Transgender Activist Gets Owned By Conservative Patriot Lauren Witzke


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Blaire White, a transgender American YouTuber with over 942,000 subscribers, appeared on a conservative panel discussion to talk about the “radical left”. The discussion quickly devolved after White started discussing LGBT+ issues. “I don’t know how much you know about me, but I’m probably the most vocal anti-children transitioning person on the internet,” White said. Witze interjected and said: The best thing you can do for us is grow out your moustache and tell people not to live like you.” The moment was so unforeseen that even Borysenko appeared shocked by Witze’s statements.

White has insisted that conservatives accept her more than other LGBT+ people do. In part of the Yahoo “Unfiltered” video series, White claimed it was harder to come out as right-wing than as a trans person. Witze previously ran as the Republican Senate candidate in Delaware and was linked to the QAnon movement."

Wow, that tranny got owned so bad by Lauren......and Lauren is right; why should any true conservative be forced to pretend to respect these LGBTQ freaks just for the sake of votes?? She rightfully put that fake Trump supporting tranny in her/his place.

To add context to this discussion; Witzke not only is a failed Senate candidate, QAnon supporter and Christian fascist -- she is also a former heroin addict who use to smuggle drugs for Mexican cartels. Also among the participants in this discussion was a one John Doyle; an aspiring alt-right Neo-Nazi who is pissed that people think this country is supposed to be for equality instead of it being a country built on racial hierarchy. These are the folks whose approval people like Blaire White chooses to sells out for..well that and most of all, for money....and they are willing to take any kind of abuse from those "conservatives" in order to continue the grift.
The guy in the video was trying to say that he opposed sex changes for children

but the women were not listening
The term "Phobic" indicates a mental condition and lefties have hijacked it to promote all sorts of perversions. Americans have a 1st Amendment right to their opinion about bizarre behavior and threats to the welfare of their children. If lefties want to call it "phobic" it might indicate a mental condition on their part.

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