Tom Steyer....perhaps if he changed his name to Michael Bloomberg....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Amazing that old Tom with BILLIONS (although much less BILLIONS than the Mighty Midget Mike) can't even BUY HIMSELF A 6TH PLACE FINISH in a 7 person race!!!...

Seems old Tom's heart as much as his money just isn't in the hunt anymore! What in the beginning looked like it would be a battle of money over wits. Has petered out with Doomsberg, at least winning this small skirmish....Must admit that MONEY can buy you an election isn't quite working out the way everyone thought it would


Should be of interest to see how political historians write up the DemonRAT side of the pre election hijinks....Do they even teach modern American politics in our schools or has that also been replaced?
He is trying to tell people that the Trump economy is bad and that he can do a better job with the economy. It is a message that doesn't work.
Some weeks ago, I was seeing a lot of Mr. Steyer's campaign spots on Sony Crackle. His main point was to boast about having succeeded in getting a project shut down, that he hoped would be the very last fossil-fuel based power pant ever proposed for California. This is his great accomplishment.


California has long suffered from shortages and near shortages in our supply of electrical power, the problem being aggravated last summer, by PG&Es shutdowns over fears of winds causing their equipment to start more fires. And Mr. Steyer's great accomplishment is standing in the way of allowing more much-needed electrical power to be generated in this state.

I think I can safely say that Californians who have suffered through brownouts, rolling-blackouts, soaring electric bills, and especially the PG&E shutdowns, would not ever have been likely to support Mr. Steyer, who apparently wants to do to the whole country what he helped to do do California.
The ridiculous Steyer was actually a major beneficiary of Butthurt Barry Hussaine's assorted scams! And that is the underlying issue for the democrats. Who can best protect the corrupt Kenyan.

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