Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country

Healthy self respect. You should try developing it sometime.
meaning ignoring facts and scientific advise makes you feel empowered. Go for it! I have an acquaintance in the ICU now who had a healthy dose of "self respect." Hope it goes well for you.
meaning ignoring facts and scientific advise makes you feel empowered. Go for it! I have an acquaintance in the ICU now who had a healthy dose of "self respect." Hope it goes well for you.

And I follow the "facts and scientific advise" (sic) shared with me by a doctor I have known for over 40 years, who happens to be an epidemiological researcher. Thanks for the worthless consult, Dr. Fullashit Nobody.
meaning ignoring facts and scientific advise makes you feel empowered. Go for it! I have an acquaintance in the ICU now who had a healthy dose of "self respect." Hope it goes well for you.
Colin Powell died. Fully vaccinated.

I guess he had self respect because "science"
This nation was not founding in bowing to lies and unreasonable demands from tyrants and dictators; and those who advocate doing so now are in no position to make any rational appeal to patriotism.

You and your kind are more akin to those who cowered and groveled before George III, who kissed his ass, than those who stood up in defiance against him.

You are a shame and an embarrassment to any true Americans.

Fuck you.
Covid_Fuck it.jpg
Bwahahah...its actually the other way---they have been using FEAR of COVID to get control of people to get them to get the shot out of fear, to close down businesses out of fear of Covid, to steal trillions $$$$ and the election out of fear of virus, and so much more. Talk about cowards...
750,000 dead means there is reality to fear.
Those who think 750,000 dead, and the virus is not under control, is no big deal, and the government is using this to try and control me, are absolutely fricking nuts. Beyond nuts. They need to be locked up in the looney bin. They are not safe to society or themselves.
How in the hell did you become you?
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that after taking it THREE TIMES you’re still so terrified of the virus you’re supposedly vaccinated against you keep wearing a face diaper.

Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that people who’ve had the vaccine are in constant fear of catching the virus they’ve been vaccinated against and the government won’t let you sue if you’re injured or killed by the vaccine.

Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that that medical professionals would rather destroy their careers than take it, that the government would hide the number killed/injured by the vaccines, the government would prevent you from suing should you be killed or injured by the vaccine.

Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that half to a majority of the people the virus kills are fully vaccinated.
MAGA nuts would rather die of lay ass up in the ICU before they will get a shot. Hey...their choice. Just stay out of my face!
Why lie?

As you know, blacks make up the group of least vaccinated.

Was it NOT Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that expressed great skepticism about the vaccine just last year?

Do you deny that there are millions of people who legitimately do not need or want the vaccine? You would agree that includes the millions of people who have had COVID-19 and now have natural immunity, wouldn't you?

If the vaccine is effective, why does it matter to you whether or not someone else has had the vaccine? You're immune, as well as your family. So?

These football games have proven to NOT be super spreaders of COVID-19. Have all these folks had the jab? If what you want to believe were true, most of these fans would go home with COVID-19. They did not. How is that possible.

Anti-vaxxers are a true danger. I heard that they want to eliminate all vaccine mandates for schoolchildren in Florida, smallpox and the like. Could turn out to be an even greater disaster.

As you know, masks worn by the general public are of no use whatsoever. If you disagree with that statement, please show us where wearing masks has reduced the spread of COVID-19.

In Florida, we are following the SCIENCE which tells us that masks in schools are totally unnecessary but if someone wants their child to wear a mask, that is fine too.

Your inference that Florida is not requiring any vaccines, you specified smallpox, is reckless and a lie. As you know, the COVID-19 vaccine is an experimental drug, approved for emergency use and for which there have been no long-term studies. The same cannot be said about the smallpox vaccine, polio, or any of the others.

If you have had the vaccine, how is someone who may have a legitimate reason for not having the vaccine, a danger to you?
Yep. I saw that early on. Well, truth in advertising!! They don't protect, either.

Same with the statins. The cautions say clearly that they don't protect against heart attack or stroke ------------- remind me, WHY are we supposed to take these poisons?

Oh, right, to up doctors' profits, and Big Pharm.

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