Traitors of a feather, Bush & McCain, flock together to destroy America from within

IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Those types wont being paying any taxes. And make the penalties for hiring em so sever no one will risk it.
Problem solved.
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Those types wont being paying any taxes. And make the penalties for hiring em so sever no one will risk it.
Problem solved.

"Those types" won't be paying taxes?
I'm wondering what data you have to support such a claim. I'l be happy to look at what you can produce.

As to tough penalties for employers, they tried that. It didn't work at all. So I don't advocate trying something that has already failed,
So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Those types wont being paying any taxes. And make the penalties for hiring em so sever no one will risk it.
Problem solved.

"Those types" won't be paying taxes?
I'm wondering what data you have to support such a claim. I'l be happy to look at what you can produce.

As to tough penalties for employers, they tried that. It didn't work at all. So I don't advocate trying something that has already failed,

Min wage workers wont be paying taxes.
And the only reason it didnt work is lack of enforcement and stiffer penalties.
Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Those types wont being paying any taxes. And make the penalties for hiring em so sever no one will risk it.
Problem solved.

"Those types" won't be paying taxes?
I'm wondering what data you have to support such a claim. I'l be happy to look at what you can produce.

As to tough penalties for employers, they tried that. It didn't work at all. So I don't advocate trying something that has already failed,

Min wage workers wont be paying taxes.
And the only reason it didnt work is lack of enforcement and stiffer penalties.

Ok, well I respect your right to your own opinions. In my opinion the data clearly does not support your opinions, but if you can provide me with some data, I'll be happy to take a look at it with an open mind.

btw - if you think all illegals are here making minimum wage, I think you need to do some research. I think you will be surprised. But don't take my word for it look into yourself, that way you'll have some ownership in what you find out.

I believe your position is based on misinformation - feel free to prove me wrong if you can.
They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Those types wont being paying any taxes. And make the penalties for hiring em so sever no one will risk it.
Problem solved.

"Those types" won't be paying taxes?
I'm wondering what data you have to support such a claim. I'l be happy to look at what you can produce.

As to tough penalties for employers, they tried that. It didn't work at all. So I don't advocate trying something that has already failed,

Min wage workers wont be paying taxes.
And the only reason it didnt work is lack of enforcement and stiffer penalties.

Ok, well I respect your right to your own opinions. In my opinion the data clearly does not support your opinions, but if you can provide me with some data, I'll be happy to take a look at it with an open mind.

btw - if you think all illegals are here making minimum wage, I think you need to do some research. I think you will be surprised. But don't take my word for it look into yourself, that way you'll have some ownership in what you find out.

I believe your position is based on misinformation - feel free to prove me wrong if you can.

Wait...I thought they were doing jobs Americans wont do?
If these are such great jobs dont you think those should go to American citizens?
I mean personally I dont care as I'm retired and have no children. But if I was in the job market or had kids I'd be pissed.
I watched machine shops go from 5% to 80% hispanic in twenty years. So yes I know they take jobs from Americans.
But I'll promise you there will be plenty of em after those fifteen buck an hour MickyD jobs. Damn...there goes another job loss for the liberal slacker,the teenager and the old retired lady trying to supplement her SS.
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

What is Jeb Bush’s policy dealing with 20 million illegal entrants?

What I and every Patriotic American concerned with the general welfare of the United States expects from a presidential candidate is to make it very, very uncomfortable for those who have invaded our borders to remain here. Question is, will Jeb Bush agree with the following policy which deals with 20 million illegal entrants who are causing devastating financial and social effects in the United States?

When caught, illegal entrants ought to be put in jail for a year doing hard labor [fixing our roads, painting our bridges, etc., to pay for their room and board while in jail] and then deported, and then never allowed to enter our country again ___ even on the back of the line.

Additionally, those who are caught hiring illegal entrants ought to be severely fined the first time and then put in prison for any additional offenses with their business being confiscated and sold at public auction.

Finally, the children of illegal entrants should not be allowed to enjoy any public benefits or privileges such as attending a state's public school system, food stamps, drivers licenses, work permits, etc.,.

Adopt the above policy and self-deportation will begin immediately!

Want to know if Jeb Bush is a patriotic American or a stooge embraced by our global government crowd and the Chamber of Commerce, then ask him if he will adopted to above policy


Hey Jeb Bush, what part of the President’s sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?
IMHO: Bush's stance on immigration is one reason he leads in the GOP polls right now. I know it prompted me to start looking a little more closely at him.

So you're in favor of amnesty.

Pure amnesty, nope. I think any "path to citizenship" should include some penalty for breaking our laws in the first place.

They can all go back to mexico and get in line like legal immigrants and feel fortunate that we let em come back at all.

Yes, they COULD.

They also COULD just stay underground and continue to enjoy the same level of services without contributing the same level toward funding those services.

Not if those who employ them are fined and put in jail for a second offense, Not if these illegal entrants when caught are put in jail for a year at hard labor to pay for their room and board while in jail. Not if illegal entrants and their children are not allowed to enjoy any public benefits or privileges such as school, drivers licenses, any form of welfare, etc. Not if our politicians enact laws to encourage them to leave and reenter in compliance with our laws! Unfortunately Jeb open-borders Bush is not the man to effectively deal with illegal entrants!


Support for Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's immigration tyranny!
I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:

After all that theater and faux outrage by the GOP over Obama's EO, and the jettisoning of Eric Cantor by the bigots in his district over immigration reform, I bet your faces will be priceless.
"Look. We just have to keep the rubes in the dark about amnesty until the Election. Now get out there and look mad about the EO."
Say no to Jeb Bush – Florida’s con artist

SEE: Jeb Bush and Tenet Healthcare Corp.

December 20, 2014

”Jeb Bush left the Florida governor’s office in January of 2007, after eight years of service. Three months later, he joined the board of a hospital company that had been pillaging government health programs and abusing patients, in Florida and around the country, for most of the years he sat in the governor’s office.”

The Republican Party does not need another con artist in the White House!


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.
Liberal America needs to be destroyed. Whether internally or by external attack doesn't matter.
Let's see anyone with an R behind their name try to win anything without the conservative vote, won't happen. Jeb may as well save his energy and money.
Let's see anyone with an R behind their name try to win anything without the conservative vote, won't happen. Jeb may as well save his energy and money.

Jeb Bush is a fan of the NAFTA which is not in America's best interests!

Jeb Bush is a big fan of the NAFTA which is fraudulently referred to as “free trade”. In fact the NAFTA deal is about managed trade which is managed by a group of individuals who are not elected by the American people; who have no allegiance to America or any nation; and their only guiding principle is their bottom line profits, regardless of how it affects the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.

Keep in mind Congress has been delegated the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations. The NAFTA, which Jeb Bush supports subjugates Congress’s [the people’s elected representatives], delegated power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and allows an un-elected group to take over, a majority of whom are foreigners, and who make arbitrarily binding decisions concerning America’s commerce with Canada and Mexico see Establishment of Binational Panels

This kind of crap which Jeb Bush supports is forbidden by our Constitution, is the brainchild of our “global governance crowd”, and interferes with the People’s elected representative’s delegated power to adopt trade policy which is in the best interests of America and her Citizens.


In addition and with reference to Jeb Bush, see: $491 million NAFTA rail deal


A $491 million public-financing deal promoted by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as a boon to commuters actually paves the way for shipping more cheap goods from China to the North American marketplace, charges a whistleblower.

Seem as though the Bush family is once again drooling over the prospects of joining in on the power to financially screw the American people which our existing Republican Party Leadership is now doing under John Boehner.


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's immigration tyranny!


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