Threatened. Humiliated. Blacklisted. Inside the culture of fear that muzzled and penalized women who exposed abuse at Canada Soccer


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A top heavy systen of abuse and power exists in this country similar to what exists in countries such as Russia. the destroy lives to.such a degree that thos wman left for Europe out of fear for her safety! Think about that... I feel eerily similar when reaizing just how far some will go to protect ther power and ability ro abuse wthout accountability... Threatened. Humiliated. Blacklisted. Inside the culture of fear that muzzled and penalized women who exposed abuse at Canada Soccer.
She says she also saw something happen to those brave enough to speak out against Canada Soccer leadership: blacklisting, threats, ostracization and humiliation.
“I have personally experienced or witnessed people being threatened with legal actions, denied critical information to do their jobs appropriately, or denied work or financial opportunities as a means of punishment for coming forward,” said Neil, a former captain of the national team and a pioneer of Canadian women’s soccer.,.........
The fear of retaliation remains so strong that Neil’s co-author, a former youth player, has asked for federal whistleblower protection because they “genuinely fear” for their “safety and security” in speaking out against the sport’s leadership.
“We’ve seen how the people in charge of soccer in Canada have silenced those who dared ask for basic accountability,” she said in an interview. The Star has agreed not to publish her name..........
In 2019, national-level player Ciara McCormack was one of the first to publicly criticize Canada’s governing body with a scathing post on her blog titled “A Horrible Canadian Soccer Story — The Story No One Wants to Listen To But Everyone Needs To Hear.”
It took her a decade to summon the courage to post it publicly, she says.
It details years of what she describes as harassment, abuse and sexual impropriety focused on former national-level coach Bob Birarda, who was convicted for sexual assault last year — nearly 15 years after concerns about his conduct were first raised and investigated by Canada Soccer.
“When you literally have people know that there’s a predator on the field and the most powerful people in soccer … knew and nothing gets done, you realize there’s a lot of people that have something to lose with the truth coming out,” she said. “There is fear of exposing something like that … There is a power dynamic to it.”
Six months after she posted the blog she decided to leave Canada. She now lives in Europe.
“I think it’s just easier to fight these things from afar,” she says. “I can’t speak freely about this stuff if I’m embedded in Canada … I feel safer not being in Canada.”
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Soccer, while good exercise, is not really a sport. ;)
I think you are missing the point entirely. You are dragged down with us by association. Your most trusted and vital organization is the F.B.I, believe that. If you lose them, you lose America and wll be as unaccountable and abusive as Canada. They are the last stand in a nation that provides the last stand for liberty. Remember that.
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I think you are missing the point entirely. You are dragged down with us by association. Your most trusted and vital organization is the F.B.I, believe that. If you lose them, you lose America and wll be as unaccountable and abusive as Canada. They are the last stand in a nation that provides the last stand for liberty. Remember that.
What postion do you play in your women's team?
I think you are missing the point entirely. You are dragged down with us by association. Your most trusted and vital organization is the F.B.I, believe that. If you lose them, you lose America and wll be as unaccountable and abusive as Canada. They are the last stand in a nation that provides the last stand for liberty. Remember that.
LOL....So you haven't bothered to look around for the last 20-odd fuckin' years and figured out you are on your own? How quaint. :laughing0301:
LOL....So you haven't bothered to look around for the last 20-odd fuckin' years and figured out you are on your own? How quaint. :laughing0301:
We are always on our own to some degree. When a nations reputation is tarnished it is VERY difficult to recover from. The impact is felt throughout their economy and global inflluence when this haopens.
Do you really care what I think of America's Hat?
No. I posted this so that you understsnd how Canada operates, even as some of you deny this or even defend the apparatuses here. My guess is that you have a few people who gleefully spit on soldiers graves as they betray the principles that those men died for.

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