Today's Rip Van Winkle moment goes to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who complained when criticized for only yesterday learing what asymptomatic means


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
"It's patently untrue that I am so stupid that I didn't know asymptomatic means someone doesn't have coronavirus. I was asleep in my cotton patch, dreaming of flogging illegal African American voters, when a peach fell and hit my hayahd. Eyeah woke up, and heard President Trump sayin' a person could pass on the disease without actually bayin' sayick."

Stacy Abrams wept.
"It's patently untrue that I am so stupid that I didn't know asymptomatic means someone doesn't have coronavirus. I was asleep in my cotton patch, dreaming of flogging illegal African American voters, when a peach fell and hit my hayahd. Eyeah woke up, and heard President Trump sayin' a person could pass on the disease without actually bayin' sayick."

Stacy Abrams wept.
Could you tell us what “learing” means in the context of this sentence?
Secondly, asymtomatic does not mean you don’t have corona virus disease. It quite simply means you are not showing symptoms. It has been reported that asymptomatic people are walking around infecting Others.
I saw this, this morning. I thought for sure it has to be a misquote, or just the media once again taking what someone said out of context.
Not this time surprisingly.
He really is that brain dead.
Brian Kemp is a fucking idiot. But he finally did the right thing. Can't say as much for the fucking idiot Governor TrumpyBoy in Florida.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp finally instituted a stay-at-home order Wednesday after weeks of dragging his feet, telling reporters he was taking the action because he just learned that people without symptoms can spread the novel coronavirus—a fact that has been widely known both to officials and the general public for weeks. “Finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs, so what we’ve been telling people from directives from the CDC for weeks now that if you start feeling bad, stay home...those individuals could’ve been infecting people before they ever felt bad,” the Republican said. “But we didn’t know that until the last 24 hours,” said Kemp.​


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