Time to force all States to split their electoral votes by Electoral District...Maine and Nebraska

We don't have Slavery any more,
We're all slaves- and tools for the Duopoly Party- as tools we're classified as a tool or an enemy every 4 years- the rest of the time we're "stinky tourist"

You'll get absolutely no argument from me on that. However I was referring to literal Slavery, the peculiar institution that spawned the Electrical College in the first place, the point being all the reasons for its contrivance in the first place, have long since disappeared.

And in fact just to bring it back around the track, that Electrical College keeps that Duopoly entrenched, so not only has it outlived its basis, it's actively doing us harm.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.

Time to eliminate the Electoral College. The degree from there is almost as useless as from tRump University.

that Electrical College keeps that Duopoly entrenched
Voters= partisans do that on their own- there are options- the Electoral College is not at fault, nor is the system- the Electoral College is "representative" voting, which what a republic has- the fault, if fault is to be assigned is, Public Education- proper education is a requirement for thinking things through- partisans act as acolytes and that is, regurgitating, praising, worshipping, i.e., brain washed by answers being given by authority figures and carried over into adulthood- authority figures love to act as authoritarians and act they do-
Add to the above. There is no quick fix- we are living the results of improper education mandated for a few generations and several decades- generations/decades are time consuming- it is a building process, or reaping the fruits of seeds sown- seeds were sown, we are reaping the harvest-
that Electrical College keeps that Duopoly entrenched
Voters= partisans do that on their own- there are options- the Electoral College is not at fault, nor is the system- the Electoral College is "representative" voting, which what a republic has- the fault, if fault is to be assigned is, Public Education- proper education is a requirement for thinking things through- partisans act as acolytes and that is, regurgitating, praising, worshipping, i.e., brain washed by answers being given by authority figures and carried over into adulthood- authority figures love to act as authoritarians and act they do-
Add to the above. There is no quick fix- we are living the results of improper education mandated for a few generations and several decades- generations/decades are time consuming- it is a building process, or reaping the fruits of seeds sown- seeds were sown, we are reaping the harvest-

Oh no you don't. This is like my local grocery store manager who stocks his shelves in chaos and when I point it out he tries to blame the customers. Nobody in your lifetime or mine has seen a POTUS election that wasn't a Hobson's Choice of "Bad" or "Worse", i.e. the lesser of two evils. And the Electoral College with its fucked-up WTA system ensures that those are our only two choices because --- again ---- you can vote with your "red" or "blue" state, you can vote against it, you can vote third party, and NONE of those have any effect on the outcome. Therefore your only option, and mine, is to vote not "for" one candy but to BLOCK the other. "I don't like the (red) but (the blue) would be even worse".

And that is the work of the Electoral College.

Ross Perot was the choice of nearly a fifth of the national vote in 1992. How many electors did he get? A quarter? An eighth? A sixty-fourth? Nope, he got ZERO. And that's what you get when you try to crack the Duopoly, courtesy of the shockingly absurd Electrical College.

When you have a single party that dresses up alternately in red and blue pretending to be two different things, collusion ensues. Such as the bogus "Commission on Presidential Debates" which is a tool OF that Duopoly and ensures that a Ross Perot ain't getting in. So what you're left with on the ballot is Red Guy, Blue Guy and various fringers that don't have a snowball's chance in Hades. And we KNOW they don't have that chance, so we don't even consider them, because it's pointless. The EC won't allow it. And needles to say the Duopoly well knows that so each side of it also knows it doesn't need to present a quality candidate, all it needs is to present one that isn't as bad as the other side. And thus we get our Hobson's Choice and it's been that way all our lifetimes.

"Voters do that on their own" my ass. Point the finger where it belongs.

I might add, as I always do, that this is a prime reason our national election turnout is so abysmal. For millions of voters there's just no point in leaving the house. Yet another flaw of the EC.
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Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.
Nope. The Dims will win that contest. The last thing I want is New York and Commiefornia participating in our electoral process.
It's well past time for a national popular election for the chief executive. Not only that but we the people need to have some kind of national referendums to let the people reign in the power and control of the Federal Government.
This thread.

Counter my argument if you can. You're flailing here.
I have- ignoring things don't change them or make them go away- I don't flail- I present counter arguments to nearly every dogma- religious and political-
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

So because your ideas couldn't win with the American people your solution is to change the rules and rig it in your favor?

How very Democrat of you.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

So because your ideas couldn't win with the American people your solution is to change the rules and rig it in your favor?

How very Democrat of you.
That's what the Dims did in this election, moron
This thread.

Counter my argument if you can. You're flailing here.
I have- ignoring things don't change them or make them go away- I don't flail- I present counter arguments to nearly every dogma- religious and political-

Whelp, you're not doing it here. You even cut the argument out of the quote.

Again, the instant point was that the Electoral College perpetuates the Duopoly. And I explained how it does that. I haven't seen that illustration contested. All I got is "fingers".

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