To republican members of the democrat party, we haven't forgotten you.......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The republican members of the democrat party, lindsey graham, john mccain, john kasich...and others...who are failing to pass repeal and replace of obamacare, and who are the first ones to attack Trump when the democrats whistle......we are conservatives.....George H.W. Bush promised to cut taxes...and then lied, and was kicked out of office.....

You may think you are clever, that the love you get from the democrats when you savage Trump is wonderful...but they hate you, they will destroy you when they are done with you...but we won't forget....

Articles: Trump's Unintended Consequences: The Republican Party Reveals Itself

It’s been apparent for a while that they are the stupid party. But I never thought they were this stupid.

It’s been apparent for a long time they had Stockholm Syndrome. Captured by the left, they have been cowed into being spineless mushes afraid to be called names. But I never thought it was this bad.

It’s been apparent for a while this is a party interested in taking a back seat, as long as they get money, perks, and some kind of fame. But I never thought it was this corrupt.

Something has gone very wrong since Trump ascended. And it’s not him. He’s virtually the only one trying to do the right things. At this point, it’s clear we have a combination of sick factions in the GOP, and none of them give a damn about the party’s voters, none of them give a damn about the principles they claim to have stood for in the past years, and none of them have a clue about what they are doing.

What has this party done since Trump saved their bacon, keeping them in the majority, saving them from becoming a worthless second fiddle to a corrupt Hillary? Nothing. Just nothing. And now worse than nothing.

I am not the first to say this, but let’s be clear, the GOP has become a party of spineless wimps and frauds. They have betrayed half of America, betrayed the base that once supported them so well, and also betrayed their country.

They have been watching fecklessly as the left is destroying the agenda they were sent to put into place. They have been sitting on their hands while the left has been destroying their own party’s president, not only doing nothing, but often actively helping the left in their attempts to take him down.

They allowed this nonsense of Russia!Russia!Russia! to fester, knowing it was nonsense (and yes, it’s provable that they all knew). None of them stepped up to the plate to tell the left, the media, the public and the world that it was an asinine construct that had no evidence and simply wasn’t true.

Instead of actively coming against this pack of lies, they sat on their hands and let the dumbest narrative ever pressed into American politics fester into something almost half of the country psychotically believes. They also sat on their hands as the left attacked Trump, his cabinet, and his family about anything and everything. They watched like sheep as the agenda we voted has been neutered, all the while they, the GOP, were doing nothing, nothing at all.

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