Time to end UNWRA


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
It is time to end UNWRA.

UNRWA’s essence involves making it clear to the more than 70 percent of Gaza inhabitants registered as refugees, that Gaza is not their true home. It does so by providing the political infrastructure that grants Palestinians the status of “refugees,” which they would not otherwise merit if international standards were applied to them; by passing this status on to their descendants automatically and in perpetuity, while opposing any effort to find solutions for those registered as “refugees,” other than in the context of the collective demand for “return.” It is this that UNRWA often refers to by the code words “just solution” and “legitimate rights,” of which it calls itself the protector. UNRWA makes it clear to the “refugees” in Gaza (and in all of its other areas of operations) that their “true home,” wrested from them by force, lies across the border. People who grow up with that belief will assuredly use cement, when given it, not to build permanent homes, but to dig tunnels to the place which, as far as they are concerned, is their real home. Source: How UNWRA Prevents Gaza From Thriving

I believe this applies not only to Gaza, but to all Palestinians. They are stuck in an impossible limbo from which there is no escape. They refuse to commit ideologically to building lives for themselves -- individually, culturally and nationally -- because they are stuck in the ideological fantasy that they will gain access to territory in Israel. Be absolutely clear that is a fantasy. It will not and can not happen. Even if they had a right to it (and they most assuredly do not), Israel will not permit it, for a thousand, completely justifiable reasons. Israel is getting stronger, Palestine is getting weaker. They do not have the financial or military power to achieve this fantasy against Israel's will. And they are losing global investment in this fantasy, led by the US but followed by other nations, including Arab nations. The scales are beginning to tip against them.

Further, it is necessary for the international community to restore the concept of refugee-status to its original intent which is to ensure peoples receive aide in terms of shelter, adequate food, medical care, etc in emergency situations until those emergency situations can be relieved. This relief encompasses a variety of different possibilities: return, yes (rarely), resettlement, restitution. The idea that return is the only solution remains unrealistic in most circumstances, and has never been universally applied.

Dr. Einat Wilf on Twitter

I am NOT, necessarily, saying that Palestine and Palestinians should lose all international aide. But that aide must be directed towards activities of state-building, of permanent settlement in Arab Palestine, of infrastructure, of economic growth and development of trade, employment and use of resources.

Sooner the better.
It is time to end UNWRA.

UNRWA’s essence involves making it clear to the more than 70 percent of Gaza inhabitants registered as refugees, that Gaza is not their true home. It does so by providing the political infrastructure that grants Palestinians the status of “refugees,” which they would not otherwise merit if international standards were applied to them; by passing this status on to their descendants automatically and in perpetuity, while opposing any effort to find solutions for those registered as “refugees,” other than in the context of the collective demand for “return.” It is this that UNRWA often refers to by the code words “just solution” and “legitimate rights,” of which it calls itself the protector. UNRWA makes it clear to the “refugees” in Gaza (and in all of its other areas of operations) that their “true home,” wrested from them by force, lies across the border. People who grow up with that belief will assuredly use cement, when given it, not to build permanent homes, but to dig tunnels to the place which, as far as they are concerned, is their real home. Source: How UNWRA Prevents Gaza From Thriving

I believe this applies not only to Gaza, but to all Palestinians. They are stuck in an impossible limbo from which there is no escape. They refuse to commit ideologically to building lives for themselves -- individually, culturally and nationally -- because they are stuck in the ideological fantasy that they will gain access to territory in Israel. Be absolutely clear that is a fantasy. It will not and can not happen. Even if they had a right to it (and they most assuredly do not), Israel will not permit it, for a thousand, completely justifiable reasons. Israel is getting stronger, Palestine is getting weaker. They do not have the financial or military power to achieve this fantasy against Israel's will. And they are losing global investment in this fantasy, led by the US but followed by other nations, including Arab nations. The scales are beginning to tip against them.

Further, it is necessary for the international community to restore the concept of refugee-status to its original intent which is to ensure peoples receive aide in terms of shelter, adequate food, medical care, etc in emergency situations until those emergency situations can be relieved. This relief encompasses a variety of different possibilities: return, yes (rarely), resettlement, restitution. The idea that return is the only solution remains unrealistic in most circumstances, and has never been universally applied.

Dr. Einat Wilf on Twitter

I am NOT, necessarily, saying that Palestine and Palestinians should lose all international aide. But that aide must be directed towards activities of state-building, of permanent settlement in Arab Palestine, of infrastructure, of economic growth and development of trade, employment and use of resources.

Sooner the better.
I am NOT, necessarily, saying that Palestine and Palestinians should lose all international aide. But that aide must be directed towards activities of state-building, of permanent settlement in Arab Palestine, of infrastructure, of economic growth and development of trade, employment and use of resources.
Of course it is her own government, not UNWRA, that is preventing that.
It is time to end UNWRA.

UNRWA’s essence involves making it clear to the more than 70 percent of Gaza inhabitants registered as refugees, that Gaza is not their true home. It does so by providing the political infrastructure that grants Palestinians the status of “refugees,” which they would not otherwise merit if international standards were applied to them; by passing this status on to their descendants automatically and in perpetuity, while opposing any effort to find solutions for those registered as “refugees,” other than in the context of the collective demand for “return.” It is this that UNRWA often refers to by the code words “just solution” and “legitimate rights,” of which it calls itself the protector. UNRWA makes it clear to the “refugees” in Gaza (and in all of its other areas of operations) that their “true home,” wrested from them by force, lies across the border. People who grow up with that belief will assuredly use cement, when given it, not to build permanent homes, but to dig tunnels to the place which, as far as they are concerned, is their real home. Source: How UNWRA Prevents Gaza From Thriving

I believe this applies not only to Gaza, but to all Palestinians. They are stuck in an impossible limbo from which there is no escape. They refuse to commit ideologically to building lives for themselves -- individually, culturally and nationally -- because they are stuck in the ideological fantasy that they will gain access to territory in Israel. Be absolutely clear that is a fantasy. It will not and can not happen. Even if they had a right to it (and they most assuredly do not), Israel will not permit it, for a thousand, completely justifiable reasons. Israel is getting stronger, Palestine is getting weaker. They do not have the financial or military power to achieve this fantasy against Israel's will. And they are losing global investment in this fantasy, led by the US but followed by other nations, including Arab nations. The scales are beginning to tip against them.

Further, it is necessary for the international community to restore the concept of refugee-status to its original intent which is to ensure peoples receive aide in terms of shelter, adequate food, medical care, etc in emergency situations until those emergency situations can be relieved. This relief encompasses a variety of different possibilities: return, yes (rarely), resettlement, restitution. The idea that return is the only solution remains unrealistic in most circumstances, and has never been universally applied.

Dr. Einat Wilf on Twitter

I am NOT, necessarily, saying that Palestine and Palestinians should lose all international aide. But that aide must be directed towards activities of state-building, of permanent settlement in Arab Palestine, of infrastructure, of economic growth and development of trade, employment and use of resources.

Sooner the better.
I am NOT, necessarily, saying that Palestine and Palestinians should lose all international aide. But that aide must be directed towards activities of state-building, of permanent settlement in Arab Palestine, of infrastructure, of economic growth and development of trade, employment and use of resources.
Of course it is her own government, not UNWRA, that is preventing that.

"Of course it is her own government, not UNWRA, that is preventing that."

oh, no - "preventers" - Palestinian terrorists are – key word, terrorists. terrorists share a common bond:

A warped, sick existence on earth…. you have to keep babysitting them.....cave-men with kite-bombs. ridiculous, it's not B.C., it's A.D.....
Of course it is her own government, not UNWRA, that is preventing that.

I'd argue its her own people who are preventing that. They allow a corrupt, radicalized government to remain in power because the corrupt, radicalized government is voicing the corrupt, radicalized ideology which UNWRA supports.
The real irony here is that the Arabs are creating, through UNRWA and it's definition of refugee, a legal foundation for the "right to return" which supports and confirms the Jewish claim to the land.
Here’s to another few millenia of religious nuts killng each other and demanding each other’s land in the “holy” land :beer:
Here’s to another few millenia of religious nuts killng each other and demanding each other’s land in the “holy” land :beer:

"religious nuts killng each other..."

Thank GOD i'm a religious nut. It doesn't have to be this nutty.....the palestinians should just convert to:







or nothing
[which i'm not for false flag]

...they should renounce islam, rip off those kerchifs....

kick out the 'palestinian' terrorists,

.....and... get a job already.
Here’s to another few millenia of religious nuts killng each other and demanding each other’s land in the “holy” land :beer:

"religious nuts killng each other..."

Thank GOD i'm a religious nut. It doesn't have to be this nutty.....the palestinians should just convert to:







or nothing
[which i'm not for false flag]

...they should renounce islam, rip off those kerchifs....

kick out the 'palestinian' terrorists,

.....and... get a job already.

Glad you’re excited about it too! :beer:
Since the UN created the problem by taking land from the indigenous people and giving it to Europeans. The UN is responsible for supporting the people and their descendants that they desinfranchised,
Since the UN created the problem by taking land from the indigenous people and giving it to Europeans. The UN is responsible for supporting the people and their descendants that they desinfranchised,
Are you going to have the UN be responsible for supporting the Kurds, who should have had their own indigenous State, and not all of those Sunni/Shia Arabs?

How about the Assyrians from Syria. Who is being responsible for them, after all of those Arabs took over their land?

How about in Lebanon?

Let us get to the Copts in Egypt and the Berbers in Morocco, and....all the other indigenous people of those lands, who.....
like the indigenous Jews......have the right to have sovereignty over their own ancestral indigenous land OVER the invading Muslim Arabs who forced their language and culture on them for the past 1400 years.


Since the UN created the problem by taking land from the indigenous people and giving it to Europeans. The UN is responsible for supporting the people and their descendants that they desinfranchised,

The UN didn't take any land from anyone, it had no legal power to do so.
What the UN did though UNRWA was to make a single political group into a generational welfare fraud, otherwise not applicable to any real refugee.

Since the UN created the problem by taking land from the indigenous people and giving it to Europeans. The UN is responsible for supporting the people and their descendants that they desinfranchised,

Oh pah-leeze. The UN did no such thing.
Here’s to another few millenia of religious nuts killng each other and demanding each other’s land in the “holy” land :beer:
While you do it in the hood.
For how many millenia?

the muslims. they live in the stone age.

...and Kaespernick.... ?really? ?really? mm-huh. it's called culture clash. brrr.
Muslims, like Jews and Christians did, will eventually choose wordly riches over faith. Look at Suadi Arabia.

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