Those that still support a liar and a con man

constant reference made to LICE by SOME people on this board , 2 people in particular . Reason i make comment is because here i am at 70 years of age and in those 70 years I have never seen a 'LICE' which i think is a ' LOUSE' isn't it ?? Its just funny as i guess that certain type people are very familiar with 'LICE' .
It's an anti white racist insult, or at least is meant to be. It's just blather.
Oh wait: New record here. The OP mentioned "fuhrer", so deanrd loses.
He always loses. Doesn't matter if he mentions der fuhrer or not.
Pupps thought this thread was gonna be about Obama. He fits the criterion.
Obama is not a criminal like Trump is. So naturally Republicans hate Obama. Because they love the criminal. Trump, Bush, Reagan and so on. I’m suspecting they even think Nixon was the greatest president ever.
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?
Trump is trying to solve 100 years old issues with Russia and NK...something no one else in DC has wanted to do for some weird reason....maybe you can explain....
constant reference made to LICE by SOME people on this board , 2 people in particular . Reason i make comment is because here i am at 70 years of age and in those 70 years I have never seen a 'LICE' which i think is a ' LOUSE' isn't it ?? Its just funny as i guess that certain type people are very familiar with 'LICE' .
It's an anti white racist insult, or at least is meant to be.
Oh wait: New record here. The OP mentioned "fuhrer", so deanrd loses.
He always loses. Doesn't matter if he mentions der fuhrer or not.
Only in the bizarro world of the right wing do I lose. The world where front is back and up is down and right is wrong and wrong is what Republicans run on.
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?
Trump is trying to solve 100 years old issues with Russia and NK...something no one else in DC has wanted to do for some weird reason....maybe you can explain....
Is that what you believe? Seriously? Perhaps at some point, you could give us an in-depth report. I love satire.
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?
Trump is trying to solve 100 years old issues with Russia and NK...something no one else in DC has wanted to do for some weird reason....maybe you can explain....
Is that what you believe? Seriously? Perhaps at some point, you could give us an in-depth report. I love satire.
Show us your plans for the Trans-Atlantic Railroad.

Chop, Chop
Only in the bizarro world of the right wing do I lose. The world where front is back and up is down and right is wrong and wrong is what Republicans run on.
I'm sure you will stop peeing in your diapers when President Inslee assumes office. Or is it President Booker? Or President Warren?

You are just like a little wind up mechanical monkey banging his drum and no one is paying attention. It's understandable that you are losing your mind.
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?
Trump is trying to solve 100 years old issues with Russia and NK...something no one else in DC has wanted to do for some weird reason....maybe you can explain....
Then include the Japanese cause they beat the Ruskies and drove them out of the Korean peninsula and was in control one hundred years ago.
I fit about half of both 1 & 2.

I’m a Conservative and Trump is the closest thing we’ve seen to one in DC since Andrew Jackson. For me it’s not about party but about Conservative philosophy.

It’s also nice for me to see a return towards the 1950s ideals. Not necessarily the discrimination but the concept of people actually living a decent and moral lifestyle with expectations and roles.

"Not necessarily the discrimination...." I see you're not ruling it out either. It was part and parcel.

I know defined roles and expectations are comfortable and reassuring - but safe, effective birth control and no-fault divorce - changed those irrevocably.
"Not necessarily the discrimination...." I see you're not ruling it out either. It was part and parcel.

I know defined roles and expectations are comfortable and reassuring - but safe, effective birth control and no-fault divorce - changed those irrevocably.

I discriminate against people all the time for many different reasons. Just not based on the color of their skin.

That’s why birth control and divorce need to be made much more difficult to access for everyone.
"Not necessarily the discrimination...." I see you're not ruling it out either. It was part and parcel.

I know defined roles and expectations are comfortable and reassuring - but safe, effective birth control and no-fault divorce - changed those irrevocably.

I discriminate against people all the time for many different reasons. Just not based on the color of their skin.

That’s why birth control and divorce need to be made much more difficult to access for everyone.

That's hardly the same as codified discrimination.

I'm a fan of women. I want them able to enjoy their *and my) sexuality without fear of an unwanted pregnancy. That's why birth control should be easier to access for anyone who wants it.

Divorce? Marriage is and has been evolving since the cave, and it will continue to do so.
There are five types of Democrat Bigots.

The class bigots. They are the Left Wingers who think that they are being oppressed by capitalism, corporations and rich people.

The religious bigots. They are the Liberals who want to live in an amoral society. They have a vicious hatred for Christians.

The racist bigots. They are the Racist Democrats who make politics about their race and who hate people of other races.

The regional bigots. They are the crackpot eugenicists who believe that the Americans who live outside of major urban areas are inferior people.

The anti-American bigots. They are the habitual traitors who admire America’s foes, such as Castro, Saddam, Chavez, Osama, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, terrorist....….
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?

Who is more likely to be racist? A nearly all white party? Or a coalition party that includes everyone else?

If Trump was more hawkish with Russia and NK.... you would be calling him reckless and dangerous. He’s attempting diplomacy with two countries who possess nuclear weapons..
There are 3 types of morons that will stand by Trump no matter what....which ones are you?

1) The Conservative die hards....its not about the man, its about the party and these types will never stray from their conservative roots....not even away from TrumpView attachment 248263

2) The "wish it was the 50's all over again" bunch...when nigga's knew their place, bowed down to the white man and wouldn't dare date a lice mop or move near them, ever. This type is just wallowing in the glee of Trump's white man rule. And nothing and I mean nothing is gonna steer this bunch away from their fuhrer, nothing and then there's......View attachment 248265

3) The cowardly, pathetic disgusting politician...who for decades help mode the monster they all fear today, with their racist ads, their gerrymandered districts complete with idiots, racist and retards, who are all loaded and ready for a race war. These sad pathetic lumps of shit, would rather go to their graves bowing down to Trump's penis, than face Trump on twitter or at his rallies.View attachment 248266

You now have before you.....THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS.
You missed one type....

The type who will defend Trump no matter what because it hurts them too much to have to admit the "libs" were right about something...

For some of them it is mostly about trolling....but for others, its about them not getting over the pain of having to admit the "libs" were right about Bush ....This hurt trumptards so much that back then they had to put on funny little hats and call themselves independents until they had a new GOP demagogue to worship
There are five types of Democrat Bigots.

The class bigots. They are the Left Wingers who think that they are being oppressed by capitalism, corporations and rich people.

The religious bigots. They are the Liberals who want to live in an amoral society. They have a vicious hatred for Christians.

The racist bigots. They are the Racist Democrats who make politics about their race and who hate people of other races.

The regional bigots. They are the crackpot eugenicists who believe that the Americans who live outside of major urban areas are inferior people.

The anti-American bigots. They are the habitual traitors who admire America’s foes, such as Castro, Saddam, Chavez, Osama, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, terrorist....….
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?

Who is more likely to be racist? A nearly all white party? Or a coalition party that includes everyone else?
your coalition party has many racists and bigots there too....of course you would never admit that....
"Not necessarily the discrimination...." I see you're not ruling it out either. It was part and parcel.

I know defined roles and expectations are comfortable and reassuring - but safe, effective birth control and no-fault divorce - changed those irrevocably.

I discriminate against people all the time for many different reasons. Just not based on the color of their skin.

That’s why birth control and divorce need to be made much more difficult to access for everyone.

That's hardly the same as codified discrimination.

I'm a fan of women. I want them able to enjoy their *and my) sexuality without fear of an unwanted pregnancy. That's why birth control should be easier to access for anyone who wants it.

Divorce? Marriage is and has been evolving since the cave, and it will continue to do so.
He doesn't have sex. He "bought" his wife so she could "obey" him and be his servant. Having a loving relationship that includes sex isn't part of that contract. In fact, he despises those kinds of relationships.
He doesn't have sex. He "bought" his wife so she could "obey" him and be his servant. Having a loving relationship that includes sex isn't part of that contract. In fact, he despises those kinds of relationships.

LOL. I just love reading your descriptions of my life. They’re great fantasy.

We do have sex. What we don’t have is casual sex without the understanding that we may create a child by doing so.

I didn’t buy anyone she approached me through and we were both seeking a very Traditional, Male-led type of relationship. I find it humorous thst I just worked a 70+ hour week to pay the bills while she sat at home and she’s the “servant”?

You are correct thst neither of us believe in “love” and see relationships far more as business dealings than emotional attachments.
There are five types of Democrat Bigots.

The class bigots. They are the Left Wingers who think that they are being oppressed by capitalism, corporations and rich people.

The religious bigots. They are the Liberals who want to live in an amoral society. They have a vicious hatred for Christians.

The racist bigots. They are the Racist Democrats who make politics about their race and who hate people of other races.

The regional bigots. They are the crackpot eugenicists who believe that the Americans who live outside of major urban areas are inferior people.

The anti-American bigots. They are the habitual traitors who admire America’s foes, such as Castro, Saddam, Chavez, Osama, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, terrorist....….
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?

Who is more likely to be racist? A nearly all white party? Or a coalition party that includes everyone else?
The Democrats are the racist this is why they make everything about race.
The Democrats have all of the hate groups.
Trump is not buddies with Putin, that is just another dumb liberal myth.
Trump is negotiating with NK, he isn't kissing their asses.
I understand Trump is offering to give $10 million to the Trump Foundation if Trump will release Trump's college transcripts.
There are five types of Democrat Bigots.

The class bigots. They are the Left Wingers who think that they are being oppressed by capitalism, corporations and rich people.

The religious bigots. They are the Liberals who want to live in an amoral society. They have a vicious hatred for Christians.

The racist bigots. They are the Racist Democrats who make politics about their race and who hate people of other races.

The regional bigots. They are the crackpot eugenicists who believe that the Americans who live outside of major urban areas are inferior people.

The anti-American bigots. They are the habitual traitors who admire America’s foes, such as Castro, Saddam, Chavez, Osama, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, terrorist....….
Trump admires Russia and North Korea. Do you think those are America’s friends?

Who is more likely to be racist? A nearly all white party? Or a coalition party that includes everyone else?

I support President Trump ... just to see that look on your face.


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