To those telling us to go back to Africa...

On April 1, 1922 my father was born in Gilbert Louisiana. On August 10, 1925 my mother was born in Harlan Kentucky. On February 25, 1961 I was born in Saint Francis Hospital in Topeka Kansas. I am an American. I don’t have to go back to anything but Saint Francis Hospital. However, I will put off that return since I am fairly healthy.
Slavery was a very unlucky condition for the black slaves from africa

UNLUCKY! Well shucks, IM2, it just seems like the American history of treating blacks as property was simply a string of bad luck. :dunno:

That is the most tone deaf breakdown of history I've seen in quite some time. Holy shit. :auiqs.jpg: Well done, Mac-7 you give hope to Cult45 mental midgets everywhere.
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So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Thats a question your leaders should already know the answer to. Check with your betters.
So you don't know. Got it.

Shouldn't the families of the dead soldiers from the war to free the slaves get compo too?
They got pensions and they didn't die to free the slaves. Look, you have a search engine like everyone else. When you feel the need to ask a dumb ass question , type it in a search engine.
Without them, slaves would not have been freed.
Toussaint Louveture and Jean-Jacque Dessalines disagree with your random but wildly inaccurate conjecture.
Considering both died in Haiti in 1806 and 1803, respectively, they were not associated with nor involved with the end of America slavery.
So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Thats a question your leaders should already know the answer to. Check with your betters.
So you don't know. Got it.

Shouldn't the families of the dead soldiers from the war to free the slaves get compo too?
They got pensions and they didn't die to free the slaves. Look, you have a search engine like everyone else. When you feel the need to ask a dumb ass question , type it in a search engine.
Without them, slaves would not have been freed.
Toussaint Louveture and Jean-Jacque Dessalines disagree with your random but wildly inaccurate conjecture.
Doesn’t matter if they disagree with the truth
There was no truth in your wildly inaccurate claim.
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So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Thats a question your leaders should already know the answer to. Check with your betters.
So you don't know. Got it.

Shouldn't the families of the dead soldiers from the war to free the slaves get compo too?
They got pensions and they didn't die to free the slaves. Look, you have a search engine like everyone else. When you feel the need to ask a dumb ass question , type it in a search engine.
Without them, slaves would not have been freed.
Toussaint Louveture and Jean-Jacque Dessalines disagree with your random but wildly inaccurate conjecture.
Considering both died in Haiti in 1806 and 1803, respectively, they were not associated with nor involved with the end of America slavery.
Yeah but they beat 3 european super powers. So that kind of disproves your claim.
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So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Thats a question your leaders should already know the answer to. Check with your betters.
So you don't know. Got it.

Shouldn't the families of the dead soldiers from the war to free the slaves get compo too?
No one fought a war to free the African enslaved except Black people and John Brown.
Learn your own history, Asswiper.
What is "White America"? On any given day, there is someone who posts that there is only one country, meaning no hyphenated Americans, and no separate societies.
Here ....

Let me type real slow so maybe you will get it.

White America is defined as White people living in America and their culture.

You know the very thing the Racist on the Left despise so much.

Are you even capable of typing any other way except slowly?

Probably not.

That aside, it was a perfectly simply question, and you responded exactly as I assumed that you would.

There is not a day that goes by here that some empty headed street corner philosopher in this forum attempts to define what "white culture" is, some even think they understand what "black culture" is.

In the era that I grew up in, "white culture" was synonymous with a belief that one enjoyed a self proclaimed sense of superiority that the laws of the land enforced by marginalizing non whites.

What is so called "white culture" today?

As far as the so called "racist left" goes, do the left leaning white people hate "white culture" as well?

Or are you just another nut here with a persecution complex?
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UNLUCKY! Well shucks, IM2, it just seems like the American history of treating blacks as property was simply a string of bad luck.
Yes, unless you are claiming that the black people were happy to be slaves, which I doubt

No one feels that way. It's why I consider you a typical Cult45 house idiot. You understand, no one with any critical thought takes your stupid, partisan opinions seriously. Dismissed. Go play in traffic.
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So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Thats a question your leaders should already know the answer to. Check with your betters.
So you don't know. Got it.

Shouldn't the families of the dead soldiers from the war to free the slaves get compo too?
They got pensions and they didn't die to free the slaves. Look, you have a search engine like everyone else. When you feel the need to ask a dumb ass question , type it in a search engine.
Without them, slaves would not have been freed.
Toussaint Louveture and Jean-Jacque Dessalines disagree with your random but wildly inaccurate conjecture.
Considering both died in Haiti in 1806 and 1803, respectively, they were not associated with nor involved with the end of America slavery.
Yeah but they beat 3 european super powers. So that kind of disproves your claim.
Irrelevant to the Americans freed from slavery
So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Would you like to discuss black codes, vagrancy laws, sharecropping, jim crow apartheid, convict leasing, sundown towns, restrictive covenants, lynching, mass murder, redlining, contract selling, race maasacres by whites on black communities, house bombings and all the other things that whites did to us after slavery?

FU - I never did any of that. Blacks have stolen $1,127 of my personal property, looted & burned business I have investments in, tax & steal my labor, investments, earnings, falsely arrested me & countless others on hot roadways & murdered dear family & friends.

Where are my reparations!!!

Your racist group-thinking has done irreparable harm to my family, friends & I. You racist asshole deserve all the hell you got & got coming.
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So if Blacks are happy to be here in the US and are here voluntarily, then they don't reparations (for not even have been a slave).
So why should Blacks today who weren't slaves get reparations?
Would you like to discuss black codes, vagrancy laws, sharecropping, jim crow apartheid, convict leasing, sundown towns, restrictive covenants, lynching, mass murder, redlining, contract selling, race maasacres by whites on black communities, house bombings and all the other things that whites did to us after slavery?
Which of these are happening now, and who is “us”?
On May 30, 2019, United State President Donald J. Trump decided he was tired of the criticism coming from 4 democratic congresswomen. So he put his fingers on his phone and sent a tweet. In that tweet Trump made the most common argument racists use to those who oppose systemic and individual racism,” If you don’t like it, go back where you came from.” The ignorance in this tweet is evidenced by the fact that he was referring to four American citizens. Three of them were born here, the fourth escaped U.S. created chaos in her home country. All four of these individuals were elected members of the United States Congress. As members of congress their job is to provide a check on the executive branch. This includes oversight, critical evaluation and criticism. Each of these representatives were females of color.

The racism in his words was apparent. Days later in a Hitler like rally, Trump repeated himself. This time he was interrupted by chants of “Send her back” by an almost all white audience. When talking to whites specifically online, if I had a dollar for every time I was asked or told to go back to Africa, I’d be loaning money to Warren Buffet.

On April 1, 1922 my father was born in Gilbert Louisiana. On August 10, 1925 my mother was born in Harlan Kentucky. On February 25, 1961 I was born in Saint Francis Hospital in Topeka Kansas. I am an American. I don’t have to go back to anything but Saint Francis Hospital. However, I will put off that return since I am fairly healthy.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

First Amendment, United States Constitution

This amendment allows ALL who live here, ALL who visit, the right to speak freely. It allows everyone to PEACEFULLY assemble and to air our grievances or opposition to government law, policies or officials. There is no love it or leave it clause in our constitution. There is no go back where you came from amendment either. The concept of “E Pluribus Unum” eradicates any claim of how this country belongs to one race of people. Those who are part of the problem must begin to understand how and why others could be a little angry about how they have been treated instead of perpetually playing the victim.

TDS thread 1,741
Only the most ignorant white trash tries rationalizing slavery.
I did not rationalize slavery

it was wrong

But for black people born in America today it was lucky as hell

because without slavery you would be in africa instead of America

which is lucky for you but unlucky for the other 87% of America
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You understand, no one with any critical thought takes your stupid, partisan opinions seriously. Dismissed. Go play in traffic.
there is little to no critical thought going on in lib la la land

without slavery the ungrateful black losers rioting in the streets today would not be American citizens

so take another swig of your MD 2020 and chew on that, fool
You understand, no one with any critical thought takes your stupid, partisan opinions seriously. Dismissed. Go play in traffic.
there is little to no critical thought going on in lib la la land

without slavery the ungrateful black losers rioting in the streets today would not be American citizens

so take another swig of your MD 2020 and chew on that, fool

Cult45's Playlist of online behavior

#11: Demean
Always refer to the other side as Liberals, Lefty Liberals, Libbies. Never assign them the status of a bona-fide political party. Hang Liberalism around their neck like a burning tire. Make Liberalism appear as a moral turpitude or a character flaw. They are NEVER, NEVER to be referred to as the Democratic Party. At best it is the democrat party. Never assign them respect.

BTW, WTF is MD 2020?
They are NEVER, NEVER to be referred to as the Democratic Party. At best it is the democrat party. Never assign them respect.
you are an anomaly

Most libs shrink away in horror at being labeled a democrat

they prefer the pretense of being an independent who just hates trump

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