This Woman Is a Hero, she shouldn't spend one day in prison

The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.

Oh please. You mental midget gun fetishists -- dealing with every issue by shooting at it... SMFH

So if you caught some guy molesting your daughter, you wouldn't shoot him?

No. I wouldn't shoot anything. What I would do, he would wish it had been only a gunshot.

The point had nothing to do with the offense. It had to do with this knee-jerk testosteroe-poisoned one-track-mind mentality of dealing with everything that happens by shooting at it. Sometimes I tire of living in a nation of emotional six-year-olds.

Whether the guy deserved it or not, what she did was extremely reckless.

I wouldn't even use gasoline to light a bonfire, let alone dump it in the house.
If I walked in on someone molesting my child and I could kill, I think I would have. However, from what has been placed here, she 'suspected' something; went and purchased gas; lit him up. That's not a crime of passion-that's premeditated attempted murder.

I do know that if I suspected child abuse, I'd have gotten my kids out of there and gone to the police or a doctor immediately. Walking in on the act and suspicion are different things.
Woman Sets Husband on Fire for Molesting Young Daughter First to Know

Obviously you can't set people on fire and vigilante justice usually increases brutality not prevent it.

Nevertheless, she caught her scum-bag husband molesting their 7 yr old. That's an unforgivable crime that deserves any punishment that is inflicted upon the molester! You read many times that wives look the other way, because they are typically getting abused themselves, so bravo to this brave women for standing up to this scumbag.

What this event has in common with another thread may not be obvious.

Women Hypnosis Treason and Transferring More Power to Women In America US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What is shared between the threads is that they both deal with compulsions of the human unconscious mind.

One set of compulsions has been created, I alledge, by the use of hypnosis upon women staring from childhood. Influence designed to compel the women to make decisions, for whatever reasons to make decisions that are violations of law and civil rights that contribute to treason.

The other set is a psychological disorder of man, more specifically an unconscious obsession with sex and a complete lack of moral concern for the well being of a female child he has am inherent responsibility to protect.

Where these two unconscious disorders should meet is through the field of psychology, but psychology is completely controlled by academia and the state who are both invisibly controlled by the church.

The church through the state controls the licensure of psychologists and the invisible social system of prohibition controlled by the morals of the church preventing academia from researching the potentials of the unconscious mind, or treating it directly; have secretly prohibited psychology from understanding the human unconscious mind.

This is done for the sole purpose of enabling elite groups to use the unconscious minds of unwitting people covertly, to gather and hold social and economic power, to control our world.

If that prohibition were not imposed upon psychology then behaviors of women in official positions of power would be more regularly questioned regarding unconscious influence upon them. It is very likely that the oath if office of BOTH genders would be administered while they were in a deep trance state.

If that prohibition were not imposed upon psychology then the man obsessed with sex would know there was help for his obsession. Direct treatment to his unconscious that he is not even conscious of, with treatments perhaps every 3 days for 6 weeks can push the unconsciously impelled reoccurring conscious thought patterns out of his daily thought.

The woman with the gasoline would also know it, and the little girl psychologically traumatized, perhaps for life, would not need to suffer the unconscious conditioning of inappropriate premature sexualization.

Treatment to her unconscious could remove the self imposed stigma before if becomes a pattern associated with later behaviors.

But because all Americans have been conditioned to feel a strange, unidentifiable fear at the mention of these forms of hypnosis and the potential control they have, particularly when imposed on children, most of you look at the title of the thread linked at top, and instantly flashing through your unconscious is that fear impelling a repulsion to the very information itself. Whereupon most will have the thought, "I wish that title wasn't there. Let's post more threads or in other threads and make it go away."

This is EXACTLY what those who abuse this knowledge want you to think because it enables the secrecy they operate behind.

This post is a challenge.

A challenge to your unconscious conditioning that has you running from this issue. It is particularly a challenge to women because far back in time, before any history was written, women began imposing these trance states on children to help with ordering human society. And it worked, it worked very well. One of the first social structures imposed was marriage.

This was done to enable the instinct of familial love to override sexual instincts and keep men with the mothers of their children rather than cavorting with any passing woman that would have them.

That was the "old world", and this world knows almost nothing about it.

Is there any inclination to resist that unconscious fear? Or, is the unconscious impulse of repulsion in the social realm still so great you are willing to see children abused, mass murderes created, courts and justice perverted, treason concealed and your world or futures hijacked from under your noses?
So it's that bad huh?

So much fear in your unconscious mind you can't even talk about how this hypnosis is used to destroy your rights and freedoms let alone children's lives.

Yes, a great deal of sexual molestation of children is propagated with general, conditional post hypnotic instructions.

Wow, brave Americans.

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