Train riders held up phones as woman was raped, police say

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A man charged with raping a woman on a commuter train just outside of Philadelphia harassed her for more than 40 minutes while multiple people held up their phones to seemingly record the assault without intervening, authorities said.

More than two dozen train stops passed as the man harassed, groped and eventually raped the woman, the police chief for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority said at a news conference Monday.

Police do not believe a single witness on the train dialed 911. They are investigating whether some bystanders filmed the assault.

Both the man and woman got on the train at the same stop Wednesday night in North Philadelphia. Officers pulled the man off of the woman at the last stop. They responded within about three minutes of a 911 call from a transportation authority employee, authorities said.

“What we want is everyone to be angry and disgusted and to be resolute about making the system safer,” SEPTA Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III said at the news conference.

Arrest records show Fiston Ngoy, 35, was charged with rape and related offenses.

The affidavit of arrest for Ngoy detailed times of the assault, including that during those 40 minutes the woman appears to repeatedly push Ngoy away.

Ngoy, who listed his last address as a homeless shelter, remained in custody on $180,000 bail. His initial court appearance is scheduled for Oct. 25. Court records show he had not requested a public defender as of Monday.

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What has America come to?
This is hardly a new problem

Murder of Kitty Genovese - Wikipedia

Since the 1960's, rape prevention strategies advised women to yell, "Fire" to bring assistance rather than "Help".

Studies showed that people will ignore a call for help from a stranger but will come immediately to see a fire.

Seems crimes like this will soon be a spectator sport. Why no one tried to stop this is astounding?
Actually there were no spectators to the Genovese rape and murder. People heard her screams and did not respond.
In this case people actually stood around and watch it happen in real time.
You have to wonder if this guy will be released on his own recognizance in Philadelphia?
This is happening in a lot of Blue Plantation cities.
If there are no laws in Philadelphia restricting carrying a gun, this woman should have had one in her possession, and should have used it. If there are any laws restricting the carrying of a gun, then the city of Philadelphia would be to blame.
^^^ Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but if the rapist isn't armed, could the rape victim then be charged for anything that is done in self defense?

God bless you always!!!

If she was being harassed for forty minutes. so then why she didn't called the police?
Everyone carries a phone in these days. And by dialing 911 can scare off the predator and so why she didn't tried to call the police?
I can understand if the rapist was someone like Bill Clinton that she would know that the police aren't going to help her. But a homeless guy without a weapon.

But after what was going on during Pres. Trump's administration. That Law enforcements were allowing illegal activities to go unpunished. That the public don't have any respect for the public officials anymore.

If she was being harassed for forty minutes. so then why she didn't called the police?
Everyone carries a phone in these days. And by dialing 911 can scare off the predator and so why she didn't tried to call the police?
I can understand if the rapist was someone like Bill Clinton that she would know that the police aren't going to help her. But a homeless guy without a weapon.

But after what was going on during Pres. Trump's administration. That Law enforcements were allowing illegal activities to go unpunished. That the public don't have any respect for the public officials anymore.

She should have shot the scumbag. Killed him.
This is hardly a new problem

Murder of Kitty Genovese - Wikipedia

Since the 1960's, rape prevention strategies advised women to yell, "Fire" to bring assistance rather than "Help".

Studies showed that people will ignore a call for help from a stranger but will come immediately to see a fire.
that was much different .....not the same,
not on a train-which is a very public spot
0 dark thirty hours
...I do agree though, that people will ignore crimes being committed
Phones have made people disconnected from reality. It's like something isn't actually happening if you're watching it through your phone.

I saw an interview with Tom Savini, the special effects legend, he was a combat photographer in Vietnam. He said looking at all the horrible stuff be saw through a lens made it easier to deal with.

Few years ago i saw Ghost live and I was surprised how many people spent the whole show recording it and watching it through their phone. Sure I took maybe 10 pics or so but I still wanted to watch it for myself.
A man charged with raping a woman on a commuter train just outside of Philadelphia harassed her for more than 40 minutes while multiple people held up their phones to seemingly record the assault without intervening, authorities said.

More than two dozen train stops passed as the man harassed, groped and eventually raped the woman, the police chief for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority said at a news conference Monday.

Police do not believe a single witness on the train dialed 911. They are investigating whether some bystanders filmed the assault.

Both the man and woman got on the train at the same stop Wednesday night in North Philadelphia. Officers pulled the man off of the woman at the last stop. They responded within about three minutes of a 911 call from a transportation authority employee, authorities said.

“What we want is everyone to be angry and disgusted and to be resolute about making the system safer,” SEPTA Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III said at the news conference.

Arrest records show Fiston Ngoy, 35, was charged with rape and related offenses.

The affidavit of arrest for Ngoy detailed times of the assault, including that during those 40 minutes the woman appears to repeatedly push Ngoy away.

Ngoy, who listed his last address as a homeless shelter, remained in custody on $180,000 bail. His initial court appearance is scheduled for Oct. 25. Court records show he had not requested a public defender as of Monday.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What has America come to?

The white woman was raped by a black, all witnesses were black and laughed about.
It's a race war and white genocide
The white woman was raped by a black, all witnesses were black and laughed about.
It's a race war and white genocide

Filthydelphia has always been inhabited by cannibalistic blacks!! :blsmile:

Even an ex-mayor who was black, Wilson Goode, had to burn some of those MF'ers out!!

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