This will certainly upset the right wing "christians."

Quantum Erras!
Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion.

There is no problem. The problem is with the conservatives wanting to have their so-called holidays.
Get rid of them all or include others.
That is the solution of what the conservatives don't want to hear.

So the solution is to eliminate all and any "religious" holidays.
But which do you keep other than the religious. You mentioned a few.
The solution,,, to what?
You haven't establish that there is a problem.

It's not a solution. You can celebrate whatever stupid holiday you like. We will continue to celebrate ours, and TALK about them.


Progressive extremists don't like that word.

"Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion" = nonsensical sentence. Syntax, grammar and structure are incorrect. If this were a paper, it would have a huge red line drawn through it and something nasty note: "return to gradeschool, plebe".

Try, try again.
Try to use your ad hominem some place else.
You have nothing to say but ridicule someone, your argument is lacking.
So your insults mean nothing.
Religious problems in this country are extreme only to the extremely uneducated.
Like yourself.

Quantum Erras!
Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion.

There is no problem. The problem is with the conservatives wanting to have their so-called holidays.
Get rid of them all or include others.
That is the solution of what the conservatives don't want to hear.

So the solution is to eliminate all and any "religious" holidays.
But which do you keep other than the religious. You mentioned a few.
The solution,,, to what?
You haven't establish that there is a problem.

It's not a solution. You can celebrate whatever stupid holiday you like. We will continue to celebrate ours, and TALK about them.


Progressive extremists don't like that word.

"Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion" = nonsensical sentence. Syntax, grammar and structure are incorrect. If this were a paper, it would have a huge red line drawn through it and something nasty note: "return to gradeschool, plebe".

Try, try again.
And how is a Christian treated in muslim countries?

Never ceases to absolutely amaze me. Christians are routinely belittled, berated and beaten down by pussies on the left who don't have the balls to do that to a Muslim. Christians have read the back of the book. They KNOW how the story ends and we are well on our way to getting to the "end of the book". The day of judgement will come. May God have mercy on the souls of the unbelieving leftists - it's not going to be pretty.


As a dear old friend of mine used to say to me "Jesus is coming soon - and boy, is he pissed".
Try to use your ad hominem some place else.
You have nothing to say but ridicule someone, your argument is lacking.
So your insults mean nothing.
Religious problems in this country are extreme only to the extremely uneducated.
Like yourself.

Quantum Erras!
Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion.

There is no problem. The problem is with the conservatives wanting to have their so-called holidays.
Get rid of them all or include others.
That is the solution of what the conservatives don't want to hear.

The solution,,, to what?
You haven't establish that there is a problem.

It's not a solution. You can celebrate whatever stupid holiday you like. We will continue to celebrate ours, and TALK about them.


Progressive extremists don't like that word.

"Another one makes the case of the problem in a conservatives mind over religious discussion" = nonsensical sentence. Syntax, grammar and structure are incorrect. If this were a paper, it would have a huge red line drawn through it and something nasty note: "return to gradeschool, plebe".

Try, try again.

It's impossible to have an intelligent conversation with a person who hasn't mastered the language, and thus can't communicate coherently.

Though I have to say, it's laughable that somebody who cannot communicate simple concepts (presumably, though who knows, maybe they are's impossible to tell from your nonsensical and disjointed rambling) dares to accuse OTHERS of ignorance.
It seems you have never been to a school board meeting.
Take the time and go to one.
See what is happening in your community.
Everything you have made a comment about has no bearing at all on the pay of a teacher.

Name that holiday? This Maryland school district won't
By Breeanna Hare, CNN
No religious holidays on Maryland district s calendar -

See, when you push for religion in the public sector. There are other beliefs that work, pay taxes and have deeply convictions in their religious ideology.
How do exclude those individuals?
So, no one is taking your right away to worship. What is happening is your right to force any and all of your religious ideologies onto others.
"Currently, the thousands of Muslim staff and students (within Montgomery County Public Schools) have to choose between their education and observing their religious practices," says a statement on the website of the Equality for Eid Coalition, which has been advocating for Montgomery County to close school on Muslim holidays. "They either skip school (an excused absence) to celebrate Eids or they skip their religious observances to attend school. Many choose to do the latter. However, this is not a choice that, for the most part, our Christian and Jewish neighbors face on their high holidays."

Good deal, they need to stop giving the paid time off to teachers, no religious holidays off, no Christmas, no New Years, no Thanksgiving, no spring and winter breaks. If the teacher is out, they don't get paid.

Same with the students, you don't show up, you get your grade knocked down.

I am not seeing anything wrong with this at all.

Muslims, Christians, Jews, you take time out from school, there is a price. Teachers you want breaks? Too bad, you aren't special, use your vacation time. Save the school districts money.

Been to board meetings before, a huge bunch of politics, not much else.

School is to prepare our kids for the future, yes or no? I don't get breaks every quarter for no apparent reason. Holidays are a waste of time, you want to celebrate Washington, King, Lincoln, the 4th, then ask for the day off, don't expect it. The school's purpose is to teach, not take every third day off, who in the real world does that?

The also need to get a real economics program in the schools so kids aren't so stupid with their money when they graduate.
There is no problem. The problem is with the conservatives wanting to have their so-called holidays.
Get rid of them all or include others.
That is the solution of what the conservatives don't want to hear.

There are plenty of fake holidays that can be dumped without losing any that people actually care about. (Note that the ONLY holiday that is also a common religious observance is Christmas...which, bluntly, is a secular holiday now.)
As it was stated, this will upset some conservatives because of the religious connotation in the school.
It steps all over their holy grail like attitude.
It is not a problem for the progressive thinker, it's how the conservatives perceive the thoughts of Muslim/Islamic faiths in this country.
That, of course, completely ignores the fact that this was done precisely by those "progressive" thinkers because of religion. It was NOT the "conservatives" who fabricates a false reason to remove time honored traditions practiced by a VAST majority of people in America both religious and non-religious. Those holidays are not mere reflections of religious tenants and you are well aware of that. It is why you continue to address the religious angle while ignoring this fact THREE times. Your argument is utterly false.
To you maybe, but the conservatives always try to put religion in some context out into the public. This tries to keep it out of the public and into the places of worship where it belongs.
The statement and argument are quite valid.

As it was stated, this will upset some conservatives because of the religious connotation in the school.
It steps all over their holy grail like attitude.
It is not a problem for the progressive thinker, it's how the conservatives perceive the thoughts of Muslim/Islamic faiths in this country.
That, of course, completely ignores the fact that this was done precisely by those "progressive" thinkers because of religion. It was NOT the "conservatives" who fabricates a false reason to remove time honored traditions practiced by a VAST majority of people in America both religious and non-religious. Those holidays are not mere reflections of religious tenants and you are well aware of that. It is why you continue to address the religious angle while ignoring this fact THREE times. Your argument is utterly false.

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