To the libs now Syria is committed to peace

How utterly retarded are democrats on foreign policy?

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  • Completely psychotic and nuts

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Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
:cuckoo: - Kerry says Syria is committed to Mideast peace

Kerry says Syria is committed to Mideast peace


U.S. Senator John Kerry says Syria is committed to engaging in peace making and is essential to the process

U.S. Senator John Kerry says Syria is committed to engaging in peace making and is essential to the process.

The Democratic senator, who is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters after a three-hour meeting with President Bashar Assad Thursday that Washington is also concerned about the flow of weapons to Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group through Syrian territories.

This is getting more fucked up all the time.

Syria Terrorism: State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism-Syria

Syria Terrorism: State Department 2006 Report on State Sponsors -Syria
From Amy Zalman, Ph.D., former Guide
Syria Terrorism - A State Department Concern:
Syria has long been on the State Department's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, primarily for providing safe haven, funding and something like moral support to a number of non-state terrorist groups.

The State Department's annual roundup of terrorist groups, Country Reports on Terrorism (2006) acknowledges that Syria itself hasn't had an evident hand in a terrorist attack since 1996. Actually, however, straight-out support for groups committed to terrorism plays only a small part of U.S. reasoning.

Assassination of Rafiq Hariri:
The US suspects –and has indirectly accused—Syria of assassinating former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri on March 14, 2005. Hariri was blown up by what appeared to be a suicide car bomb, and about twenty others were killed in the blast.

At the time of the assassination, Syria had a significant political and military presence in Lebanon, as it had since 1976 when peacekeeping troops were meant to help stabilize post-civil war Lebanon. The assassination of anti-Syrian Hariri led to new alliances and divisions in Lebanese politics, and the withdrawal of Syrian troops. The current prime minister, Fuad Siniora, is anti-Syrian.
Off course Syria is commited to peace.
Unfortunately the center of the "Axis of Evil", defined as Israel, does not show any commitment to peace.
What a loon.

State Sponsors of Terrorism

State Sponsors of Terrorism

Countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act. Taken together, the four main categories of sanctions resulting from designation under these authorities include restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; certain controls over exports of dual use items; and miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

Designation under the above-referenced authorities also implicates other sanctions laws that penalize persons and countries engaging in certain trade with state sponsors. Currently there are four countries designated under these authorities: Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria.
Country Designation Date

March 1, 1982

January 19, 1984

August 12, 1993

December 29, 1979
This is the country Kerry says is committed to peace:cuckoo:

Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 Chapter 3: State Sponsors of Terrorism


Syria was designated in 1979 as a state sponsor of terrorism. Syria provided political and material support to Hizballah and allowed Iran to use Syrian territory as a transit point for assistance to Hizballah. HAMAS, Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), among others, based their external leadership within Syria's borders. The Syrian government insisted these groups were confined to political and informational activities, but groups with leaders in Syria have claimed responsibility for deadly anti-Israeli terrorist attacks.

Over the course of the year, Syria's public support for the Palestinian groups varied, depending on Syrian national interest and international pressure. President Bashar al-Asad continued to express public support for Palestinian terrorist groups. HAMAS Politburo head and defacto leader Khalid Meshal and his deputies continued to reside in Syria. Syria provided a safe haven for Meshal and security escorts for his motorcades. Meshal's use of the Syrian Ministry of Information as the venue for press conferences this year could be taken as an endorsement of HAMAS's message. Media reports indicated HAMAS used Syrian soil to train its militant fighters. Though the Syrian government claimed periodically that it used its influence to restrain the rhetoric and activities of Palestinian groups, the Syrian government allowed a Palestinian conference organized by HAMAS, PFLP-GC, and PIJ to occur in January, and another HAMAS organized conference, reportedly funded by Iran, to take place in November.

Highlighting Syria's ties to the world's most notorious terrorists, Hizballah Operations Chief Imad Mugniyah, perished in a February 12 car bombing near Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) headquarters in the Damascus neighborhood of Kafr Sousa. Among other atrocities, Mugniyah was wanted in connection with the 1983 bombings of the Marine barracks and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, which killed over 350. Despite initial attempts to cover up the incident, the Syrian government reluctantly acknowledged some days later that one of the world's most wanted terrorists had been present and died on Syrian soil.

Syrian officials publicly condemned some acts of terrorism, while continuing to defend what they considered to be legitimate armed resistance by Palestinians and Hizballah against Israeli occupation of Arab territory, and by the Iraqi opposition against the "occupation of Iraq." Syria has not been directly implicated in an act of terrorism since 1986, although an ongoing UN investigation into the February 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri continued to investigate Syrian involvement.

...Throughout the year, Syria continued to strengthen ties with fellow state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Syria's Minister of Defense visited Tehran in May and initiated a Memorandum of Understanding on defense cooperation. Syria also allowed leaders of HAMAS and other Palestinian groups to visit Tehran. President Asad repaid a 2007 visit to Damascus by Iranian President Ahmadinejad with a visit of his own to Tehran in early August, his third visit since 2005. Asad continued to be a staunch defender of Iran's policies, including Iran's "civil" nuclear ambitions.

Syria increased border monitoring activities, instituted tighter screening practices on military-age Arab males entering its borders, hosted two Border Security Working Group meetings with technical experts from the Iraqi Neighbors group, and expressed a desire to increase security cooperation with Iraq. At the same time, Syria remained a key hub for foreign fighters en route to Iraq.

The USG designated several Iraqis residing in Syria and Iraqi-owned entities, including Mishan Al-Jaburi and his satellite television channel Al-Ra'y, under Executive Order 1348 for providing financial, material, and technical support for acts of violence that threatened the peace and stability of Iraq. The United States also designated known foreign fighter facilitators based in Syria, including members of the Abu Ghadiyah network, that orchestrated the flow of terrorists, weapons, and money from Syria to al-Qa’ida in Iraq, under Executive Order 13224.

Despite acknowledged reductions in foreign fighter flows, the scope and impact of the problem remained significant. Syria continued to allow former Iraqi regime elements to operate in the country. Attacks against Coalition Forces and Iraqi citizens continued to have a destabilizing effect on Iraq's internal security. Though Syrian and Iraqi leaders met throughout the year both publicly and privately to discuss border enhancements and other measures needed to combat foreign fighter flows, there were few tangible results. While Syria has taken some positive steps, the Syrian government could do more to interdict known terrorist networks and foreign fighter facilitators operating within its borders.

Syria remained a source of concern regarding terrorist financing. The Commercial Bank of Syria remained subject to U.S. sanctions. Industry experts reported that 70 percent of all business transactions were conducted in cash and that nearly 90 percent of all Syrians did not use formal banking services. Despite Syrian governmental legislation requiring money-changers to be licensed by the end of 2007, many money-changers continued to operate illegally in Syria's vast black market, estimated to be as large as Syria's formal economy. Regional "hawala" networks remained intertwined with smuggling and trade-based money laundering, facilitated by notoriously corrupt customs and immigration officials, raising significant concerns that Syrian government and business elites are, at the very least, complicit in illicit financing schemes.

Syria's government-controlled press continued to tout Syrian regime efforts to combat terrorism. The Syrian government, using tightly-controlled press outlets, was quick to blame a Lebanon-based, al-Qa’ida-affiliated group, Fatah al-Islam, for the September 27 attack against a prominent military intelligence installation. Syrian TV broadcasted a November 7 program featuring the confessions of some 20 Fatah al-Islam members, including the daughter and son-in-law of Fatah al-Islam leader Shakr al-Absy, of their involvement.

It remained unclear why Fatah al-Islam would have launched an attack against Syrian security elements, but media reports suggested Absy's disappearance inside of Syria as a possible motive. In response to the September 27 bombing, the Syrian security services conducted at least one reported raid on an alleged terrorist cell residing in the Damascus area, killing and arresting several suspected militants and confiscating a cache of weapons and explosives.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination.

The terms "terrorism" and "terrorist" (someone who engages in terrorism) carry strong negative connotations.[43] These terms are often used as political labels, to condemn violence or the threat of violence by certain actors as immoral, indiscriminate, unjustified or to condemn an entire segment of a population.[44] Those labeled "terrorists" by their opponents rarely identify themselves as such, and typically use other terms or terms specific to their situation, such as separatist, freedom fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel, patriot, or any similar-meaning word in other languages and cultures. Jihadi, mujaheddin, and fedayeen are similar Arabic words which have entered the English lexicon. It is common for both parties to a conflict to describe each other as terrorists.[45]

Terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(n) international terrorism (terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country)

WordNet Search - 3.0
Off course Syria is commited to peace.
Unfortunately the center of the "Axis of Evil", defined as Israel, does not show any commitment to peace.

Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.
Off course Syria is commited to peace.
Unfortunately the center of the "Axis of Evil", defined as Israel, does not show any commitment to peace.

Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.

I hear the Hariri case is still under investigation.

As far as the terrorist name calling thing, see above.
Off course Syria is commited to peace.
Unfortunately the center of the "Axis of Evil", defined as Israel, does not show any commitment to peace.

Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.

I hear the Hariri case is still under investigation.

As far as the terrorist name calling thing, see above.

PWNED, again.

Both Lebanese and US intelligence confirm Syria was behind Hariri's assassination that resulted in the US removing its ambassador to Syria and maintain its economic blockade of Syria.

You are the Forum Dunce.
Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.

I hear the Hariri case is still under investigation.

As far as the terrorist name calling thing, see above.

PWNED, again.

Both Lebanese and US intelligence confirm Syria was behind Hariri's assassination that resulted in the US removing its ambassador to Syria and maintain its economic blockade of Syria.

You are the Forum Dunce.

Do your homework, man-child.

It is not my fault that you spew crap and cannot back it up.

Here ya go, Tinhead, doing your homework for you...

Background on Syria and the Rafiq Hariri Investigation - - U.N.*probe links Syria to Hariri killing - Oct 21, 2005

Old info. From your link:

The report recommended that Lebanese authorities pick up the investigation from this point, with assistance from the international community.

During the four-month investigation, the report said, investigators interviewed more than 400 people and reviewed 60,000 documents.

"Yet, the investigation is not complete," the report said.
Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.

Hariri-junior was in December 2009 in Damascus. In the house of - as you claim - the murderer of his father.
Hariri-junior also does coalition with Hizbullah in government.

Tell the Lebanese (...)
Who the fuck are you to speak for Lebanese?
The actions of Hariri-junior do speak a realpolitik language.
Regional isolation of Syria is over and off course natural balance of Syria-Lebanon relations is re-established, meaning Lebanon is Syria's influence area.

As for Hariri-senior... Nothing is confirmed regarding Syria nor will there be anything confirmed.

What is confirmed is State terrorism of Israel in Lebanon 2006.
Syria did not bomb Lebanese cities and villages in 2006.
Israel did in 2006. Do not let me begin with massacres in Lebanon during Ariel Sharon's reign.

Maybe you trick, the percentage within US public with your fixing+faking who do not even find Lebanon on a map, but in worldpublic everyone knows and branded you already as "Axis of Evil".

Tell the Lebanese, whose beloved former PM, Rafik Hariri, was assassinated by Syria, that Syria is committed to peace.

Tell the US government, which designates Syria as a state-sponsor of terrorism that trains jihadists and sends them into Iraq and sponsors Hizballah, a US-designated terrorist group, that Syria is committed to peace.

You are insane.

Hariri-junior was in December 2009 in Damascus. In the house of - as you claim - the murderer of his father.
Hariri-junior also does coalition with Hizbullah in government.

Tell the Lebanese (...)
Who the fuck are you to speak for Lebanese?
The actions of Hariri-junior do speak a realpolitik language.
Regional isolation of Syria is over and off course natural balance of Syria-Lebanon relations is re-established, meaning Lebanon is Syria's influence area.

As for Hariri-senior... Nothing is confirmed regarding Syria nor will there be anything confirmed.

What is confirmed is State terrorism of Israel in Lebanon 2006.
Syria did not bomb Lebanese cities and villages in 2006.
Israel did in 2006. Do not let me begin with massacres in Lebanon during Ariel Sharon's reign.

Maybe you trick, the percentage within US public with your fixing+faking who do not even find Lebanon on a map, but in worldpublic everyone knows and branded you already as "Axis of Evil".

I know more Lebanese and know more about Lebanon and Syria than you ever will, you illiterate moron.

The Lebanese committed the massacre in Lebanon, idiot.

Syria murdered 20,000 Syrians in Hama, jackass.
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I know more Lebanese and know more about Lebanon and Syria than you ever will, you illiterate moron.

I live 70 km from Syrian border.

As to Lebanese...
Why do not let them speak for themselves.
Parliament Speaker of Lebanon, Nabih Berri:
“Before tackling economic issues I tell the world from Istanbul that tensions in the Middle East are the result of Israel’s continuation of its settlement attacks and their escalation,”

Read more: The Daily Star - Politics - Berri: 'Turkey will always stand by Lebanon's side'
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: Lebanon News :: Middle East News :: The Daily Star - Lebanon)

In contrast to your country, which is building Stone walls around herself, and interacts with the region through F-16, my country is lifting visa's with every country around.
I doubt you know any people from this area, nor do I really give a fuck about.
Who anyway wants to have contact with a terrorist who phosphorizes children and is labeled to have commited war crimes (Goldstone).
I know more Lebanese and know more about Lebanon and Syria than you ever will, you illiterate moron.

I live 70 km from Syrian border.

Yet, you know nothing of the Hama massacre of 20,000 Syrians by the Syrian government, eh, Mustafa?

As to Lebanese...
Why do not let them speak for themselves.
Parliament Speaker of Lebanon, Nabih Berri:
“Before tackling economic issues I tell the world from Istanbul that tensions in the Middle East are the result of Israel’s continuation of its settlement attacks and their escalation,”

Read more: The Daily Star - Politics - Berri: 'Turkey will always stand by Lebanon's side'
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: Lebanon News :: Middle East News :: The Daily Star - Lebanon)

In contrast to your country, which is building Stone walls around herself, and interacts with the region through F-16, my country is lifting visa's with every country around.
I doubt you know any people from this area, nor do I really give a fuck about.
Who anyway wants to have contact with a terrorist who phosphorizes children and is labeled to have commited war crimes (Goldstone).

Israel is building a chain link fence around itself to keep you fucking terrorist camel drivers out. Go blow yourselves up in Arab countries, you sick dogs.

Meanwhile, Arabs from Ramallah try to sneak into Israel to live because Israel is so wonderful.
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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News

Hey, Ahmed, you post from The Daily Star in Lebanon: Tell everyone about Lebanon's oppression of the Palestinians, how Lebanon forces 400,000 Pallies to live in refugee camps for 60 years and denies them citizenship so they cannot work or receive healthcare.

Tell everyone how the UN has to take care of the Pallies in Lebanon because Lebanon doesn't give a shit about their own Arab people.

Go on, Ahmed, tell us. LOL

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