To think the hatred of one man costs USA nearly $1 trillion


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The USA GDP lost 5% in the first quarter or nearly $300 billion.
The simple payroll taxes of 12.4% based on a median weekly salary of $936 for 40.8 million Americans for 8 weeks approximately $35 billion
The state unemployment @$385/week/person times 40.8 million over $15 billion.
The Federal stimulus at $600/week per unemployed.. $24 billion.
Hospitals reporting potential loss of $500 billion during first 100 days of lock down.

Now we have all these riots. Cost so far in destroyed buildings, lost jobs, lives lost.
On Saturday, the company designated the protests a “riot and civil disorder event” in the Minneapolis area. The label means the company expects insured losses to exceed $25 million.
The civil disturbance in Los Angeles after the videotaped police beating of Rodney King in April and May 1992 caused $775 million in damages —
or $1.42 billion in today’s dollars, according to the Insurance Information Institute. That was just ONE city... Not New York, D.C. and many others.

All because of the hatred of one man.

This hatred has been promoted and fanned by a group of people that donated 96% to this man's opponent in 2016... and they have tried EVERYTHING to cover their losses.
From false stories of him renting a room that Obama slept in and this man hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed.
(See Donald Trump Prostitute Urination Scandal — Other Outlets Had The Dossier For Months But Didn’t Publish It)

The total negative news about this man they hate so much has reached nearly 100% of any news about the USA, Floyd's death, Covid, etc. and it is ALL this one man's fault.

The Media Research Center found network evening news was 96 percent negative against Trump last year.(2019)

Why this man is SO BAD...SO EVIL... let's do to him what was done to " a man who in my opinion is the most despicable criminal of our time—Professor Arthur Ketteridge!"
A character in a short story by Steve Allen...called.."THE PUBLIC HATING" You can read the entire short story in less than 10 minutes and then tell me if this is appropriate as the MSM would deign regarding President Trump...
Tell me if you belong to the crowd of people that blame Trump for everything that the MSM has blown entirely out of proportion...all because they financed a loser!
1987, 2001, 2008, and now 2020. It seems that Republicans are getting worse at economic finance.

Tell me what you know about these Democrats?
If these Dem mayors are doing so well, why the riots?
OH wait... Trump's fault according to the MSM and other biased dishonest people. Trump is racist. Wow...

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