Top Palestinian adviser admits conflict's all about Islam

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now that the Islamists admitted it, it is time to relocate all the people to their original countries of origin!

The Palestinian Authority and its allies long have insisted that the conflict in the Middle East boils down to a dispute over land.

If Israel would be willing to give up certain land and accept particular demands, peace could be achieved at last.

But a top adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has made it clear that Islam and its objective to establish the rule of Shariah, not only in the region but over the entire world, is at the heart of the matter.

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, regarded at the PA’s most important religious figure, said the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is not a political conflict but a “battle” between Islam and “the culture of Satan.”

Robert Spencer, the author of the newly published “The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS,” writes on his Jihad Watch blog that history shows the “enemies of Islam” are non-Muslims “who refuse to accept the hegemony of Sharia and the second-class status that acceptance would entail for them.”

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RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation
How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot?
RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation
How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot?
Say what you will about the conflict, but the religious madness that's plagued the "holy" land for millenia was not started by the U.S.
RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation
How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot?

How many?

RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation
How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot?

How many?

US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border
Published on Dec 15, 2011

RE: Top Palestinian Advisor Admits Conflict's All About Islam...
※→ The Purge, et al,

Of The 22 World Conflicts Around The World, 21 are Muslim...
...................................................................................--- Joseph Wouk
.................................................................................................... June 12, 2010


Is there a correlation here to be made?

So often, we are taught to suspect a correlation as a pointer cause. But as a investigator, I have learned to look at the number of coincidences, with a suspicious eye. Yes, 21 out of 22 is more than just a mere coincidence. But the relationship is a statistical and not developmentally human. (Number crunched prior to 2010)

If your street has 22 houses on it and 21 individual catch fire, you would kick the Incident Investigator right square in the ass if he had the gall to respond that there is NO CAUSE to believe there is a high probability of arson.

If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation very, very hard. Islam may not actually be the cause, but it may be the accelerant; making the conflict grow faster and out of control. It just may be the fuel that keeps it burning.

EXCERPT --- Research Article • Nils Petter Gleditsch and Ida Rudolfsen said:
In 2012, there were six armed conflicts with more than 1000 battle deaths. All of them took place within Muslim countries—in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Source: Are Muslim countries more prone to violence?
Research and Politics April-June 2016: 1–9 © The Author(s) 2016

Now I know that many people want "up-to-date information in a more reliable form. But before I give you that, I want you to remember that the older data applies more to the older conflict than it does in the following generations.

EXCERPT - Institute for Economics and Peace said:
It is notable that religion did not stand as a single cause in any conflict; however, 14 percent did have religion and the establishment of an Islamic state as driving causes. Religion was only one of three or more reasons for 67 percent of the conflicts where religion featured as a factor to the conflict.

Over time, by reviewing differing reports from different perspectives, you will see that the relationship between Islam and Conflict fluctuates from generation to generation. But make no mistake. There are significantly relevant relations always lurking in the background; Islam. Sometimes more prevalent and sometimes not so obvious, but in a significant number of armed conflicts around the world (not all), there is a tie to Islam.

Just an old man's observation.

Most Respectfully,
If you have 22 conflicts around the world and 21 of them have one thing in common (Islam), there might be a more than reasonable justification to look at the correlation
How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot?

How many?

US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border
Published on Dec 15, 2011

No relevant links. I was sure you would waffle and deflect as usual.

At least you're consistent, consistently ineffective.
There’s a wide swath of ummah’istan that tells us over and over this simple proscription: All islamist land, or dar al-Islam (the house or domain of Islam) is a waqf (endowment) from Allah, while infidel land, or dar al-Harb/Kufr (the house or domain of war/disbelief) is to be eventually conquered in the cause of establishing one worldwide khilafah, submissive to Allah's religion.

In Islam, the war of jihad is holy (although it is not seen as war by Moslems) because it is for the purpose of expanding muhammud's (swish) domain on Earth. It is commanded of the faithful, and it is a duty imposed on moslems. According to sharia, territories which are gained through jihad become waqf, and cannot thereafter be given up. They become, literally, an inseverable part of muhammud's (swish) dominion, for the sole welfare of Ummah’istan. If territories acquired by Islam are taken by conquering infidels, they must be retaken in jihad—today, tomorrow, sooner or later. It is a religious obligation. This is because what belongs to muhammud (swish) cannot be taken from those who are on Earth to serve Him. For this reason, Israel will never have peace with Moslems so long as Islam remains in its current, unreformed state. When Khalifah Omar took Jerusalem in 638 CE, he made the area which is now Israel an Islamic waqf. In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply a religious obligation to muhammud through the principle of waqf:

Most of us are astounded that there are those who would hold such ideological grudges over the course of millennia or use verses from a 1,400 year old text as a way to rationalize the wanton mass murder of women and children. Mass murderer is a fundamentally irrational act. Reason has no authority in irrationality at all, regardless of the perceived reliability of the source from which the supposed rationale derives.
There’s a wide swath of ummah’istan that tells us over and over this simple proscription: All islamist land, or dar al-Islam (the house or domain of Islam) is a waqf (endowment) from Allah, while infidel land, or dar al-Harb/Kufr (the house or domain of war/disbelief) is to be eventually conquered in the cause of establishing one worldwide khilafah, submissive to Allah's religion.

In Islam, the war of jihad is holy (although it is not seen as war by Moslems) because it is for the purpose of expanding muhammud's (swish) domain on Earth. It is commanded of the faithful, and it is a duty imposed on moslems. According to sharia, territories which are gained through jihad become waqf, and cannot thereafter be given up. They become, literally, an inseverable part of muhammud's (swish) dominion, for the sole welfare of Ummah’istan. If territories acquired by Islam are taken by conquering infidels, they must be retaken in jihad—today, tomorrow, sooner or later. It is a religious obligation. This is because what belongs to muhammud (swish) cannot be taken from those who are on Earth to serve Him. For this reason, Israel will never have peace with Moslems so long as Islam remains in its current, unreformed state. When Khalifah Omar took Jerusalem in 638 CE, he made the area which is now Israel an Islamic waqf. In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply a religious obligation to muhammud through the principle of waqf:

Most of us are astounded that there are those who would hold such ideological grudges over the course of millennia or use verses from a 1,400 year old text as a way to rationalize the wanton mass murder of women and children. Mass murderer is a fundamentally irrational act. Reason has no authority in irrationality at all, regardless of the perceived reliability of the source from which the supposed rationale derives.
It is interesting that with all of the Palestinian articles I have read, and all of the Palestinian videos I have seen, nobody has mentioned this stuff.
There’s a wide swath of ummah’istan that tells us over and over this simple proscription: All islamist land, or dar al-Islam (the house or domain of Islam) is a waqf (endowment) from Allah, while infidel land, or dar al-Harb/Kufr (the house or domain of war/disbelief) is to be eventually conquered in the cause of establishing one worldwide khilafah, submissive to Allah's religion.

In Islam, the war of jihad is holy (although it is not seen as war by Moslems) because it is for the purpose of expanding muhammud's (swish) domain on Earth. It is commanded of the faithful, and it is a duty imposed on moslems. According to sharia, territories which are gained through jihad become waqf, and cannot thereafter be given up. They become, literally, an inseverable part of muhammud's (swish) dominion, for the sole welfare of Ummah’istan. If territories acquired by Islam are taken by conquering infidels, they must be retaken in jihad—today, tomorrow, sooner or later. It is a religious obligation. This is because what belongs to muhammud (swish) cannot be taken from those who are on Earth to serve Him. For this reason, Israel will never have peace with Moslems so long as Islam remains in its current, unreformed state. When Khalifah Omar took Jerusalem in 638 CE, he made the area which is now Israel an Islamic waqf. In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply a religious obligation to muhammud through the principle of waqf:

Most of us are astounded that there are those who would hold such ideological grudges over the course of millennia or use verses from a 1,400 year old text as a way to rationalize the wanton mass murder of women and children. Mass murderer is a fundamentally irrational act. Reason has no authority in irrationality at all, regardless of the perceived reliability of the source from which the supposed rationale derives.
It is interesting that with all of the Palestinian articles I have read, and all of the Palestinian videos I have seen, nobody has mentioned this stuff.

It's not likely you will find "that stuff" in your goofy PressTV YouTube videos.
Originally posted by RoccoR
Islam may not actually be the cause

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You know you're reading the words of a total ignoramus who can't even find Palestine on a map of the Middle East when even die-hard zionists like RoccoR feel the need to disagree.
There’s a wide swath of ummah’istan that tells us over and over this simple proscription: All islamist land, or dar al-Islam (the house or domain of Islam) is a waqf (endowment) from Allah, while infidel land, or dar al-Harb/Kufr (the house or domain of war/disbelief) is to be eventually conquered in the cause of establishing one worldwide khilafah, submissive to Allah's religion.

In Islam, the war of jihad is holy (although it is not seen as war by Moslems) because it is for the purpose of expanding muhammud's (swish) domain on Earth. It is commanded of the faithful, and it is a duty imposed on moslems. According to sharia, territories which are gained through jihad become waqf, and cannot thereafter be given up. They become, literally, an inseverable part of muhammud's (swish) dominion, for the sole welfare of Ummah’istan. If territories acquired by Islam are taken by conquering infidels, they must be retaken in jihad—today, tomorrow, sooner or later. It is a religious obligation. This is because what belongs to muhammud (swish) cannot be taken from those who are on Earth to serve Him. For this reason, Israel will never have peace with Moslems so long as Islam remains in its current, unreformed state. When Khalifah Omar took Jerusalem in 638 CE, he made the area which is now Israel an Islamic waqf. In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply a religious obligation to muhammud through the principle of waqf:

Most of us are astounded that there are those who would hold such ideological grudges over the course of millennia or use verses from a 1,400 year old text as a way to rationalize the wanton mass murder of women and children. Mass murderer is a fundamentally irrational act. Reason has no authority in irrationality at all, regardless of the perceived reliability of the source from which the supposed rationale derives.
It is interesting that with all of the Palestinian articles I have read, and all of the Palestinian videos I have seen, nobody has mentioned this stuff.

“How many of these conflicts did the US not supply weapons and stir the pot? [It is interesting that with all of the Palestinian articles I have read, and all of the Palestinian videos I have seen, nobody has mentioned this stuff“].

Not at all surprising you would say this….. there HAD to be some other parties to blame .. i think it took time for the WORLD to get with the program about...supplying weapons to mentally deranged people and countries....i guess money $$$ ruled -- but -- at least some countries cut down a bit.....not too stupid and naïve anymore...

hopefully the u.s. bank/cash cow for the palestinian terrorists have ceased.

hope hamass is starving and thirsty now, terrorists who dabbled/dabbles in some of the worlds-worse acts of terrorism imaginable.

now, the whole world is always on red-alert because of islamic terrorism.

... this [subtle] BLAMING others for the actions of Islamic terrorists and what they do…..… beyond vomitus.

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