Tougher Questions for the Candidates.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
From the NY Times:

1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?
2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?
3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?
4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?
5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?
6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?
7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?
8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?
9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Bill Keller Asks Candidates About Religion -

This needs to happen before the General election.
There are a lot more important problems than religion to worry about. Sure our First Amendment is important, but there are more pressing problems at hand.

We have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. Ensure a strong national defense, prevent the spread of communism in Central America, work for a Middle East peace settlement, prevent US military involvement overseas. We have to ensure that America is a respected world power. Now that’s not to belittle our domestic problems, which are equally important, if not more. Better and more affordable long-term care for the elderly, control and find a cure for the AIDS epidemic, clean up environmental damage from toxic waste and pollution, improve the quality of primary and secondary education, strengthen laws to crack down on crime and illegal drugs. We also have to ensure that college education is affordable for the middle class and protect Social Security for senior citizens plus conserve natural resources and wilderness areas and reduce the influence of political action committees.

But economically we’re still a mess. We have to find a way to hold down the inflation rate and reduce the deficit. We also need to provide training and jobs for the unemployed as well as protect existing American jobs from unfair foreign imports. We have to make America the leader in new technology. At the same time we need to promote economic growth and business expansion and hold the line against federal income taxes and hold down interest rates while promoting opportunities for small businesses and controlling mergers and big corporate takeovers.

But we can’t ignore our social needs either. We have to stop people from abusing the welfare system. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights while also promoting equal rights for women but change the abortion laws to protect the right to life yet still somehow maintain women’s freedom of choice. We also have to control the influx of illegal immigrants. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values and curb graphic sex and violence on TV, in movies, in popular music, everywhere. Most importantly we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.
From the NY Times:

1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?
2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?
3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?
4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?
5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?
6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?
7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?
8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?
9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Bill Keller Asks Candidates About Religion -
This needs to happen before the General election.

I was waiting for some idiot to post this.

Rick Santorum is a Catholic, we all know how radical Catholics are,
Michelle Bachmann is Lutheran, another group of radicals.
Rick Perry is a Methodist, more radicalism.

I have never seen such a radical group of candidates in history.

Tell me something, why didn't you demand answers to these questions from Obama?
From the NY Times:

1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?
2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?
3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?
4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?
5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?
6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?
7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?
8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?
9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Bill Keller Asks Candidates About Religion -
This needs to happen before the General election.

I was waiting for some idiot to post this.

Rick Santorum is a Catholic, we all know how radical Catholics are,
Michelle Bachmann is Lutheran, another group of radicals.
Rick Perry is a Methodist, more radicalism.

I have never seen such a radical group of candidates in history.

Tell me something, why didn't you demand answers to these questions from Obama?

And there's two Mormons :shock:
I can't see much of anybody honestly answering them, though.

I can't see any reason to ask them. Unless, that is, you thought that Obama needed to explain being a member of Jeremiah Wright's church for years was relevant. Do you have a problem with Black Liberation Theology and its version of Christianity on the world through government fiat? If not, you have no business questioning anyone else about their beliefs.
from the ny times:

This needs to happen before the general election.

i was waiting for some idiot to post this.

Rick santorum is a catholic, we all know how radical catholics are,
michelle bachmann is lutheran, another group of radicals.
Rick perry is a methodist, more radicalism.

I have never seen such a radical group of candidates in history.

Tell me something, why didn't you demand answers to these questions from obama?

and there's two mormons :shock:

god forbid!!
From the NY Times:

1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?
2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?
3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?
4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?
5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?
6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?
7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?
8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?
9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Bill Keller Asks Candidates About Religion -

This needs to happen before the General election.

As a Ron Paul supporter of course I support these questions... RP would destroy the racist control freak Obama. While Obama tries to talk himself out of corners RP would just answer the questions dead on and the masses would see how awesome RP is and how big of a dip shit Obama is.

RP is more supportive through policy of gay marriage than Obama for the record…
1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?


2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?

3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?

Yes. You never allow Godless Marxists Cocksuckers to hold political office

4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?

Dumb question.

5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?

A. Yes. B. Absofuckinglutely

6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?

Do you wear kneepads when you suck Obama's dick?

7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?

No idea, next dumb question.

8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?

Liberal haven't evolved

Yes I believe that we should teach how fundamentally stupid Libs are

9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Here's a list of question that should be asked of every candidate:

1) How did you get the money you have now?
2) What policies of yours have been notable failures and what will you do to reverse them?
3) How much has radical theory influenced your thinking?
4) If you were a Founding Father, what other things would you like in the Constitution?
5) Would you appoint a capitalist to any position in your administration?
Here's a list of question that should be asked of every candidate:

1) How did you get the money you have now?
2) What policies of yours have been notable failures and what will you do to reverse them?
3) How much has radical theory influenced your thinking?
4) If you were a Founding Father, what other things would you like in the Constitution?
5) Would you appoint a capitalist to any position in your administration?

Rick Perry has been on the Public Payroll for about 30 years...he's a multi millionaire by almost all accounts. Nothing to see there...move along. Must have made all of that while he was a Democrat; right?
These questions are far from the most important ones to ask candidates, and perhaps they aren't even fair. Still, I'd like all the candidates to answer them. The real problem isn't candidates getting asked unfair questions, it's candidates refusing to answer relevant ones.
1. Do you believe Keynesian actually works? Are you a moron? Can you show us one time when it worked?

2. Do you understand the Constitution limits the power of the Federal government?

3. Can you show us one city, state, country that has ever benefited from Progressive ideology?
Better questions.

1. What are your plans to increase jobs in the USA?
2. How woud you boost the economy in the USA?
3. Do you believe the USA should be the police force for the world and be into nation building?
4. What are yuou plans for dealing with immigratin issues?
5. Do you use a teleprompter?
6. How do we approach health care issues for those who cannot afford it?
From the NY Times:

1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?
2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?
3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?
4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?
5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?
6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?
7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?
8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?
9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

Bill Keller Asks Candidates About Religion -

This needs to happen before the General election.

So now RELIGION is important to you? It certainly didn't matter to you that you supported a community organizer that was a 20 year member of a racist-separatist church--who's pastor was screaming:

GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama - YouTube

And NOW you want "tougher" questions to be "asked" of GOP candidates--when the left wing media in this country threw Barack Obama soft balls--and literally went out of their way to NOT ask any TOUGH questions of him during his campaign.

YEAH right--:lol:
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Every time a candidate espouses a piece of legislation or an Executive act, the candidate should explain (1) precisely how (s)he will pass/accomplish the legislation/act, and (2) justify its constitutionality.
Better questions.

1. What are your plans to increase jobs in the USA?
2. How woud you boost the economy in the USA?
3. Do you believe the USA should be the police force for the world and be into nation building?
4. What are yuou plans for dealing with immigratin issues?
5. Do you use a teleprompter?
6. How do we approach health care issues for those who cannot afford it?

That's the first mostly reasonable thing I've seen you write.
Those are the issues of this campaign. Not what church someone goes to.
1. Is it fair to question presidential candidates about details of their faith?


2. Is it fair to question candidates about controversial remarks made by their pastors, mentors, close associates or thinkers whose books they recommend?

3. (a) Do you agree with those religious leaders who say that America is a “Christian nation” or “Judeo-Christian nation?” (b) What does that mean in practice?

Yes. You never allow Godless Marxists Cocksuckers to hold political office

4. If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it? Has that happened, in your experience?

Dumb question.

5. (a) Would you have any hesitation about appointing a Muslim to the federal bench? (b) What about an atheist?

A. Yes. B. Absofuckinglutely

6. Are Mormons Christians, in your view? Should the fact that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons influence how we think of them as candidates?

Do you wear kneepads when you suck Obama's dick?

7. What do you think of the evangelical Christian movement known as Dominionism and the idea that Christians, and only Christians, should hold dominion over the secular institutions of the earth?

No idea, next dumb question.

8. (a) What is your attitude toward the theory of evolution? (b) Do you believe it should be taught in public schools?

Liberal haven't evolved

Yes I believe that we should teach how fundamentally stupid Libs are

9. Do you believe it is proper for teachers to lead students in prayer in public schools?

By your answers you clearly have a problem with rectifying the constitution with vis-a-vis religious freedom. Why then, did you answer question 4 with "Dumb question."?

And, in my opinion, if candidates trot out social issues and their personal religious views, these questions should be asked and answered. If they stay on the secular path and do not campaign on social issues, these questions should be avoided as they are irrelevant and personally intrusive.
I can't see much of anybody honestly answering them, though.
That is because they are loaded mliberal questions designed for nothing other than a stumbling block for republican candidates. Yes=Christian nation, no=muslim to bench. Easy.

Not loaded at all.

And your own post illustrates the desire to inject religion into the government of the United States that is rampant in the Republican party.

If they are theocrats..they should be honest about it.

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