Today in Social Media Censorship


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They censored the virus was manmade in order to sway the election. Now it’s a cheap cure that Big Pharma would cut into their record profits like ivermectin does.

Under the rubric of “misinformation” YouTube SS are censoring actual information from actual doctors and scientists, and real studies a lot of which have been peer reviewed.

YouTube’s verboten list:
Ministry of Truth.jpg
Thread summary:

Kook conspiracy losers are whining that their kook conspiracy psuedoscience is getting laughed out of the room.

Losers, you are free to babble your murderous pseudoscience in your own forums. The normal moral people are not obligated to let you repeat it on their platform.
Thread summary:

Kook conspiracy losers are whining that their kook conspiracy psuedoscience is getting laughed out of the room.

Losers, you are free to babble your murderous pseudoscience in your own forums. The normal moral people are not obligated to let you repeat it on their platform.
Would that be like the "kook conspiracy psuedoscience" of "Trump and 'The Russians' "colluded" to steal the election from Rightful Winner SHillary Clinton." we endured for four+ years while the Leftist Loonies disrupted useful progress in our nation ???

Interesting how the First Amendment of "Freedom of Speech and Expransion" can only apply in one direction, and that has to be towards the delusions and disinformation of the Leftist Loonies. As if History hasn't all ready shown us that a trademark of Fascists and Totalitarians is to start with the constrain and channel of "speak" towards a narrow avenue and focus, which only conforms to their delusional ideologies and agendas.

At least we "losers" let you IDIOTs babble your ignorance and distortions and aren't out to silence your freedom of speech and expression, rather use it as a device to show how stupid and/or danger you can be.

Get back to us when you carry your own weight in society and aren't expecting other productive citizens to support your worthless skin.
Get back to us when you carry your own weight in society and aren't expecting other productive citizens to support your worthless skin.
Kinda funny. This thread is about people being upset that a website, owned and operated by a private company isn’t supporting the speech or others for free.
Conservatives demand transparent policies on content for social media.

Then get mad at what the policies say.
Get back to us when you carry your own weight in society and aren't expecting other productive citizens to support your worthless skin.
Kinda funny. This thread is about people being upset that a website, owned and operated by a private company isn’t supporting the speech or others for free.

It's more about forums which claim to be objective but aren't, and might also expect their users to contribute to the costs of operation.

But thanks Komrade for defending censorship and again showing your true colors on the matter.
Conservatives demand transparent policies on content for social media.

Then get mad at what the policies say.
Not as much or as often as so-called "liberals"~Leftists.
Meanwhile you've established how little you really know about Conservatives.
(A line in my signature here should give you one clue.)
BTW, when using media originally funded by all taxpayers and continuing to be subject to some public and regulatory control, freedom to censor should be limited, or subject to oversight.
Get back to us when you carry your own weight in society and aren't expecting other productive citizens to support your worthless skin.
Kinda funny. This thread is about people being upset that a website, owned and operated by a private company isn’t supporting the speech or others for free.

It's more about forums which claim to be objective but aren't, and might also expect their users to contribute to the costs of operation.

But thanks Komrade for defending censorship and again showing your true colors on the matter.
It’s not censorship. It’s a company deciding not to assist people in communicating a message they don’t want to be a part of.

You are free to spread whatever nonsense you want. Don’t expect people to help you in that effort.
BTW, when using media originally funded by all taxpayers and continuing to be subject to some public and regulatory control, freedom to censor should be limited, or subject to oversight.
YouTube was not funded by taxpayers.
Thread summary:

Kook conspiracy losers are whining that their kook conspiracy psuedoscience is getting laughed out of the room.

Losers, you are free to babble your murderous pseudoscience in your own forums. The normal moral people are not obligated to let you repeat it on their platform.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
BTW, when using media originally funded by all taxpayers and continuing to be subject to some public and regulatory control, freedom to censor should be limited, or subject to oversight.
YouTube was not funded by taxpayers.
That may be, but it also uses the internet which was originally established and set up via USA DoD (=taxpayers) and the two forums/message boards I mentioned are ".com".

Even if private funding has established some users of YouTube, fact that it is accessed via the internet means it a user of the common "cyber hiway" so to speak. Meanwhile I and any others are free to criticize the bias/prejudice employed by any user of YouTube.
Get back to us when you carry your own weight in society and aren't expecting other productive citizens to support your worthless skin.
Kinda funny. This thread is about people being upset that a website, owned and operated by a private company isn’t supporting the speech or others for free.

It's more about forums which claim to be objective but aren't, and might also expect their users to contribute to the costs of operation.

But thanks Komrade for defending censorship and again showing your true colors on the matter.
It’s not censorship. It’s a company deciding not to assist people in communicating a message they don’t want to be a part of.

You are free to spread whatever nonsense you want. Don’t expect people to help you in that effort.
That gate swings both ways and applies to you Leftist Loonies and your disinformation, lies, and distorted propagandas; assorted leftist~socialist wealth takers and rapers nonsense.
Even if private funding has established some users of YouTube, fact that it is accessed via the internet means it a user of the common "cyber hiway" so to speak.
And we all pay for access. You want to see the bill that YouTube pays for their bandwidth?
That gate swings both ways and applies to you Leftist Loonies and your disinformation, lies, and distorted propagandas; assorted leftist~socialist wealth takers and rapers nonsense.
The gate swings wherever the owners say it swings.
We can no longer decipher information as to its legitimacy.
Nanny government or affiliates thereof must do that to assure our “health and safety”
The Covid hoax lockdown revealed Americans compliance and that will be abused fully
They censored the virus was manmade in order to sway the election. Now it’s a cheap cure that Big Pharma would cut into their record profits like ivermectin does.

Under the rubric of “misinformation” YouTube SS are censoring actual information from actual doctors and scientists, and real studies a lot of which have been peer reviewed.

YouTube’s verboten list:
They censored Trump from making the unproven assertion the virus was manmade and loosed on us by Jina in response to him manly confrontation of them. Unfortunately his posing and lying detracted from a more timely investigation.

Why do you keep bringing-up that has been?
Trump rendered his opinions and opinions is what got removed. Not deliberate misstatement of facts like sky is purple(valid example of a “lie”)but rather opinions like the sky color is pretty
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