Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Taxes in 2016

nothing at all. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment for the benefit of those who use Capital to work instead of a work ethic from the Age of Iron. that is unethical and unproductive in our political economy.

So you hate the machining industry and the banking industry....
it is not about Hate; but about morals and a work ethic from the Age of Iron; either you are moral and "earn it from the sweat of your brow," or you don't and are not, that moral.

The Wife started as a teller and ended up a CAO over an entire banking chain.I started as a delivery driver,deburr,floor sweep and worked my way up to inspection and finally to a master machinist who made parts for the NASA shuttle program and the F-22 prototype team.
....and you?
i resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; even the One Percent, fail.

So you're a failure in expected.
resorting to the fewest fallacies is only a failure when I resort to more fallacies than those of the opposing view.

"The Patton doctrine of argumentation", ensures those of the opposing view, fail first.
nothing at all. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment for the benefit of those who use Capital to work instead of a work ethic from the Age of Iron. that is unethical and unproductive in our political economy.

So you hate the machining industry and the banking industry....
it is not about Hate; but about morals and a work ethic from the Age of Iron; either you are moral and "earn it from the sweat of your brow," or you don't and are not, that moral.

The Wife started as a teller and ended up a CAO over an entire banking chain.I started as a delivery driver,deburr,floor sweep and worked my way up to inspection and finally to a master machinist who made parts for the NASA shuttle program and the F-22 prototype team.
....and you?
i resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; even the One Percent, fail. appears the 3% are more successful.
successful at what, if they need a social bailout to avoid "going to Hell".
The top 1% own 40% of the wealth, so the top tax rate needs to pay most of the Federal taxes, RAISE THE TOP RATE!!
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

The top 1% CREATED their own wealth and pay your way....CREATE your own wealth and pay your own way. You’re a big boy.

Bullshit! Most of them inherited their wealth. Many of them are benefiting from the Corporate tax cuts as stocks rise. The Budget Deficit, that pays for the military to protect their wealth, is $900b this year. The chart below clearly shows that the top tax rate can increase to cover the Deficit since they received nearly all of the financial gains. They may have made those financial gains by moving the US factories overseas to take advantage of the low wages and lax environmental laws. We don't want the US to become Mexico with 99% peons and 1% super-rich.

View attachment 222758

Haha...”most of them inherited their wealth”.....BULLSHIT!
Sounds like you’re after a little dose of
Do you ever listen to yourself?
“Excuse me neighbor, you’re more successful than I am and you’ve done better for yourself than I have so I’m gonna need you to pay my way… Oh and by the way, my buddy here Gustavo, he’s from Mexico and I’m going to need you to pay his way as well.”

The scary thing is, the beggars don’t even realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

Very few people are "self-made" millionaires, please see the following link, its factual not bullshit:
Wealth, Inheritance and Social Mobility
  1. Inheritance Matters. An estimated 35 to 45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made, according to Kopczuk’s review of the literature.
  2. Inheritance Could Hurt Mobility, especially when combined with the other advantages that wealthy parents provide their children (such as more engaged parenting, better schooling, help with paying for college or investing in a home, and all kinds of social capital or useful connections). As Richard Reeves argues, wealth helps to create a “glass floor”, below which children in privileged families cannot fall.
From the IRS site - I don't see any "commie-lite"; everyone pays, the top rates are way too low to fund the government 161,000/600,000 = 27% while the median family pays 8,907/77,400 = 12% but with a lot less money for their family.

So the Federal Budget is $3.9T with only $3.0T of revenue, we borrow about $900b a year, we need to cut spending and raise revenue, or the government becomes Greece, and we all lose. What sounds stupid is continued borrowing, and the wealthy had better stop won't affect the lifestyles, of the rich and obnoxious.
So the question is, how many times do you want people to pay taxes on the same money?
Circulation is key; capital must circulate under capitalism.
Seems like they are paying their fair share to me


(Bloomberg) -- Individual income taxes are the federal government’s single biggest revenue source. In fiscal year 2018, which ended Sept. 30, the individual income tax is expected to bring in roughly $1.7 trillion, or about half of all federal revenues, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

If past statistics can offer any guidance, in 2016, $1.44 trillion income taxes were paid by 140.9 million taxpayers reporting a total of $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income, according to data recently released by the Internal Revenue Services.

Bloomberg looked into the 2016 individual returns data in detail for some additional insights illustrated in the charts below:

  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of total individual income taxes.

  • In other words, the bottom 50 percent paid 3 percent. Which small percentile of tax payers also paid 3 percent or more? You might have guessed it. It is the top 0.001%, or about 1,400 taxpayers. That group alone paid 3.25 percent of all income taxes. In 2001, the bottom 50 percent paid nearly 5 percent whereas the top 0.001 percent of filers paid 2.3 percent of income taxes.

  • The individual income tax system is designed to be progressive – those with higher incomes pay at higher rates. While the indentation, or the reduction in the steepness of the "progressivity" curve, is visible at the highest levels.
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Taxes in 2016

Yet the rich get richer...

Income gap is continuing to grow.. Trump is just increasing that..
I don't care if the rich get richer. More power to them. Did it bother you the Obama's got richer since 2008?

I was taught not to try and keep up with the Jones's

Well we know its not 47% of the population

raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
You are ignorant. $15 minimum wage wot correct the defect. Your socialist posts are always moonbeams

15 minimum wage would in fact reduce federal spending on low income people and increase how much they pay in taxes.

But as always you ignore the fact that products will increase in cost to make up for the loss in income.

I do not ignore common rightwing myths, I address them, again and again and again.

The raise in minimum wage pay will be far greater than fractional inflation it may cause.

Learn that and stop repeating bullshit.
Actually you are incorrect. Economists are split on the idea. ABC News published a report on this as did several business magazines and independent think yanks. Trying to blow this off as a right wing myth is disingenuous at best.
No you stupid racist shit. Those "wetbacks that can't speak the native language" pay billions, yes BILLIONS with a B, in Social Security taxes and they will never collect a dime. Better yet, you never ever hear them bitch about it. In my book, that makes them more of a "real American" than you can ever hope to be.
Majority use stolen fake SS numbers


Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.
Majority use stolen fake SS numbers


Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.
Entry into the Union must be an Obligation of the general government.
Yet the rich get richer...

Income gap is continuing to grow.. Trump is just increasing that..

“Income gap”
WTF...why are you so envious of your neighbor who’s done better than you? Pull your head from your ass and go get yours. Simple shit.

My college roommate received more from his trust fund every year than you will make in your lifetime. How did he go get that?

So what....AWESOME, good on him.
Why do you deserve part of his or his family’s wealth?
Be careful...Your envy will destroy you.

Yet the rich get richer...

Income gap is continuing to grow.. Trump is just increasing that..

“Income gap”
WTF...why are you so envious of your neighbor who’s done better than you? Pull your head from your ass and go get yours. Simple shit.

My college roommate received more from his trust fund every year than you will make in your lifetime. How did he go get that?

So what....AWESOME, good on him.
Why do you deserve part of his or his family’s wealth?
Be careful...Your envy will destroy you.

The question is not what I did to deserve it. It is what did he do to deserve it.

His bloodline kicked ass...he’s heir to their success. This is pretty fucking simple...stop begging bud, do something productive.

So, you can't explain how he deserved that wealth. And don't worry about me bud, you think the son of one of the world's richest families would be rooming with a peon?

Take it from someone that knows. The rich are not smarter than the rest of us. In fact, some of them are downright stupid, our current president a case in point. And the rich don't work harder than the rest of us. In fact, some of them are downright lazy. In our economic system wealth is power. What you, and unfortunately, some of the uber wealthy, fail to understand is that power comes with responsibilities. Failure to uphold those responsibilities will eventually destroy this society that you so value.
Majority use stolen fake SS numbers


Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?
Last edited:
Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy
Natural rights would take care of the rest.
Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?

That act said nothing, absolutely nothing, about immigration. You need a remedial history class. One becomes an American by CHOICE, not by descent. That IS the one thing that made America exceptional at the time. When you take that away you erode the very foundation of this country and start us on the way to destruction.
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?

That act said nothing, absolutely nothing, about immigration. You need a remedial history class. One becomes an American by CHOICE, not by descent. That IS the one thing that made America exceptional at the time. When you take that away you erode the very foundation of this country and start us on the way to destruction.
if the militia of the United States cannot pioneer the way; why should we expect Judeans to do any better?
The top 1% own 40% of the wealth, so the top tax rate needs to pay most of the Federal taxes, RAISE THE TOP RATE!!
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

The top 1% CREATED their own wealth and pay your way....CREATE your own wealth and pay your own way. You’re a big boy.

Bullshit! Most of them inherited their wealth. Many of them are benefiting from the Corporate tax cuts as stocks rise. The Budget Deficit, that pays for the military to protect their wealth, is $900b this year. The chart below clearly shows that the top tax rate can increase to cover the Deficit since they received nearly all of the financial gains. They may have made those financial gains by moving the US factories overseas to take advantage of the low wages and lax environmental laws. We don't want the US to become Mexico with 99% peons and 1% super-rich.

View attachment 222758

Haha...”most of them inherited their wealth”.....BULLSHIT!
Sounds like you’re after a little dose of
Do you ever listen to yourself?
“Excuse me neighbor, you’re more successful than I am and you’ve done better for yourself than I have so I’m gonna need you to pay my way… Oh and by the way, my buddy here Gustavo, he’s from Mexico and I’m going to need you to pay his way as well.”

The scary thing is, the beggars don’t even realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

Very few people are "self-made" millionaires, please see the following link, its factual not bullshit:
Wealth, Inheritance and Social Mobility
  1. Inheritance Matters. An estimated 35 to 45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made, according to Kopczuk’s review of the literature.
  2. Inheritance Could Hurt Mobility, especially when combined with the other advantages that wealthy parents provide their children (such as more engaged parenting, better schooling, help with paying for college or investing in a home, and all kinds of social capital or useful connections). As Richard Reeves argues, wealth helps to create a “glass floor”, below which children in privileged families cannot fall.
From the IRS site - I don't see any "commie-lite"; everyone pays, the top rates are way too low to fund the government 161,000/600,000 = 27% while the median family pays 8,907/77,400 = 12% but with a lot less money for their family.

So the Federal Budget is $3.9T with only $3.0T of revenue, we borrow about $900b a year, we need to cut spending and raise revenue, or the government becomes Greece, and we all lose. What sounds stupid is continued borrowing, and the wealthy had better stop won't affect the lifestyles, of the rich and obnoxious.
So the question is, how many times do you want people to pay taxes on the same money?

Everyone pays once. What's wrong with that?
No we don't need more law breakers... That's why they are illegals


What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?

That act said nothing, absolutely nothing, about immigration. You need a remedial history class. One becomes an American by CHOICE, not by descent. That IS the one thing that made America exceptional at the time. When you take that away you erode the very foundation of this country and start us on the way to destruction.

Spin shit however you need to to feel better about yourself...our founders were crystal fucking clear with who they intended this nation be for.
Further, law, federal law derives straight from the U.S. Constitution. What else can I teach your dumbass?
The top 1% CREATED their own wealth and pay your way....CREATE your own wealth and pay your own way. You’re a big boy.

Bullshit! Most of them inherited their wealth. Many of them are benefiting from the Corporate tax cuts as stocks rise. The Budget Deficit, that pays for the military to protect their wealth, is $900b this year. The chart below clearly shows that the top tax rate can increase to cover the Deficit since they received nearly all of the financial gains. They may have made those financial gains by moving the US factories overseas to take advantage of the low wages and lax environmental laws. We don't want the US to become Mexico with 99% peons and 1% super-rich.

View attachment 222758

Haha...”most of them inherited their wealth”.....BULLSHIT!
Sounds like you’re after a little dose of
Do you ever listen to yourself?
“Excuse me neighbor, you’re more successful than I am and you’ve done better for yourself than I have so I’m gonna need you to pay my way… Oh and by the way, my buddy here Gustavo, he’s from Mexico and I’m going to need you to pay his way as well.”

The scary thing is, the beggars don’t even realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

Very few people are "self-made" millionaires, please see the following link, its factual not bullshit:
Wealth, Inheritance and Social Mobility
  1. Inheritance Matters. An estimated 35 to 45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made, according to Kopczuk’s review of the literature.
  2. Inheritance Could Hurt Mobility, especially when combined with the other advantages that wealthy parents provide their children (such as more engaged parenting, better schooling, help with paying for college or investing in a home, and all kinds of social capital or useful connections). As Richard Reeves argues, wealth helps to create a “glass floor”, below which children in privileged families cannot fall.
From the IRS site - I don't see any "commie-lite"; everyone pays, the top rates are way too low to fund the government 161,000/600,000 = 27% while the median family pays 8,907/77,400 = 12% but with a lot less money for their family.

So the Federal Budget is $3.9T with only $3.0T of revenue, we borrow about $900b a year, we need to cut spending and raise revenue, or the government becomes Greece, and we all lose. What sounds stupid is continued borrowing, and the wealthy had better stop won't affect the lifestyles, of the rich and obnoxious.
So the question is, how many times do you want people to pay taxes on the same money?

Everyone pays once. What's wrong with that?
too inefficient; we may need to ask some mathematical engineers for a more efficient solution.

Capital must circulate under capitalism; liquidity is not optional for optimum efficiency.
What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?

That act said nothing, absolutely nothing, about immigration. You need a remedial history class. One becomes an American by CHOICE, not by descent. That IS the one thing that made America exceptional at the time. When you take that away you erode the very foundation of this country and start us on the way to destruction.

Spin shit however you need to to feel better about yourself...our founders were crystal fucking clear with who they intended this nation be for.
Further, law, federal law derives straight from the U.S. Constitution. What else can I teach your dumbass?
natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process.
What part of "all men" and "pursuit of happiness" do you not understand?

What part of federal law and the U.S. Constitution do you not understand?

You might want to show me where the Constitution says anything about immigration.

The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will tell you all you need to know. This nation was not built for brown people… Sorry buddy...hurts huh?

That act said nothing, absolutely nothing, about immigration. You need a remedial history class. One becomes an American by CHOICE, not by descent. That IS the one thing that made America exceptional at the time. When you take that away you erode the very foundation of this country and start us on the way to destruction.

Spin shit however you need to to feel better about yourself...our founders were crystal fucking clear with who they intended this nation be for.
Further, law, federal law derives straight from the U.S. Constitution. What else can I teach your dumbass?

What is this obsession of your's about teaching. You might want to learn something first. Like the intentions of the founders. The Naturalization act you spoke of only addressed citizenship. The founders believed anyone had the right to come to this nation, they called it a natural right and it is linked to that whole "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". This nation was created for "All men", not just those of a particular shade.

But the founders also believed that everyone should not have the right to vote. I have to agree that I support that position. When everyone has the right to vote a democracy becomes mob rule. One only has to look at our current predicament, a fool for a president, a totally dysfunctional legislature, and a judicial branch that is consumed with politics, to understand that those founders were absolutely correct. But that right to vote should be based on merit, not race. Maybe Heinlein had the right idea, military service was a requrement for voting.
The top 1% CREATED their own wealth and pay your way....CREATE your own wealth and pay your own way. You’re a big boy.

Bullshit! Most of them inherited their wealth. Many of them are benefiting from the Corporate tax cuts as stocks rise. The Budget Deficit, that pays for the military to protect their wealth, is $900b this year. The chart below clearly shows that the top tax rate can increase to cover the Deficit since they received nearly all of the financial gains. They may have made those financial gains by moving the US factories overseas to take advantage of the low wages and lax environmental laws. We don't want the US to become Mexico with 99% peons and 1% super-rich.

View attachment 222758

Haha...”most of them inherited their wealth”.....BULLSHIT!
Sounds like you’re after a little dose of
Do you ever listen to yourself?
“Excuse me neighbor, you’re more successful than I am and you’ve done better for yourself than I have so I’m gonna need you to pay my way… Oh and by the way, my buddy here Gustavo, he’s from Mexico and I’m going to need you to pay his way as well.”

The scary thing is, the beggars don’t even realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

Very few people are "self-made" millionaires, please see the following link, its factual not bullshit:
Wealth, Inheritance and Social Mobility
  1. Inheritance Matters. An estimated 35 to 45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made, according to Kopczuk’s review of the literature.
  2. Inheritance Could Hurt Mobility, especially when combined with the other advantages that wealthy parents provide their children (such as more engaged parenting, better schooling, help with paying for college or investing in a home, and all kinds of social capital or useful connections). As Richard Reeves argues, wealth helps to create a “glass floor”, below which children in privileged families cannot fall.
From the IRS site - I don't see any "commie-lite"; everyone pays, the top rates are way too low to fund the government 161,000/600,000 = 27% while the median family pays 8,907/77,400 = 12% but with a lot less money for their family.

So the Federal Budget is $3.9T with only $3.0T of revenue, we borrow about $900b a year, we need to cut spending and raise revenue, or the government becomes Greece, and we all lose. What sounds stupid is continued borrowing, and the wealthy had better stop won't affect the lifestyles, of the rich and obnoxious.
So the question is, how many times do you want people to pay taxes on the same money?

Everyone pays once. What's wrong with that?
yep, so if mom and dad paid once, that's paid once.

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