Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

Nah. It's time for a Grass Roots Special from the Democrats. Build from the bottom up. Focus on the local and state elections and take enough them to pass some Pro-Democracy and Freedom Amendments to the Constitution. Make those partisan hacks trumpyberra appointed irrelevant. on those matters.
Yup, that and multiple other things also. Erase anything to do with Diaper Don
Listening to women is precisely why the United States went from the Greatest Generation that won WW2 to a nation of faggots, chopping their dicks off and calling themselves women.

It's time to take away the Women's rights to vote. To be honest.

It's not like we ever had this problem in the preceding 10,000 years of human history when Men ruled the EarGood
Good bye , hate to see you go.
Can't accept stupid answers, bye
Well here is the actual reason why it will not happen and that is the Senate is split fifty - fifty, and seeing Manchin will never vote for expansion mean this issue is dead…

Never thought of that did you and Manchin is from West Virginia and will vote for what his base wants and not what you want…
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
And then when Rs take back over, they'll stack it a few more and in 20 years we'll have 300 justices. No thanks. We'll keep what we have.
Here is how dumb the left has gotten that they want expansion of the court while just waiting for Thomas and Alito and even Roberts to leave will help the left down the road and swing the court left again and why?

Simple, every time the GOP get power it will last about eight to twelve years max and then bam a Democrat is back in…

So slow it down and think and also Manchin will never vote to expand the court!
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.

But why stop there?

Just abolish the darn Court.

Let President Biden make all the decisions.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Then it should be easy enough to pass a Constitutional amendment.
Then it should be easy enough to pass a Constitutional amendment.
The bar is higher to pass an amendment than it is to expand the court.

Learn how your government works
The bar is higher to pass an amendment than it is to expand the court.

Learn how your government works
I know how the government works. Amending the Constitution is a more permanent solution than democrats packing the court. Undoing that can be done by the next administration by simply adding more of their own justices.
Who are these people ,heroes in their own mind , but here is what the truth really is about these gun bubbas.
And a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. Ya they aren't going to take orders, they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain dead side and support you. I know who you are , You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party . With a tank chasing you with the American flag waiving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you , you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before the drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left. I just don't understand why anyone would just come on to the internet to show their ignorance to reality
Who says the American military or part of the military will not join the rebels? What about the National Guard in places like the Free State of Florida?

Plus over the years we have trained one hell of a lot of soldiers and many of those have experienced combat. They will be able to put up a hell of a good fight.

Do you like to see food arrive to your grocery store? What happens when the truckers join the uprising and refuse to drive to your big cities.

Remember the Beltway snipers? Remember the pictures of people crouching at the gasoline station while pumping gas. That was just two guys that caused a lot of terror.

Don’t make Putin’s mistake and underestimate how hard people will fight to preserve their freedom.
Who says the American military or part of the military will not join the rebels? What about the National Guard in places like the Free State of Florida?

Plus over the years we have trained one hell of a lot of soldiers and many of those have experienced combat. They will be able to put up a hell of a good fight.

Do you like to see food arrive to your grocery store? What happens when the truckers join the uprising and refuse to drive to your big cities.

Remember the Beltway snipers? Remember the pictures of people crouching at the gasoline station while pumping gas. That was just two guys that caused a lot of terror.

Don’t make Putin’s mistake and underestimate how hard people will fight to preserve their freedom.
All these people that you say are going to kill for you are dead ducks , CRUNCH is the word as American tanks run over these bastards with patriotic music playing loudly and the American flag waving proudly from the tanks and right before they run over one of yours, he will shit in his pants and throw away his gun and call for his mamma , These shitters are the same gun bubbas that said their guns would only be taken away from the dead hands. All of the haters will be covered in your own shit. Dead on the ground.
It will take about 24 hours before you hero's will throw your gun away and go into hiding in your momma's basement. What a hoot, Remember the sound of a body being run over by a tank CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!

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