To Know Or Not Know…

Nice to know that the Red Menace scare has not gone out of style. I find the whole thing silly since the US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism which is just how it should be since each has positive role to play in our society. Sorry if that hurts your ideological feelings.

You find the discussion of millions killed at the hands of government silly? You're a true leftist. Most of the leftists will be eradicated by the Communists if they get control - it happened in every single case - but you'll be OK. You're going to get a top spot in the Antifa Police.

My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.
Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Can you find any such links?


Just trying to hide your embarrassment, and assuage the sting?

…about the machinations of Marxism in Soviet Russia, and in the current United States.

1.There are lots of folks who are perfectly content to be cognizant of only those things that pertain to those functions that maintain their particular lives. That probably explains why Democrat voters are, largely, non-readers. They believe the dogma that big government will cosset and comfort them from cradle to grave. That, in fact, is Marxism.

2. I always viewed Winchester’s description of Brits of an earlier time with a certain envy. On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”

In earlier times, the same might have been for the American school system….but no longer. So, if one doesn’t bother to be responsible for their own education, it hardly exists: they vote Democrat.

3. Perhaps few have the time to read extensively, so here is a way to connect the past with the explanation for the times we are living through. “Mr. Jones is a 2019 Polish-Ukrainian-British film that's been kicking around European film festivals for the past year but is getting its first real exposure this month on Amazon Prime.”
The Media's Role in Concealing Stalin's Evils Exposed in Mr. Jones

I just viewed the film….and it is dynamite!!! It tells you everything about Stalin’s genocides in the Soviet Union, about the Left's full court press to influence the world, and makes clear the questions you should have asked in school.

4. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the theatrics of fake Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to: they swooned over the magnificence of Communism. Woodrow Wilson wouldn’t recognize the Bolshevik regime, nor would the contemporary British government. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, and have the citizens demand that Russia be recognized.
Today, the same international Left, represented by the Democrat Party, rushes to support and defend every enemy of America.

5. To understand how the current DNC-media axis is using the same sort of manipulation, one must understand both how successful those Bolsheviks were, and how the current ones are doing the same again, and being just as successful with the uneducated.

In the film "Mr. Jones:"
“The scene is Moscow, the year is 1932, and two reporters are in a venomous argument. One has just admitted to filing false stories attributing miraculous economic achievements to Joseph Stalin while ignoring the fact that he's systematically starving peasants by the millions. Hitler, she declares, is on the march in Germany and, soon, the rest of the world, and without Stalin's help, he'll never be stopped.

"You sound like you work for Stalin!" the other reporter declares in horror.

"I don't work for Stalin," the first reporter haughtily insists. "I believe in a movement that's bigger than any one person."

Shuffle some names, faces and insert the phrase "moral clarity" in there somewhere, and this could be a right-this-minute conversation between American journalists. And as the remarkable and riveting Mr. Jones makes appallingly clear, the first one didn't end well.” Reason, Op. Cit.

The film, “Mr. Jones,” is the real history, not the government school variety.....and presages our fate.
Nice to know that the Red Menace scare has not gone out of style. I find the whole thing silly since the US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism which is just how it should be since each has positive role to play in our society. Sorry if that hurts your ideological feelings.

Wow....that poster certainly put you in your place.

His post would have produced shame in a normal person.

But you could have explained to him that you're a supporter of the death party, and you meet the slaughter of seven million Russians with a shrug.

Just as this other subhuman did:
When I pointed out that his antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

Seems to me you'd be more comfortable on all fours.
You mean the poster that predicted I'm "going to get a top spot in the Antifa Police"? Seems like his grip on reality is a bit tenuous.

My 'shrug' was for your attempt to link FDR to the millions killed in the USSR. The USSR certainly spied on the US just as the US spied on the USSR. They were a brutal, authoritarian regime. It was power and paranoia that made them monsters, not FDR. What FDR did was in the interests of the US.

I see you've relied on your knowledge of history. don't have any!

1. FDR was the only President who would grant them recognition.

He empowered them.

He hid their culpability for slaughter whenever it came up.

2. President Roosevelt, with the typical progressive blind eye to human slaughter. He ignored the 3-5 million starved to death by the regime of the USSR, and rushed to embrace it, November of 1933. Gareth Jones and Malcolm Muggeridge had revealed it before Roosevelt had granted Russia the recognition they wanted.

3. And another "tsk, tsk," by Roosevelt: the Katyn Forest Massacre. In April of 1943, the mass graves of thousands of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia.

a. April 13, 1943, Radio Berlin broadcasts the German discovery of twenty-two thousand corpses of Polish officers "executed by the NKVD when the Soviets held the territory, spring of 1940.

4. April 21, 1943, Stalin tells FDR that it was "German fascists" that massacred the helpless Polish officers. But...he fumed that his and FDR's ally, the Polish government in exile has the nerve to ask the International Red Cross to investigate the crime. Did you get that? Stalin was incensed that the Poles wanted the atrocity investigated.

5. "In 1944, President Roosevelt assigned Capt. George Earle, his special emissary to the Balkans, to compile information on Katyn. Earle did so, using contacts in Bulgaria and Romania. He too concluded that the Soviet Union was guilty. FDR rejected Earle's conclusion, saying that he was convinced of Nazi Germany's responsibility. The report was suppressed. When Earle requested permission to publish his findings, the President gave him a written order to desist. Earle--who had been a Roosevelt family friend--spent the rest of the war in American Samoa."
The Katyn Controversy: Stalin's Killing Field — Central Intelligence Agency
Nice to know that the Red Menace scare has not gone out of style. I find the whole thing silly since the US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism which is just how it should be since each has positive role to play in our society. Sorry if that hurts your ideological feelings.

You find the discussion of millions killed at the hands of government silly? You're a true leftist. Most of the leftists will be eradicated by the Communists if they get control - it happened in every single case - but you'll be OK. You're going to get a top spot in the Antifa Police.

My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.
Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Can you find any such links?


Just trying to hide your embarrassment, and assuage the sting?

Links to what?
My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.

You're right; the one I addressed is absolutely the proof that, even if you point out the evil, they simply don't care.

Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.
My 'shrug' was for your attempt to link FDR to the millions killed in the USSR. The USSR certainly spied on the US just as the US spied on the USSR. They were a brutal, authoritarian regime. It was power and paranoia that made them monsters, not FDR. What FDR did was in the interests of the US.

When the USSR spied on the US, was that FDR's fault? Doesn't that make FDR a Soviet operative? Because the left says that when Putin purchases from leftist Facebook some very small number of advertisements, that was proof that Trump was a Russian operative.
…about the machinations of Marxism in Soviet Russia, and in the current United States.

1.There are lots of folks who are perfectly content to be cognizant of only those things that pertain to those functions that maintain their particular lives. That probably explains why Democrat voters are, largely, non-readers. They believe the dogma that big government will cosset and comfort them from cradle to grave. That, in fact, is Marxism.

2. I always viewed Winchester’s description of Brits of an earlier time with a certain envy. On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”

In earlier times, the same might have been for the American school system….but no longer. So, if one doesn’t bother to be responsible for their own education, it hardly exists: they vote Democrat.

3. Perhaps few have the time to read extensively, so here is a way to connect the past with the explanation for the times we are living through. “Mr. Jones is a 2019 Polish-Ukrainian-British film that's been kicking around European film festivals for the past year but is getting its first real exposure this month on Amazon Prime.”
The Media's Role in Concealing Stalin's Evils Exposed in Mr. Jones

I just viewed the film….and it is dynamite!!! It tells you everything about Stalin’s genocides in the Soviet Union, about the Left's full court press to influence the world, and makes clear the questions you should have asked in school.

4. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the theatrics of fake Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to: they swooned over the magnificence of Communism. Woodrow Wilson wouldn’t recognize the Bolshevik regime, nor would the contemporary British government. Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, and have the citizens demand that Russia be recognized.
Today, the same international Left, represented by the Democrat Party, rushes to support and defend every enemy of America.

5. To understand how the current DNC-media axis is using the same sort of manipulation, one must understand both how successful those Bolsheviks were, and how the current ones are doing the same again, and being just as successful with the uneducated.

In the film "Mr. Jones:"
“The scene is Moscow, the year is 1932, and two reporters are in a venomous argument. One has just admitted to filing false stories attributing miraculous economic achievements to Joseph Stalin while ignoring the fact that he's systematically starving peasants by the millions. Hitler, she declares, is on the march in Germany and, soon, the rest of the world, and without Stalin's help, he'll never be stopped.

"You sound like you work for Stalin!" the other reporter declares in horror.

"I don't work for Stalin," the first reporter haughtily insists. "I believe in a movement that's bigger than any one person."

Shuffle some names, faces and insert the phrase "moral clarity" in there somewhere, and this could be a right-this-minute conversation between American journalists. And as the remarkable and riveting Mr. Jones makes appallingly clear, the first one didn't end well.” Reason, Op. Cit.

The film, “Mr. Jones,” is the real history, not the government school variety.....and presages our fate.
Nice to know that the Red Menace scare has not gone out of style. I find the whole thing silly since the US is a mix of communism, socialism, and capitalism which is just how it should be since each has positive role to play in our society. Sorry if that hurts your ideological feelings.

Wow....that poster certainly put you in your place.

His post would have produced shame in a normal person.

But you could have explained to him that you're a supporter of the death party, and you meet the slaughter of seven million Russians with a shrug.

Just as this other subhuman did:
When I pointed out that his antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

Seems to me you'd be more comfortable on all fours.
You mean the poster that predicted I'm "going to get a top spot in the Antifa Police"? Seems like his grip on reality is a bit tenuous.

My 'shrug' was for your attempt to link FDR to the millions killed in the USSR. The USSR certainly spied on the US just as the US spied on the USSR. They were a brutal, authoritarian regime. It was power and paranoia that made them monsters, not FDR. What FDR did was in the interests of the US.

I see you've relied on your knowledge of history. don't have any!

1. FDR was the only President who would grant them recognition.

He empowered them.

He hid their culpability for slaughter whenever it came up.

2. President Roosevelt, with the typical progressive blind eye to human slaughter. He ignored the 3-5 million starved to death by the regime of the USSR, and rushed to embrace it, November of 1933. Gareth Jones and Malcolm Muggeridge had revealed it before Roosevelt had granted Russia the recognition they wanted.

3. And another "tsk, tsk," by Roosevelt: the Katyn Forest Massacre. In April of 1943, the mass graves of thousands of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia.

a. April 13, 1943, Radio Berlin broadcasts the German discovery of twenty-two thousand corpses of Polish officers "executed by the NKVD when the Soviets held the territory, spring of 1940.

4. April 21, 1943, Stalin tells FDR that it was "German fascists" that massacred the helpless Polish officers. But...he fumed that his and FDR's ally, the Polish government in exile has the nerve to ask the International Red Cross to investigate the crime. Did you get that? Stalin was incensed that the Poles wanted the atrocity investigated.

5. "In 1944, President Roosevelt assigned Capt. George Earle, his special emissary to the Balkans, to compile information on Katyn. Earle did so, using contacts in Bulgaria and Romania. He too concluded that the Soviet Union was guilty. FDR rejected Earle's conclusion, saying that he was convinced of Nazi Germany's responsibility. The report was suppressed. When Earle requested permission to publish his findings, the President gave him a written order to desist. Earle--who had been a Roosevelt family friend--spent the rest of the war in American Samoa."
The Katyn Controversy: Stalin's Killing Field — Central Intelligence Agency
What if FDR had publicly accused the Russians of atrocities during the war? Would the Russians have acted differently? They had the most powerful army and were using it to fight the enemies of the US.

Maybe FDR was silent for the same reasons Trump has not accused the Russians of putting bounties on US troops or condemned the Chinese for their treatment of uighurs before Bolton's book came out?
What if FDR had publicly accused the Russians of atrocities during the war? Would the Russians have acted differently? They had the most powerful army and were using it to fight the enemies of the US.

Maybe FDR was silent for the same reasons Trump has not accused the Russians of putting bounties on US troops or condemned the Chinese for their treatment of uighurs before Bolton's book came out?
Are you suggesting that FDR was a Soviet agent? Or are you admitting that President Trump may have legitimate global foreign policy interests in what words he uses against the Russians and when? Or both? I assume both.
My 'shrug' was for your attempt to link FDR to the millions killed in the USSR. The USSR certainly spied on the US just as the US spied on the USSR. They were a brutal, authoritarian regime. It was power and paranoia that made them monsters, not FDR. What FDR did was in the interests of the US.

When the USSR spied on the US, was that FDR's fault? Doesn't that make FDR a Soviet operative? Because the left says that when Putin purchases from leftist Facebook some very small number of advertisements, that was proof that Trump was a Russian operative.
I don't know who you're referring to but this leftist doesn't think that Trump was a Russian operative. I think they had a common interest, getting Trump elected. I don't think there was active collusion or Mueller would have found it.
What if FDR had publicly accused the Russians of atrocities during the war? Would the Russians have acted differently? They had the most powerful army and were using it to fight the enemies of the US.

Maybe FDR was silent for the same reasons Trump has not accused the Russians of putting bounties on US troops or condemned the Chinese for their treatment of uighurs before Bolton's book came out?
Are you suggesting that FDR was a Soviet agent? Or are you admitting that President Trump may have legitimate global foreign policy interests in what words he uses against the Russians and when? Or both? I assume both.
I have to hope that every president operates solely in the interests of the US. I'd wager that EVERY president has allied the US with governments they did not approve of to further the interest of the US. Why Trump does what he does I can't always see. I do know that he has often been at odds with the intelligent community of the US and taken the side of the Russians. I hope he has a legit reason but I sure don't know what it is.
I have to hope that every president operates solely in the interests of the US. I'd wager that EVERY president has allied the US with governments they did not approve of to further the interest of the US. Why Trump does what he does I can't always see. I do know that he has often been at odds with the intelligent community of the US and taken the side of the Russians. I hope he has a legit reason but I sure don't know what it is.

I know what you mean but I have to respond to what you wrote: Trump has not been at odds with the intelligent community. Those he has been at odds with are not intelligent. :)
My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.

You're right; the one I addressed is absolutely the proof that, even if you point out the evil, they simply don't care.

Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Their fear of offending the woke cancel crown is far greater than their adherence to truth and morality.
I have to hope that every president operates solely in the interests of the US. I'd wager that EVERY president has allied the US with governments they did not approve of to further the interest of the US. Why Trump does what he does I can't always see. I do know that he has often been at odds with the intelligent community of the US and taken the side of the Russians. I hope he has a legit reason but I sure don't know what it is.

I know what you mean but I have to respond to what you wrote: Trump has not been at odds with the intelligent community. Those he has been at odds with are not intelligent. :)
Cute, but I actually know people in the intelligence community and they are well educated and scary smart.
My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.

You're right; the one I addressed is absolutely the proof that, even if you point out the evil, they simply don't care.

Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Their fear of offending the woke cancel crown is far greater than their adherence to truth and morality.
Thanks for showing us all, yet again, that you're the master at ignoring inconvenient facts and shooting the messenger.
My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.

You're right; the one I addressed is absolutely the proof that, even if you point out the evil, they simply don't care.

Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Their fear of offending the woke cancel crown is far greater than their adherence to truth and morality.
Thanks for showing us all, yet again, that you're the master at ignoring inconvenient facts and shooting the messenger.

".... shooting the messenger."

You've been shot?????

So....what is your condition today? Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
My last line in post #5...

There are two things to realize about Democrat voters who become aware of these facts: they didn’t know, and they don’t care.

And the one you're addressing is the proof.

You're right; the one I addressed is absolutely the proof that, even if you point out the evil, they simply don't care.

Except you haven't told me anything I didn't know. I'm sure you feel that Nixon was a commie too since he was the first sitting US President to shake the hand of Mao Zedong. Reagan must have been a commie sympathizer too since he signed a treaty with the USSR.

Their fear of offending the woke cancel crown is far greater than their adherence to truth and morality.
Thanks for showing us all, yet again, that you're the master at ignoring inconvenient facts and shooting the messenger.

".... shooting the messenger."

You've been shot?????

So....what is your condition today? Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
You should always be hopeful. As much as I appreciate your concern for my health, you should also address the issues. If you can. If you can't, then feel free to continue to make personal commentary.

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