Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

and yet many canadians come to the US for healthcare

facts, learn them

False. Very few Canadians go to the US for health care. Studies indicate that nearly all of the Canadians who receive medical treatment in the US are people who were in the US either for business or on vacation, and while there, became ill.

The husband of one my dearest friends suffered a heart attack while he was in the US on business. They requested that he be stabilized and returned to Canada by air ambulance because they wanted him to be treated in Canada.

And yes, you will have to pry our health care from our cold dead hands because we will never give it up. Politicians have lost elections here because they messed with our health care.

Last but not least, Tommy Douglas, the man who originated our health care system, was recently named as the greatest Canadian who ever lived.

Let's see your response to this..
My friend is from Canada. His family resides in the GTA.
His half brother injured his knee. He visited his primary care doc. They looked at the knee which was swollen and stiff. He was given scrip for medication and an appointment for an MRI....In EIGHT weeks....
I was having what turned out to be migraines. I went to my primary care doc and my MRI appointment was done in THREE DAYS..And I don't lose half my wages to taxes.
The ONLY reason Canada's system has a prayer is because the population is so small.
1/10th that of the US...
Yours is that of the entitlement mentality. You don't care what you can get as long as someone else is paying for it.
In the end though, you ALL pay with confiscatory taxation.
Like it or not, your medical care is not 'free'...
And please, do not respond with "no one said it was free'...That's not even close to true.

Oh....Canadians are apparently staying away from medicine as a droves.
"And yet Canada desperately relies on foreigners to come in and beef up the scant supply of locally-trained physicians. We have never produced enough doctors to meet the health needs of the Canadian population. In fact, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced this week that Ottawa is pondering fast-tracking international medical graduates into the system to “respond to current and future shortages and across the spectrum of the labour market.” But as much as we appear to like the idea of importing doctors, once the newcomers reach our shores we don’t seem to have so much as a welcome mat ready for them."
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The objective evidence undermines the arguments of non-sustainability by Yurt and Meister against Canada and the USA's programs.

The fact remains that American free market systems failed the American people on this issue, and as such the free market system is being incorporated in a statist system.

Tuff that. GOP had twenty years to resolve it and made no effort to do so.

Tis what tis.

How is fixing the price of insurance a free market?

You're a far right reactionary. That's how.

That is non responsive. Dismissed.
Puppy, you can keep your doctor, it's your insurance plan that may not meet the criteria for coverage.

Meaning, you CANNOT keep your doctor...
Let's cut the bullshit, now.

Seawytch cut the bullshit?!? :lmao:

You might as well tell the human race to stop utilizing oxygen. Without bullshit, what else would an extreme partisan hack like seawytch have?

from the article:

The Affordable Care Act as written and passed would have protected the grandfathered plans for a longer period of time and with more freedom for adjustment, but the Obama administration filled out the Secretary Shalls in such a way as to make that much harder, if not basically impossible, to do.
All this reminds me of an old joke my union co-workers used to tell....

Harumphy the clown was doing a show at a children's birthday party.

"Hey kids, wanna see a magic trick?"

"Hooray!!!" (of course they did)

"Ok, I need an assistant. Billy, come up here and sit on my lap...."

"Alright Billy, does it feel like my thumb is up your ass?"

Billy, looking worried, replies "Y-Y-Yeah...."

Harumphy raises both thumbs into the air triumphantly and shouts "Ta-Da!!"

I think today's "clarification" of what Obama really meant by "you can keep your plan" was his version of "Ta-Da!"
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Puppy, you can keep your doctor, it's your insurance plan that may not meet the criteria for coverage.

Meaning, you CANNOT keep your doctor...
Let's cut the bullshit, now.

But here's the thing, you can't keep your doctor under the old system.

In the past 11 years, I've changed jobs once, but they've changed my insurance program six times and at one point fired me from a job because I ran up too many medical bills.
Don't get me wrong. I knew ObamaCare would not cause health care costs to go down. It was obvious.

But let's not pretend they haven't been rising for decades.

The GOP decided inaction was the best course.

So you were fucked no matter what, folks. Don't be angry at just one of them. Be angry at both.

Increasing Healthcare costs were the initial reason for the "Affordable" Care Act in the first place. The idea was to bring the rising costs under control, but the act fails miserably in this regard!
Don't get me wrong. I knew ObamaCare would not cause health care costs to go down. It was obvious.

But let's not pretend they haven't been rising for decades.

The GOP decided inaction was the best course.

So you were fucked no matter what, folks. Don't be angry at just one of them. Be angry at both.

Increasing Healthcare costs were the initial reason for the "Affordable" Care Act in the first place. The idea was to bring the rising costs under control, but the act fails miserably in this regard!


the extreme left and Papa Obama have lied about so much on this
-keep plan
-keep doctor
-costs go down $2500

how can the Americans believe anything, they say now
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How I understand it so far is that after your policy is dropped you will be offer a newer "better" policy. What hasn't been said (or I just haven't seen it) is how much the new policy on average will cost. EX: rate increase 30% 20% etc.....

I work for my family's company (as does all of my family) and my father just told me that when our health care comes up for renewal that our currant policy will be dropped. As a small business how much more is this going to cost us and as an individual how much will this cost me?

I'm not looking to start a fight I just want to know what other people have herd and are doing about this.

Further isn't going at health care from the side of insurance really the problem? If you wanted to lower the cost wouldn't you go after the "actual" cost of the treatments and drugs? Doctors can still charge for their services how they like but can we put a cap on things like x-rays and CT scans?

When last I got a mri it cost me 13k. I asked how much the hospital got the mri for and I was told around a million. I asked how many people they see in a given day and it was around 70. So do the math they get their money back in very little time but yet the cost always stays the same (if not increases).

I do understand maintenance cost and that of the operator than the radiologists. I also have a problem with the radiologists and how much they get paid for looking at a scan for 5min.

What i'm getting at is this: isn't there a better way to reduce the cost of health care making it more affordable for everyone?
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FACT-CHECKED: Hannity Causing Immediate Harm To Consumers

In a galling display of disregard for the public interest, Sean Hannity has been broadcasting provably false information on radio and TV about the Affordable Care Act. Salon’s “Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare” uncovered how he distorted the stories of three couples to imply that they were worse off under Obamacare’s new rules. In fact, the couples are now able to get more coverage for less money, but Hannity did not retract his report.

By last night, Hannity’s lies were corrected on the Rachel Maddow Show, in the Washington Post, Politico, Huffington Post, CNN (VIDEO), The Ed Show (VIDEO), and many other outlets. Hannity refuses to address any of the coverage calling him out for deceit.

But now Consumer Reports has also chimed in, correcting statements made by Hannity, The Hill and bloggers on as “not true.” Consumer Reports advised shoppers the best time to enroll in Obamacare was a few weeks off, while expected delays and glitches at are ironed out. Hannity took this out-of-context, squealing “Consumer Reports, Ann, they’re telling people, ‘stay away from the website!’” in a segment to Ann Coulter, when just the opposite was true. Consumer Reports has unequivocally endorsed the exchange as the best place to purchase health care.

Hannity’s misinformation forced the nation’s leading consumer reporting experts to release a statement correcting the record so Americans can get accurate advice for purchasing healthcare policies. How is this connected to the Tea Party “scorch everything” campaign we just witnessed? Read on …

FACT-CHECKED: Hannity Causing Immediate Harm To Consumers | MyFDL

I wish I could post the entire article here. Hope you righties will read it.

[MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION] - as always, spoon fed you propaganda and you swallowed it whole.

First and foremost, their position that "Hannity lied" is hysterical since their entire article is about the guests on Hannity. Well guess what genius - Sean Hannity cannot control what his guests say. So right here we have a glaring siren going off about left-wing propaganda - falsely blaming the host for the words of the guests.

Second, and more important, Salon here claims they called one man who doesn't even have enough employees to be bound by Obamacare and thus he lied that he cannot hire and must cut back because of Obamacare. It is fall down hysterical that you swallowed this line [MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION]. It doesn't matter how many emlpoyees you have - everyone is hammered by Obamacare (hard) because Obamacare has crushed everyone with devastating new taxes that we cannot afford.

Rinata - sweetie - you're refusal to think for yourself (even on something so basic as this) makes it so easy for propaganda outlets like Salon to make you their slave. So how does that propaganda taste going down? I hear a spoonful of sugar helps! :bang3:

I have never out and out cussed on this site but dealing with you is making it really tough. Do you even realize that all the crap you spout is from your own head?? No rhyme, no reason, nothing substantiated.

Did you even listen to President Obama's speech today in Boston?? I would bet my last dime that you did not. Everything you have accused me of above is what YOU do. You are actually convinced that I don't think for myself, but you do?? Get help.
Since Papa Obama has lied about
-keep your doctor
-keep your plan
-save $2,500/year

It does not really matter what he says
One can not trust a liar

Papa Obama Lied
Healthcare plans died
So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

^ racist.
FACT-CHECKED: Hannity Causing Immediate Harm To Consumers

In a galling display of disregard for the public interest, Sean Hannity has been broadcasting provably false information on radio and TV about the Affordable Care Act. Salon’s “Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare” uncovered how he distorted the stories of three couples to imply that they were worse off under Obamacare’s new rules. In fact, the couples are now able to get more coverage for less money, but Hannity did not retract his report.

By last night, Hannity’s lies were corrected on the Rachel Maddow Show, in the Washington Post, Politico, Huffington Post, CNN (VIDEO), The Ed Show (VIDEO), and many other outlets. Hannity refuses to address any of the coverage calling him out for deceit.

But now Consumer Reports has also chimed in, correcting statements made by Hannity, The Hill and bloggers on as “not true.” Consumer Reports advised shoppers the best time to enroll in Obamacare was a few weeks off, while expected delays and glitches at are ironed out. Hannity took this out-of-context, squealing “Consumer Reports, Ann, they’re telling people, ‘stay away from the website!’” in a segment to Ann Coulter, when just the opposite was true. Consumer Reports has unequivocally endorsed the exchange as the best place to purchase health care.

Hannity’s misinformation forced the nation’s leading consumer reporting experts to release a statement correcting the record so Americans can get accurate advice for purchasing healthcare policies. How is this connected to the Tea Party “scorch everything” campaign we just witnessed? Read on …

FACT-CHECKED: Hannity Causing Immediate Harm To Consumers | MyFDL

I wish I could post the entire article here. Hope you righties will read it.

[MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION] - as always, spoon fed you propaganda and you swallowed it whole.

First and foremost, their position that "Hannity lied" is hysterical since their entire article is about the guests on Hannity. Well guess what genius - Sean Hannity cannot control what his guests say. So right here we have a glaring siren going off about left-wing propaganda - falsely blaming the host for the words of the guests.

Second, and more important, Salon here claims they called one man who doesn't even have enough employees to be bound by Obamacare and thus he lied that he cannot hire and must cut back because of Obamacare. It is fall down hysterical that you swallowed this line [MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION]. It doesn't matter how many emlpoyees you have - everyone is hammered by Obamacare (hard) because Obamacare has crushed everyone with devastating new taxes that we cannot afford.

Rinata - sweetie - you're refusal to think for yourself (even on something so basic as this) makes it so easy for propaganda outlets like Salon to make you their slave. So how does that propaganda taste going down? I hear a spoonful of sugar helps! :bang3:

I have never out and out cussed on this site but dealing with you is making it really tough. Do you even realize that all the crap you spout is from your own head?? No rhyme, no reason, nothing substantiated.

Did you even listen to President Obama's speech today in Boston?? I would bet my last dime that you did not. Everything you have accused me of above is what YOU do. You are actually convinced that I don't think for myself, but you do?? Get help.
I understand your frustration. When the facts do not look good for your cause, that is.

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