Times Square has fallen back


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Times Square is looking a lot like its bad old self, with vagrants, boozy migrants, junkies, and scofflaws making the Crossroads of the World look more like the third world, infuriating those who played an important role in its cleanup.

On three separate days over the past week, The Post saw junkies brazenly smoking crack pipes on West 43rd Street, drug dealers peddling their wares within eyeshot of cops, hobos conked out wherever they can find a spot, and scores of aimless migrants loitering the day away.

“A lot of people are worried about [Times Square] collapsing. And unless they start getting it together for a rebuild, it might actually collapse,” said William Bratton, the NYPD commissioner who helped then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani clean up the area in the 1990s.

The Democrats have been in control of NYC for a long time.
Why have they made the problems worse?

Welcome to the Wests future.. All of our main cities will look like 18th century London at some point. Don't blame people like me (for Canadas decline at least).
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