regardless of the evidence based in this reality.

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