To Gov Nixon, Obama and gang


VIP Member
Aug 18, 2014
You failed us in Mo last night. Our city is ruined. Good peoples hearts are broke.

Gov Nixon, You had three months to prepare.You said you were prepared for the worse.
What happened???
Whats gonna happen tonight and the next....and the next?

Obama, I hear you did not even watch Prosecutor Bob McCulloughs announcement last night so your opinion, your voice means absolutely nothing!
You are a liar!

Sharpton and everyone of the like GO HOME you only add fuel to the fire!

To Officer Wilson and family, God bless you and watch over you. Thank you for doing your job on Aug 9, 2014. You may have saved someone else from getting hurt by that thug, possibly killed, raped or whatever.
and just what the hell is the United States of America doing with a President by the name of Barack Hussein Obama

What is wrong with you voters????????????? Didn't you learn anything from the first four yrs? Really?

anxiously awaiting 2016...cant come soon enough

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