Tom Steyer: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
What a disgusting and despicable piece of garbage. Intentionally screwing over the American people and their country for profit and power. Energy prices are unbearable for the American people, and this dirtbag (like Barack Obama) is manipulating them to that point solely for his own profit and gain...

You’ve got to hand it to billionaire Tom Steyer. He tells Barack Obama and Harry Reid to jump, and they obediently reply: How high?

Mr. Steyer pulled off the policy coup of the year last week when the White House announced it would place the Keystone XL pipeline in regulatory purgatory for another six months at least. Mr. Steyer has promised $100 million to Democrats to beat back Republicans in the midterm elections this fall, and the campaign funds have already paid off in the scuttling of this $3 billion pipeline project. (Remember when Democrats were pro-infrastructure?) President Obama says we have to determine whether it is “in the national interest.”

Mr. Steyer protested this week that he is not the Democratic party’s version of the Koch brothers, who fund efforts to promote liberty and free enterprise. Mr. Steyer says that “there are real distinctions between the Koch brothers and us,” because the Kochs personally benefit from their political advocacy, while he is donating to save the planet. Never mind that he’s a major investor in solar-energy projects that compete with fossil fuels. Let’s just say that Steyer got more than just a lousy T-shirt for his political pay-to-play investment.

But Steyer, like most fanatical greens, really does have an intense hatred of this pipeline — and thus a motive that goes beyond any personal gain. To the far left, Keystone has become the symbol of the North American shale-oil-and-gas revolution that is crushing the brief and ill-fated renewable-energy fad. So anything that would efficiently transport these fossil fuels to market is evil.

Tom Steyer: Meet the Billionaire Obama and Reid Listen To
This article nails two things: what a despicable creature Tom Steyer is and the despicable hypocrisy of the indefensible liberal position...

Really, is Steyer serious or simply another self-deluded billionaire? Steyer has interests — in stopping the Keystone XL pipeline, for example. Whether it is a monetary interest or not, he’s using his considerable wealth to do just what the Koch brothers do, namely, influence the political process. Meanwhile, the Kochs accurately state that unlike some business interests, they oppose almost every regulation because they believe in the free market. They also believe in a Rand Paul-like foreign policy and gay marriage. Maybe Steyer is like the Kochs — but only when the latter are on the “right” side?

It really boils down to typical left-wing arrogance. Liberals say that they are for the poor and that conservatives are selfish. And if one brings up the skyrocketing poverty rate, their opposition to welfare reform (which lifted people out of poverty and into the workplace) and their war against school choice (which benefits poor kids), the answer is either “Give us more power” or “At least our intentions are pure.” (Steyer insists: “I think [the Kochs are] in a very, very different position than me and from the people that I work with. And the fact that we’re on opposite sides of the table on a lot of issues — that is true. But the way that we’re approaching them is very, very different.” Really?)

Tom Steyer, self-deluded liberal billionaire
The hypocrisy is remarkable. First, we witnessed liberal outrage over defeats in the campaign finance cases (in Citizens United, then with McCutcheon), which decried shadowy third-party groups (just Republican ones). Now, the hypocrisy is in full view in the war against the Kochs led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who is using Steyer’s wealth to stay in power. It is all a bit much. Democrats have always had the advantage of Big Labor to supply money and troops for Democratic campaigns. Those guys sure want something in return (e.g. card check, National Labor Relations Board appointments). Democrats have cash from Hollywood, Manhattan and Silicon Valley liberal elites who would like pot and gay marriage to be legal and the internal combustion engine to disappear. Those people are just as “selfish” as the Koch brothers, arguably more so since it is the working class, not liberal elites, who will, for example, feel the pinch from higher fuel prices.

Tom Steyer, self-deluded liberal billionaire
You’ve got to hand it to billionaire Tom Steyer. He tells Barack Obama and Harry Reid to jump, and they obediently reply: How high?

I thought it was Soro's? Oh well never listen to a partisan hack that refuses to see the same with the GOP.

It is all a bit much. Democrats have always had the advantage of Big Labor to supply money and troops for Democratic campaigns.

Sorry to say but, you're wrong, Reagan had the unions behind him and was a former union president himself. The unions left the GOP because since Nancy was the real puppet master and pulled all of Reagans strings to let him know what to think..Nancy was a conservative and Reagan was a liberal when they met, yet after marriage and the browbeating started, Reagan changed his positions on all his previous stances..

Even the Romney's changed their positions for the presidential race, they used to donate to Planned Parenthood.. Cheney was not anti-gay marriage in public because of party affiliation..Eventhough he had a gay daughter that wanted to get married and have kids...
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I thought it was Soro's? Oh well never listen to a partisan hack that refuses to see the same with the GOP.

Oh the irony.... :lmao:

(Hint: the entire point of this thread was to illustrate that liberals cry, wail, bitch, and moan about the Koch's while being completely oblivious about George Soros, Tom Steyer, and all of the unions)
Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.
Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.

Ok...Let's take this a step farther. I agree with the assessment that the vast majority of oil pumped through Keystone profits will go to (a) the Oil companies and (b) the government. However I support approval of the pipeline with this ONE proviso: The oil that comes from this pipeline can ONLY be sold within the boundaries of North America.

We pump millions and millions of gallons of oil to the rest of the world each day. Either the oil companies keep that oil right here - or they don't get to build it.

Now, would you lefties support that? I'll be awaiting your answer. :lol:
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Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.

Ok...Let's take this a step farther. I agree with the assessment that the vast majority of oil pumped through Keystone profits will go to (a) the Oil companies and (b) the government. However I support approval of the pipeline with this ONE proviso: The oil that comes from this pipeline can ONLY be sold within the boundaries of the United States.

We pump millions and millions of gallons of oil to the rest of the world each day. Either the oil companies keep that oil right here - or they don't get to build it.

Now, would you lefties support that? I'll be awaiting your answer. :lol:

Let me make sure I understand your proposition BEFORE I answer your question.

You want the government to intercede into the free market to force the oil companies to sell the oil produced in Canada only in American markets.

Is that correct?
Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.

Ok...Let's take this a step farther. I agree with the assessment that the vast majority of oil pumped through Keystone profits will go to (a) the Oil companies and (b) the government. However I support approval of the pipeline with this ONE proviso: The oil that comes from this pipeline can ONLY be sold within the boundaries of the United States.

We pump millions and millions of gallons of oil to the rest of the world each day. Either the oil companies keep that oil right here - or they don't get to build it.

Now, would you lefties support that? I'll be awaiting your answer. :lol:

Let me make sure I understand your proposition BEFORE I answer your question.

You want the government to intercede into the free market to force the oil companies to sell the oil produced in Canada only in American markets.

Is that correct?

Sure, why not? This government dares to tell american citizens the size of the lightbulbs we can use. Why not take it a step further and demand "nationalism" for a change. and, read the post again. I DID say the United States - I changed that to North America.

Doing that would not stop the flow of profits for the oil companies - it would only mean that their profits would be from THIS continent. You have a problem with that?
After a few years, the laws banning $9 a year bulb for $1.23 a year ones that last 40 times as long will make us much more energy independent. Has nothing new about it, isn't about gov't mind control lol...
Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.

Ok...Let's take this a step farther. I agree with the assessment that the vast majority of oil pumped through Keystone profits will go to (a) the Oil companies and (b) the government. However I support approval of the pipeline with this ONE proviso: The oil that comes from this pipeline can ONLY be sold within the boundaries of North America.

We pump millions and millions of gallons of oil to the rest of the world each day. Either the oil companies keep that oil right here - or they don't get to build it.

Now, would you lefties support that? I'll be awaiting your answer. :lol:
All our oil MUST be sold on the open market, it is illegal for any domestically produced crude to be earmarked for domestic use and Must be sold on the commodities exchange. Can't have mere politicians disrupting the energy business with their stupid rules now can we? That's the big outrage on Keystone, for once the politicians did not give them what they want and it's just fucking killing them.
Daaaaaman, you HATE it when Demorats use the wonderful Republican strategy against something you want. For what ever weird ass reason you think this pipeline would help you, it ain't happening. Like the oil companies are gonna give us a big ole break in the price of a gallon of gas. When they could sell that oil elsewhere in the world for more money. You dumb dog.

Interesting how the name Koch gets you into a frothing tizzy but when the name Steyer or Soros comes up, you go directly to the old and tired liberal tactic of "change the subject".

I'm also curious how you can pretend to care about people but appear to have zero outrage over the fact that this man is manipulating Dumbocrat politicians who are for sale to ensure energy prices which the lower class cannot afford?

As far as gas prices, perhaps you can have a friend explain supply and demand to you? Also, the pipeline would create "infrastructure" and taxes. Two of the Dumbocrats favorite passions. But I guess Dumbocrats have a bigger passion for $100 million? :eusa_shifty:

(Now tell us again how Obama and the Dumbocrats "care" about you :eusa_whistle:)

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