Torture In Israel

name caller,

You did not know that we are the Great Satan?

We speak of the specks in their eyes, while ignoring the log in our very own eyes

We are the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons, we used them against two civilian cities in WWII.

We fire bombed cities, killing hundreds of thousands, in Japan.

We used napalm in Europe, against civilians.

We set up our very own concentration camps for the Japanese in World War II.

We caused over 1 million to die in our war we started in Iraq, that is after we caused the deaths of millions with sanctions there.

We sent Saddam components to make chemical weapons with, and watched as he used them in wars with his enemies and against civilians in his own country, that is before we invaded his country.

I expect there is no nation in existence today that has caused as much death and destruction as we have.

So get off your horse and rub your face in the dirt, where all Americans belong, for all we have done, and sat in silence and watched our government do.

What we all deserve is to burn in hell.

May God forgive us and have mercy on our souls.


I won't even bother to balance the scale or provide you with some perspective, Sherri, as you clearly are way over the edge and thoroughly immersed in your hate for America and Americans. Allow me to suggest you put your money where your mouth is and get the fuck out. I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year. Surely you would be much happier in a place like that.


Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.

Bottom line, you are an ignorant whore that has been totally brainwashed by Islamic scum.

You lie down with dogs, you're gonna wake up with fleas.
You lie down with dogs you fall in with thieves
You're gonna catch something but you do as you please
You're scratchin' an itch that nothing can ease
You lie down with dogs you get up with fleas
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Confirmed Islamic slaughterof 270 million Kafirs. - Topix

Africa: Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died. Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. 120 million Africans

Christians: The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10]. A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:60 million Christians

Hindus: Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India.[Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.” 80 million Hindus. Buddhists: Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam); everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million.[David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.] 10 million Buddhists

BUT hey EVERYONE knows islam is being picked on and only you know the truth ---gag
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name caller,

You did not know that we are the Great Satan?

We speak of the specks in their eyes, while ignoring the log in our very own eyes

We are the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons, we used them against two civilian cities in WWII.

We fire bombed cities, killing hundreds of thousands, in Japan.

We used napalm in Europe, against civilians.

We set up our very own concentration camps for the Japanese in World War II.

We caused over 1 million to die in our war we started in Iraq, that is after we caused the deaths of millions with sanctions there.

We sent Saddam components to make chemical weapons with, and watched as he used them in wars with his enemies and against civilians in his own country, that is before we invaded his country.

I expect there is no nation in existence today that has caused as much death and destruction as we have.

So get off your horse and rub your face in the dirt, where all Americans belong, for all we have done, and sat in silence and watched our government do.

What we all deserve is to burn in hell.

May God forgive us and have mercy on our souls.


I won't even bother to balance the scale or provide you with some perspective, Sherri, as you clearly are way over the edge and thoroughly immersed in your hate for America and Americans. Allow me to suggest you put your money where your mouth is and get the fuck out. I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year. Surely you would be much happier in a place like that.


Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.

[ame=]Indian genocide - Killed 80 MILLION - YouTube[/ame]
I won't even bother to balance the scale or provide you with some perspective, Sherri, as you clearly are way over the edge and thoroughly immersed in your hate for America and Americans. Allow me to suggest you put your money where your mouth is and get the fuck out. I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year. Surely you would be much happier in a place like that.


Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.

[ame=]Indian genocide - Killed 80 MILLION - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ISLAM - YouTube[/ame]

Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.

[ame=]Indian genocide - Killed 80 MILLION - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ISLAM - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story- YouTube[/ame]

Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.

[ame=]Indian genocide - Killed 80 MILLION - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ISLAM - YouTube[/ame]

name caller,

There were not 80 million people killed in a genocide in India, there may have been 500,000 to 1 million killed. Here is a link to a Wikipedia article addressing genocides in history.

Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But if that were really true, 80 million killed in an Indian genocide, we should rename that the real Holocaust, as 80 million would be about 16 times the number of Jews Hitler killed.

Questioning kids trained and brainwashed by Jihadists is torture? That's what the US and NATO forces do in Iraq and Afganistan, all the time. Maybe if Muslims stopped using their kids and turning them into suicide bombers and ammunition, these actions would not be necessary.

But if you want REAL TORTURE OF KIDS,, take a look at what Muslims are doing. The stories that are coming out are truly horrific.

name caller,

You did not know that we are the Great Satan?

We speak of the specks in their eyes, while ignoring the log in our very own eyes

We are the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons, we used them against two civilian cities in WWII.

We fire bombed cities, killing hundreds of thousands, in Japan.

We used napalm in Europe, against civilians.

We set up our very own concentration camps for the Japanese in World War II.

We caused over 1 million to die in our war we started in Iraq, that is after we caused the deaths of millions with sanctions there.

We sent Saddam components to make chemical weapons with, and watched as he used them in wars with his enemies and against civilians in his own country, that is before we invaded his country.

I expect there is no nation in existence today that has caused as much death and destruction as we have.

So get off your horse and rub your face in the dirt, where all Americans belong, for all we have done, and sat in silence and watched our government do.

What we all deserve is to burn in hell.

May God forgive us and have mercy on our souls.


I expect there is no nation in existence today that has caused as much death and destruction as we have.

That's because you're a moron.
How many tens of millions did the Communist regimes kill in the last century?


Let's see some sources and numbers.

Global Research is among the really sleazy supermarket tabloid style News sites. 'What really happened' has a similar mission of posting outrageous material that seems to compete with the print tabloids such as the Star magazine and similar trash you find at the supermarket check out line.

It's telling that people are so willing to abandon their credibility by posting articles from trash websites.
You're not fooling anybody. When you have no argument, you discredit the source. Unfortunately for you, in order to do that, you have to make shit up.

It's far from a tabloid media outlet.

It's an independant, non-profit, so that's shoots your "bias" claim out of the sky.

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal. The CRG is a registered non profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada.
They're linked to many colleges and universities.

Global Research articles are used as source material by college and university students. Moreover, numerous universities, libraries and research institutions have established a link to Global Research on their respective web sites.
They're in the top 50 alternative news outlets.

Global Research is classified among the top 50 Alternative News Sources by World Newspapers and Magazines, Global Research is also recommended as a resource by the American Library Association (ALA).
They were voted best research website (something Fox will never win).

In 2008, Global Research and Professor Chossudovsky were awarded The First National Prize of the Mexican Press Club, for the "Best Research Website" at the international level.
This is a pretty aclaimed website.

In the course of the last few years, several Global Research authors have received awards for their writings.

Global Research has become one of the main alternative media websites in North America.

Source: Alexa. Global Research is ranked among the 15,000 most popular websites Worldwide and among the top 7000 in the US
You just don't like them because you can't argue against the claims in their reports.

BTW, the source of the report wasn't Global Research, it was DCI/Palestine. So all your post showed, was that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Bullshit, unfounded unsubstantiated accusations do not compose facts. Show some proof other than conspiracy sites for nutjobs like yourself or SHUT THE FUCK UP.

GROINLESS-BOY. ha ha ha!
I already showed my proof. Just because you don't care for the website, doesn't mean what I showed isn't proof. It just means, you don't like it. And that's not my problem.

You're problem is coming up with foul-mouthed comments to hide the fact you have no argument.
You gotta be pretty sick and full of hate to give validly to this site that makes these outlandish claims. Desperate times for Jew haters require desperate measures?
Prove they're "outlandish", instead of just shooting your big mouth off.

You keep calling me a "jew hater", even after you admitted to not having a clue as to why I would hate jews. I can tell, you enjoy thinking things for no reason.
Do you really expect people to believe 'Global Research' is an honest vendor of information?

Their contributors are all known for their extremely heavy bias and their penchant for presenting themselves as 'reporters' while they are avid 'activists'.
You're completely FOS.

Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttals.

How very droll..... because I suggested the individuals writing the article have a certain bias, you resort to foul language in an ad hom.

One surmises that "Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals" somehow exited via your fingers without having penetrated your brain. Or do you make up those rules for everyone else?

BTW: The many 'awards', etc which were listed may or may NOT be relevant to the writers' biases. Articles may be extremely well-written and still reflect a strong bias.

Incidentally, the articles I read through on that site to assess the 'bias' factor were oens which had no mention of the I/P conflict whatsoever....
How very droll..... because I suggested the individuals writing the article have a certain bias, you resort to foul language in an ad hom.

One surmises that "Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals" somehow exited via your fingers without having penetrated your brain. Or do you make up those rules for everyone else?

BTW: The many 'awards', etc which were listed may or may NOT be relevant to the writers' biases. Articles may be extremely well-written and still reflect a strong bias.

Incidentally, the articles I read through on that site to assess the 'bias' factor were oens which had no mention of the I/P conflict whatsoever....
Um....Global Research did not write the report. And the only reason to keep talking about this "bias" shit, is because you're unable to address any specific claim and prove it's wrong.
Are you trying to convince me that there is no bias in that article you produced?

The author has several years of experience in marketing research: he is neither an expert on international law nor a journalist. He freely describes himself as an 'activist', and so his 'articles' are not factual reports but a form of 'activism' or 'adovocacy' for a particular position and world view. I'm familiar with his views from reading other pieces he's written. And I do not agree with his basic underlying assumptions.

I have no respect for Lendman, nor his views, nor the organization which he relied upon for his source. My reasons for that lack of respect go back several decades, so it'd take some time for me to cover all the details.

But it really doesn't matter. I don't get the impression you are very interested at all in what anyone else actually thinks or feels. I may be mistaken - I seldom rule out that possibility!
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name caller,

You did not know that we are the Great Satan?

We speak of the specks in their eyes, while ignoring the log in our very own eyes

We are the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons, we used them against two civilian cities in WWII.

We fire bombed cities, killing hundreds of thousands, in Japan.

We used napalm in Europe, against civilians.

We set up our very own concentration camps for the Japanese in World War II.

We caused over 1 million to die in our war we started in Iraq, that is after we caused the deaths of millions with sanctions there.

We sent Saddam components to make chemical weapons with, and watched as he used them in wars with his enemies and against civilians in his own country, that is before we invaded his country.

I expect there is no nation in existence today that has caused as much death and destruction as we have.

So get off your horse and rub your face in the dirt, where all Americans belong, for all we have done, and sat in silence and watched our government do.

What we all deserve is to burn in hell.

May God forgive us and have mercy on our souls.


I won't even bother to balance the scale or provide you with some perspective, Sherri, as you clearly are way over the edge and thoroughly immersed in your hate for America and Americans. Allow me to suggest you put your money where your mouth is and get the fuck out. I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year. Surely you would be much happier in a place like that.


Perspective, does that wipe away all the lives we have taken?

Do we stand absolved of all guilt by that perspective you mention?

Bottomline, I think yoiu are afraid to face all we have done, and all your post is about is your fear.

Tell me to go away, then you do not have to look in the mirror and see who we Americans really are.

I want your hate, I will be Blessed and rewarded by God, when I am hated for speaking Truth.

And you, you will be judged on how you respond to Truth.


Sherri pumpkin, get over yourself. Really. "hated when speaking the truth"? no, if you're not appriciated by some is because your views are different, and your inner truth is different, too. You're not the Messiah, and it is not your job to fix the world, or fix others. If you feel complete with yourself and your life, good for you. Don't try coming here telling others that you know best and they are all wrong. Because surely your black and white world is not the pure truth, even if you think it is.
Global Research is among the really sleazy supermarket tabloid style News sites. 'What really happened' has a similar mission of posting outrageous material that seems to compete with the print tabloids such as the Star magazine and similar trash you find at the supermarket check out line.

It's telling that people are so willing to abandon their credibility by posting articles from trash websites.
You're not fooling anybody. When you have no argument, you discredit the source. Unfortunately for you, in order to do that, you have to make shit up.

It's far from a tabloid media outlet.

It's an independant, non-profit, so that's shoots your "bias" claim out of the sky.

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and media organization based in Montreal. The CRG is a registered non profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada.
They're linked to many colleges and universities.

They're in the top 50 alternative news outlets.

They were voted best research website (something Fox will never win).

In 2008, Global Research and Professor Chossudovsky were awarded The First National Prize of the Mexican Press Club, for the "Best Research Website" at the international level.
This is a pretty aclaimed website.

In the course of the last few years, several Global Research authors have received awards for their writings.

Global Research has become one of the main alternative media websites in North America.

Source: Alexa. Global Research is ranked among the 15,000 most popular websites Worldwide and among the top 7000 in the US
You just don't like them because you can't argue against the claims in their reports.

BTW, the source of the report wasn't Global Research, it was DCI/Palestine. So all your post showed, was that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Anyone can read the propaganda from the "about" section of that hack website. All you did was post that section of the webpage. Web based supermarket tabloids have never been associated with journalistic integrity. Neither has the National Inquirer which is the prototype for hack websites.

It's interesting that you find "popularity" as a distinguishing characteristic for that hach site. The Star magazine is popular too, at least among an audience we might describe as "less than discriminating".
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Anyone can read the propaganda from the "about" section of that hack website. All you did was post that section of the webpage. Web based supermarket tabloids have never been associated with journalistic integrity. Neither has the National Inquirer which is the prototype for hack websites.

It's interesting that you find "popularity" as a distinguishing characteristic for that hach site. The Star magazine is popular too, at least among an audience we might describe as "less than discriminating".
Hey, if universities and colleges use them as a preferred source, that's good enough for me. And the fact that you cannot address one specific claim and refute it, shows your full of shit.

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