Johnson Those who Hate both Hillary and Trump are Key

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Trump is sending his own negatives into the stratosphere and Hillary is not far behind. But given her legal problems that could get her kicked off the ticket to be replaced by someone acceptable to say 30% of the voters a strategy is needed to deal with that contingency and what should it be?
Trump is sending his own negatives into the stratosphere and Hillary is not far behind. But given her legal problems that could get her kicked off the ticket to be replaced by someone acceptable to say 30% of the voters a strategy is needed to deal with that contingency and what should it be?

Reps and Dems like to BELIEVE they own the voting booths. Gerrymander the hell of your neighborhoods. Refuse to run candidates in losing districts. But hard core Dems and Reps are only about 1/2 registered voters. You gotta believe all those "sideliners" are just waiting for something that doesn't SOUND like the typical Dem/Rep food fight.
So I completely believe that getting a couple dozen electoral votes is LIKELY for Johnson/Weld And if that PO'd "middle" look at the choices and choose to send a message to your 2 warring tribes -- it might get VERY interesting. We will absolutely be pulling votes from "both sides" this election. Never been a time or a Lib ticket with a better chance.

We will - We will - rock you ! If these 2 meglomaniacs go at each other at the Kindergarten level.
I consider myself one of those people, but don't see too many people out there who I would support.

I want a President who is liberal on social issues, but also able to articulate liberal values when it comes to foreign policy -- and especially Islamism. Obama is a weasel in that regard, and so is Hillary.
I want a President who is liberal on social issues, but also able to articulate liberal values when it comes to foreign policy -- and especially Islamism. Obama is a weasel in that regard, and so is Hillary.

Thinker Trump are better than Hillary. But now is fine chance for both Hillary and Trump then Johnson are third candidate maybe a suprise if he take down both Hillary and Trump.

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