Thread Comparing Dem and Republican Pedos Allowed

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Active Member
Sep 2, 2016
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Are threads comparing the number of child predators in each major party allowed on USMB? If not, why not?

Seems like an important subject. Republicans talk about "family values" so it certainly an issue and as we know there have been a lot of sex scandals with Republicans involving little kids.

Should the Republican pedophile epidemic continue to be swept under the rug?

Should the GOP continue to deny there is a huge problem?

Your thoughts?
Are threads comparing the number of child predators in each major party allowed on USMB? If not, why not? ..... Your thoughts?
My thoughts? If you were sexually molested as a child and/or have dormant yearnings in that direction yourself, then I suggest you seek advice from professionals rather than from us on this forum.
You very clearly have an open, festering wound that isn't healing by itself.
If an issue about threads and moderation, you need to take it up with one of us via PM not on the open boards.

To bluntly answer your question THIS TIME - such threads are often moved to The Badlands because they tend to be baiting/polarizing/inflammatory types of threads. Review the rules for Zone 2 (which govern Politics).

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