Thought police...

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So to say "doing it for your own good" is nothing but a control move, a power grab...
Contrary to progressive views this is not a village we are not in this altogether the government is not our Savior…
We are not in this altogether? Tell us, how many planets did God create for mankind?
We don't have to live life as drones…
I didn't know that obeying rules made one a drone? In my house it meant you sat down comfortably more often and those rules were for my protection, as well as the sanity of my parents.

They didn't raise a drone, never wanted one. They wanted a decent, smart, kind, thoughtful, moral human being, and they got one.

While rules can be oppressive, just by themselves they are not. If they were you'd be in a lot of trouble. Your faith, created by others not you, is filled with them.
We are all given things we don't deserve, one of them is grace. Life is boring and full of nonsense without face where's your sense of adventure?
Too Many trees causes pollution... Dumbass

So you would recommend to parents of a newborn to go ahead and smoke all they want in the house. Brilliant.
God will filter the smoke away apparently.
You go ahead and wish or want for an overbearing government to live your life for you, fine I don't care. I just soon live my own life instead of some control freak to tell me how to a good little village idiot...
You say that the government rules me? And that makes me a good little village idiot for being under the thumb of another? You want to live free from all of that, from rules and rulers?

Okay, does God not rule over you?
Of course, and I try and make my behavior reflect that. I am a law-abiding citizen, but at the same time that does not mean all laws of this federal government are infallible. The federal government is made up of its career politicians who happened to be all control freaks.
Well, law abiding citizen, wearing your seat belt is the law so, are you just being childish about it?

God is offering you a rowboat, and you cannot say that he is not even if it comes through me. Show us how law-abiding you are, by obeying the law and wearing what the law says you must?
One could say predestination
One could say that, but that would mean that you believe in God, it was ordained, and I don't, it was ordained.

If predestination exists, there is no Free Will as nothing you do changes anything at all, your fate was always preordained.

Can you personally change your fate say, your life after this life by the choices you make here? Yes or no?
I'm not a Buddhist or Hindu...
In fact there is no such thing as spiritual free will.
It goes back to the thing - God's ways are not our ways so we would not understand… That's what faith is for.
If there is no spiritual free will, why does God allow you to believe and me not to?

Can you personally change your fate say, your life after this life by the choices you make here? Yes or no?
It's not up to me, come on you can do better than that…
You cannot choose either Heaven or Hell, by your faith, by your actions?

You were always going to believe in God and I was never going to believe in God and that is as God wants it to be?
To the contrary, it's progressive control freaks like yourself that want to push and agenda on everyone else that they don't agree with. To force people to take on Obamacare - or use a seatbelt - or fill out a background check has nothing to do with anything but control....
Like I said there is free will but there is no such thing as spiritual free well… One could say predestination


there's less evidence for the existence of God than there is for global warming, and yet,

you DEMAND that the science of global warming be comprehensive and flawless before you'd consider believing it.
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…
No control? We can't nuke the thing and make it so irradiated that we can't survive?

The earth might be a rock, but we can only survive here if it is a rock under conditions we can handle. We have to power to make it unlivable.
Only as a village though, thank God we don't live in a fucking control freaks's a good thing there such a thing as an individual in a socialist "it takes a village" there's no such thing as an individual. Lol
A village is made up of individuals. To understand life, you must meet many of them. They help you to understand the complexity that is life.

A child raised by many knows much more than a child raised by a few.

Ask yourself this, would you like a child that was exposed only to people who thought the same very way? Raised in some kind of cult of thought or experience? That hardly sounds like respect for the individual.
Depends on the make up of the village, to say someone has to be involved in the village is a control freak's dream. Any village it would force people in it's involvement is socialism that being the worst part of society.
So to say "doing it for your own good" is nothing but a control move, a power grab...
Contrary to progressive views this is not a village we are not in this altogether the government is not our Savior…
We are not in this altogether? Tell us, how many planets did God create for mankind?
We don't have to live life as drones…
I didn't know that obeying rules made one a drone? In my house it meant you sat down comfortably more often and those rules were for my protection, as well as the sanity of my parents.

They didn't raise a drone, never wanted one. They wanted a decent, smart, kind, thoughtful, moral human being, and they got one.

While rules can be oppressive, just by themselves they are not. If they were you'd be in a lot of trouble. Your faith, created by others not you, is filled with them.
We are all given things we don't deserve, one of them is grace. Life is boring and full of nonsense without face where's your sense of adventure?
Something that should please you, but won't. I am the ultimate individual. I have never sinned against God.

You wanted someone to stand up against oppressive power? I stand up to God, and find Him seriously wanting.

there's less evidence for the existence of God than there is for global warming, and yet,

you DEMAND that the science of global warming be comprehensive and flawless before you'd consider believing it.
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…
No control? We can't nuke the thing and make it so irradiated that we can't survive?

The earth might be a rock, but we can only survive here if it is a rock under conditions we can handle. We have to power to make it unlivable.
Only as a village though, thank God we don't live in a fucking control freaks's a good thing there such a thing as an individual in a socialist "it takes a village" there's no such thing as an individual. Lol
A village is made up of individuals. To understand life, you must meet many of them. They help you to understand the complexity that is life.

A child raised by many knows much more than a child raised by a few.

Ask yourself this, would you like a child that was exposed only to people who thought the same very way? Raised in some kind of cult of thought or experience? That hardly sounds like respect for the individual.
Depends on the make up of the village, to say someone has to be involved in the village is a control freak's dream. Any village it would force people in it's involvement is socialism that being the worst part of society.
Are you a better person because your grandparents helped raise you? Your aunts and uncles?

Were you ever taught a lesson that stayed with you for life that came from someone other than a family member, a teacher, a coach, even a complete stranger?

That is the village, it's not a concentration camp. It's the place where someone stops to return a lost child to their home, or calls your mother to tell her what you just did and she puts you over her knee for it.
So you would recommend to parents of a newborn to go ahead and smoke all they want in the house. Brilliant.
God will filter the smoke away apparently.
You go ahead and wish or want for an overbearing government to live your life for you, fine I don't care. I just soon live my own life instead of some control freak to tell me how to a good little village idiot...
You say that the government rules me? And that makes me a good little village idiot for being under the thumb of another? You want to live free from all of that, from rules and rulers?

Okay, does God not rule over you?
Of course, and I try and make my behavior reflect that. I am a law-abiding citizen, but at the same time that does not mean all laws of this federal government are infallible. The federal government is made up of its career politicians who happened to be all control freaks.
Well, law abiding citizen, wearing your seat belt is the law so, are you just being childish about it?

God is offering you a rowboat, and you cannot say that he is not even if it comes through me. Show us how law-abiding you are, by obeying the law and wearing what the law says you must?
If Im pulled over I get a warning plain as that... Good thing in this state I've been pulled over multiple times for whatever a little speeding, overweight loads and I never have a seatbelt on and I've never gotten seat belt ticket... Lol
I pay the fines for my discretions but not for not having a seatbelt on
People can believe in the Voodoo of so called "Global cooling/global warming/man-made climate change" if they want. Where the rub is, they expect most of the country who don't believe in that shit to go along with them and, when we don't go along with them they want to force us to Believe in their horseshit…
Climate Feedback site allows scientists to correct media errors

I don't recall where I saw it - but somewhere, I read that the Dickhead Bill Nye stated that men and women who are "climate change deniers" should be arrested and put in camps.

Look, there are nearly 7 billion people on this rock. Has the climate changed over the last 5 million years? Of course! Are we still here? Of course! Seriously, I believe that if we get to the point where we are "harming" this old planet - she will shake the human race off like fleas and move on.

We are probably still 500 million years from that, however.

I would, however, be MORE concerned about the far left in this country (and the world) and their ideas of "population control" under the guise of "climate change".

Oh, here's the thing about his royal dickheadedness Nye:

Bill Nye, "Science Guy," Open to Jail Time for Climate Change Skeptics
So to say "doing it for your own good" is nothing but a control move, a power grab...
Contrary to progressive views this is not a village we are not in this altogether the government is not our Savior…
We are not in this altogether? Tell us, how many planets did God create for mankind?
We don't have to live life as drones…
I didn't know that obeying rules made one a drone? In my house it meant you sat down comfortably more often and those rules were for my protection, as well as the sanity of my parents.

They didn't raise a drone, never wanted one. They wanted a decent, smart, kind, thoughtful, moral human being, and they got one.

While rules can be oppressive, just by themselves they are not. If they were you'd be in a lot of trouble. Your faith, created by others not you, is filled with them.
We are all given things we don't deserve, one of them is grace. Life is boring and full of nonsense without face where's your sense of adventure?
Something that should please you, but won't. I am the ultimate individual. I have never sinned against God.

You wanted someone to stand up against oppressive power? I stand up to God, and find Him seriously wanting.
Your delusion is awesome grasshopper… LOL
God will filter the smoke away apparently.
You go ahead and wish or want for an overbearing government to live your life for you, fine I don't care. I just soon live my own life instead of some control freak to tell me how to a good little village idiot...
You say that the government rules me? And that makes me a good little village idiot for being under the thumb of another? You want to live free from all of that, from rules and rulers?

Okay, does God not rule over you?
Of course, and I try and make my behavior reflect that. I am a law-abiding citizen, but at the same time that does not mean all laws of this federal government are infallible. The federal government is made up of its career politicians who happened to be all control freaks.
Well, law abiding citizen, wearing your seat belt is the law so, are you just being childish about it?

God is offering you a rowboat, and you cannot say that he is not even if it comes through me. Show us how law-abiding you are, by obeying the law and wearing what the law says you must?
If Im pulled over I get a warning plain as that... Good thing in this state I've been pulled over multiple times for whatever a little speeding, overweight loads and I never have a seatbelt on and I've never gotten seat belt ticket... Lol
I pay the fines for my discretions but not for not having a seatbelt on
So when you said you were a law-abiding citizen, that's not really true. The law says one thing and like a child, you do another.
We are not in this altogether? Tell us, how many planets did God create for mankind?
We don't have to live life as drones…
I didn't know that obeying rules made one a drone? In my house it meant you sat down comfortably more often and those rules were for my protection, as well as the sanity of my parents.

They didn't raise a drone, never wanted one. They wanted a decent, smart, kind, thoughtful, moral human being, and they got one.

While rules can be oppressive, just by themselves they are not. If they were you'd be in a lot of trouble. Your faith, created by others not you, is filled with them.
We are all given things we don't deserve, one of them is grace. Life is boring and full of nonsense without face where's your sense of adventure?
Something that should please you, but won't. I am the ultimate individual. I have never sinned against God.

You wanted someone to stand up against oppressive power? I stand up to God, and find Him seriously wanting.
Your delusion is awesome grasshopper… LOL
Delusion? Can you prove otherwise?
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…
No control? We can't nuke the thing and make it so irradiated that we can't survive?

The earth might be a rock, but we can only survive here if it is a rock under conditions we can handle. We have to power to make it unlivable.
Only as a village though, thank God we don't live in a fucking control freaks's a good thing there such a thing as an individual in a socialist "it takes a village" there's no such thing as an individual. Lol
A village is made up of individuals. To understand life, you must meet many of them. They help you to understand the complexity that is life.

A child raised by many knows much more than a child raised by a few.

Ask yourself this, would you like a child that was exposed only to people who thought the same very way? Raised in some kind of cult of thought or experience? That hardly sounds like respect for the individual.
Depends on the make up of the village, to say someone has to be involved in the village is a control freak's dream. Any village it would force people in it's involvement is socialism that being the worst part of society.
Are you a better person because your grandparents helped raise you? Your aunts and uncles?

Were you ever taught a lesson that stayed with you for life that came from someone other than a family member, a teacher, a coach, even a complete stranger?

That is the village, it's not a concentration camp. It's the place where someone stops to return a lost child to their home, or calls your mother to tell her what you just did and she puts you over her knee for it.
Comparing family members to the federal government is a travesty... Just Look at the average career politician you want them anywhere near your loved ones, I know I don't...
I can only imagine slick Willy around my daughters he would rape the shit out of them...
No, if the village involves types like slick willy and his hildabeast... The Village better off burned down.
Your entire OP is a judgment. You judge me as going to Hell?

Could God not want you to wear your seat belt, for your own protection? And could God not work through me just as easily as working through you?

If, just for the hell of it, the next time you drove your truck you got into an accident but because of this chat you actually did wear your seat belt this one time and it saved your life, could you then say, for certain, that such a thing was not the will of God, God using me to send you a rowboat?

Not wearing your seat belt while driving big powerful machines at high speed? That, my friend, is testing God nearly at the same level as standing before the on-coming train waiting to be saved.
To the contrary, it's progressive control freaks like yourself that want to push and agenda on everyone else that they don't agree with. To force people to take on Obamacare - or use a seatbelt - or fill out a background check has nothing to do with anything but control....
Like I said there is free will but there is no such thing as spiritual free well… One could say predestination


there's less evidence for the existence of God than there is for global warming, and yet,

you DEMAND that the science of global warming be comprehensive and flawless before you'd consider believing it.
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…

You live your life based on outright mythology. As such you have abdicated your authority to stand in judgment over the reasoning powers of others.
No not really, you do your thing the rest of us will do ours. It's Village idiots like yourself that want to control everyone else's lives.

We have democratic legislation. You have Commandments.
No control? We can't nuke the thing and make it so irradiated that we can't survive?

The earth might be a rock, but we can only survive here if it is a rock under conditions we can handle. We have to power to make it unlivable.
Only as a village though, thank God we don't live in a fucking control freaks's a good thing there such a thing as an individual in a socialist "it takes a village" there's no such thing as an individual. Lol
A village is made up of individuals. To understand life, you must meet many of them. They help you to understand the complexity that is life.

A child raised by many knows much more than a child raised by a few.

Ask yourself this, would you like a child that was exposed only to people who thought the same very way? Raised in some kind of cult of thought or experience? That hardly sounds like respect for the individual.
Depends on the make up of the village, to say someone has to be involved in the village is a control freak's dream. Any village it would force people in it's involvement is socialism that being the worst part of society.
Are you a better person because your grandparents helped raise you? Your aunts and uncles?

Were you ever taught a lesson that stayed with you for life that came from someone other than a family member, a teacher, a coach, even a complete stranger?

That is the village, it's not a concentration camp. It's the place where someone stops to return a lost child to their home, or calls your mother to tell her what you just did and she puts you over her knee for it.
Comparing family members to the federal government is a travesty... Just Look at the average career politician you want them anywhere near your loved ones, I know I don't...
I can only imagine slick Willy around my daughters he would rape the shit out of them...
No, if the village involves types like slick willy and his hildabeast... The Village better off burned down.
The village is what God made. I can't help you on that one.

As I said, I stand up to God, and find Him wanting.
People can believe in the Voodoo of so called "Global cooling/global warming/man-made climate change" if they want. Where the rub is, they expect most of the country who don't believe in that shit to go along with them and, when we don't go along with them they want to force us to Believe in their horseshit…
Climate Feedback site allows scientists to correct media errors

I don't recall where I saw it - but somewhere, I read that the Dickhead Bill Nye stated that men and women who are "climate change deniers" should be arrested and put in camps.

Look, there are nearly 7 billion people on this rock. Has the climate changed over the last 5 million years? Of course! Are we still here? Of course! Seriously, I believe that if we get to the point where we are "harming" this old planet - she will shake the human race off like fleas and move on.

We are probably still 500 million years from that, however.

I would, however, be MORE concerned about the far left in this country (and the world) and their ideas of "population control" under the guise of "climate change".

Oh, here's the thing about his royal dickheadedness Nye:

Bill Nye, "Science Guy," Open to Jail Time for Climate Change Skeptics
The socialist control freaks are the biggest threat to this life on this planet no doubt
To the contrary, it's progressive control freaks like yourself that want to push and agenda on everyone else that they don't agree with. To force people to take on Obamacare - or use a seatbelt - or fill out a background check has nothing to do with anything but control....
Like I said there is free will but there is no such thing as spiritual free well… One could say predestination


there's less evidence for the existence of God than there is for global warming, and yet,

you DEMAND that the science of global warming be comprehensive and flawless before you'd consider believing it.
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…

You live your life based on outright mythology. As such you have abdicated your authority to stand in judgment over the reasoning powers of others.
No not really, you do your thing the rest of us will do ours. It's Village idiots like yourself that want to control everyone else's lives.

We have democratic legislation. You have Commandments.
I would imagine that he obeys those about as well as the seat belt laws.
People can believe in the Voodoo of so called "Global cooling/global warming/man-made climate change" if they want. Where the rub is, they expect most of the country who don't believe in that shit to go along with them and, when we don't go along with them they want to force us to Believe in their horseshit…
Climate Feedback site allows scientists to correct media errors

I don't recall where I saw it - but somewhere, I read that the Dickhead Bill Nye stated that men and women who are "climate change deniers" should be arrested and put in camps.

Look, there are nearly 7 billion people on this rock. Has the climate changed over the last 5 million years? Of course! Are we still here? Of course! Seriously, I believe that if we get to the point where we are "harming" this old planet - she will shake the human race off like fleas and move on.

We are probably still 500 million years from that, however.

I would, however, be MORE concerned about the far left in this country (and the world) and their ideas of "population control" under the guise of "climate change".

Oh, here's the thing about his royal dickheadedness Nye:

Bill Nye, "Science Guy," Open to Jail Time for Climate Change Skeptics
The socialist control freaks are the biggest threat to this life on this planet no doubt
Trying to protect human life is the biggest threat to human life?

I'd say your hypotheses needs some work.
Watching morons who think they're smart.

The problem is, you're dangerous mostly because you get in the way of smart.

Global warming is proven fact. Climate change is in full swing.

Please get the fuck out of the way so we can fix things.

"Global warming is proven fact."

You just proved you're an idiot.
People can believe in the Voodoo of so called "Global cooling/global warming/man-made climate change" if they want. Where the rub is, they expect most of the country who don't believe in that shit to go along with them and, when we don't go along with them they want to force us to Believe in their horseshit…
Climate Feedback site allows scientists to correct media errors

I don't recall where I saw it - but somewhere, I read that the Dickhead Bill Nye stated that men and women who are "climate change deniers" should be arrested and put in camps.

Look, there are nearly 7 billion people on this rock. Has the climate changed over the last 5 million years? Of course! Are we still here? Of course! Seriously, I believe that if we get to the point where we are "harming" this old planet - she will shake the human race off like fleas and move on.

We are probably still 500 million years from that, however.

I would, however, be MORE concerned about the far left in this country (and the world) and their ideas of "population control" under the guise of "climate change".

Oh, here's the thing about his royal dickheadedness Nye:

Bill Nye, "Science Guy," Open to Jail Time for Climate Change Skeptics
The socialist control freaks are the biggest threat to this life on this planet no doubt

They are - in fact - there are those that believe that in order to control this "threat" of Climate Change - there is, and has been a plan on the table for the "final answer" for about 20 million people. Wipe them out and suddenly, we buy the "elites" plenty of time. True or not? Well, ask yourself this question: Can you afford to NOT believe that these assholes might do something like this? in the name of "Science"??

United Nations Climate Czar reveals depopulation plan
Your entire OP is a judgment. You judge me as going to Hell?

Could God not want you to wear your seat belt, for your own protection? And could God not work through me just as easily as working through you?

If, just for the hell of it, the next time you drove your truck you got into an accident but because of this chat you actually did wear your seat belt this one time and it saved your life, could you then say, for certain, that such a thing was not the will of God, God using me to send you a rowboat?

Not wearing your seat belt while driving big powerful machines at high speed? That, my friend, is testing God nearly at the same level as standing before the on-coming train waiting to be saved.
To the contrary, it's progressive control freaks like yourself that want to push and agenda on everyone else that they don't agree with. To force people to take on Obamacare - or use a seatbelt - or fill out a background check has nothing to do with anything but control....
Like I said there is free will but there is no such thing as spiritual free well… One could say predestination


there's less evidence for the existence of God than there is for global warming, and yet,

you DEMAND that the science of global warming be comprehensive and flawless before you'd consider believing it.
Funny you should mention that, we have no control over the bearing of this planet one way or the other. It's arrogance of the control freaks that think so one-dimensional he…

You live your life based on outright mythology. As such you have abdicated your authority to stand in judgment over the reasoning powers of others.
No not really, you do your thing the rest of us will do ours. It's Village idiots like yourself that want to control everyone else's lives.

People need to be controlled. They are supposed to be control. Humans are social animals; they are programmed by their DNA to function within a society of laws.
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