This sob story just isn't working.

The DACA folks are finally realizing they are fucked.

The Dems will do anything and everything to keep the Donald from
getting his wall. Including fucking over the DACA folks. They've never
given a shit about those wetbacks.

Exactly, but you know how Democrats love to promote SOB stores to get their way. They'll use anybody.

We have a leaky faucet in this country, and that leaky faucet is the border, chain migration, and the lottery. Trump is willing to give the Democrats more than they want, but in exchange, we have to fix the leaky faucet so we are not here 5, 10, 20 years having the same debate; a mistake Reagan made.

The Democrats don't want that faucet repaired because it ruins their long-term plans of making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Screw the 700,000 or 1.8 million people. We are not about to let Republicans ruin our plan to take over this country.

Dem's don't have the votes or the support of the American people otherwise there would already be DACA and amnesty for the rest of the illegals. So they break the law, give sanctuary to illegals, and obstruct any attempt to secure the border. A SCOTUS smack down is long overdue on this issue.

That's all part of the game plan. They want those illegals here, MS-13, murderers and all, because once they gain full power of the government again (and it will happen sometime) they will grant those millions and millions of people amnesty and citizenship which would give them the right to vote. And guess who they are going to vote for?

If minorities were known to vote heavily Republican, we would still need a wall because the old wall would have been up so long we'd need a new one. A Democrat politician only cares about one thing--the Democrat party.
DACA kids make good citizens

2 DACA recipients arrested over suspicion of human smuggling: report

Border agents arrest DACA recipient in Texas for smuggling immigrants

Former DACA recipient arrested again for illegal border crossing - CNN

Report: Feds Arrest 14 DACA Temporary Amnesty Recipients with Prior Criminal Convictions - Breitbart

DACA arrested

New Data Show Immigrant Gang Arrests

Undocumented Activist Loses DACA Protection For Protesting
Yes and I can find stories about Republicans being arrested
Why some even beat their wives

Does that apply to all Republicans
The DACA folks are finally realizing they are fucked.

The Dems will do anything and everything to keep the Donald from
getting his wall. Including fucking over the DACA folks. They've never
given a shit about those wetbacks.

Well March 5th time is up. I understand there is a block on that but SCOTUS
will toss that ruling in the trash when Trump files for an emergency ruling.
A President getting rid of an executive order by a former President is not subject
to Judicial Review.

The next CR is March 23rd. 18 days after DACA's clock has run out.
1.8 million for the Wall, an end to chain immigration and the end of the
Lottery system. (The Lotto system could be compromised because we can
control which one of those get in.)

The fate of the 1.8 million who would receive green cards and a path to
citizenship is in the hands of the Dems. The DACA folks already know
they've been used for political purposes. They know the dems are gonna
sell them out.

They hitched their wagons to the wrong team of horses.

Adios Amigos...
The 1.8 million are Trumps responsibility

He is the one who revoked DACA protections

Nope. You're totally wrong.

He has provided a path for citizenship with a deal. The Dems say they
want Comprehensive Immigration reform and Border Security. He's
offered that.

Second...There are only 699,000 DACA folks. He offered another
1.2 million that he would put on the path of citizenship.

Now let's go deeper. The Dems have no more leverage and they have
plenty of folks that are trapped by their vote for the budget.

They just voted to pass this budget. So what are they going to do in
March vote against their own electorate and against their own vote?

Are they gonna not only cancel their own vote but shut the government
down over DACA? They've already learned the American people are not
going to accept that.

What color do you want the wall to be?
Trump had a valid program which he tore up without having something to replace it with

Now he is holding them hostage

The majority of Americans support DACA and do not support the Great Wall of Trump
Exactly, but you know how Democrats love to promote SOB stores to get their way. They'll use anybody.

We have a leaky faucet in this country, and that leaky faucet is the border, chain migration, and the lottery. Trump is willing to give the Democrats more than they want, but in exchange, we have to fix the leaky faucet so we are not here 5, 10, 20 years having the same debate; a mistake Reagan made.

The Democrats don't want that faucet repaired because it ruins their long-term plans of making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Screw the 700,000 or 1.8 million people. We are not about to let Republicans ruin our plan to take over this country.

Dem's don't have the votes or the support of the American people otherwise there would already be DACA and amnesty for the rest of the illegals. So they break the law, give sanctuary to illegals, and obstruct any attempt to secure the border. A SCOTUS smack down is long overdue on this issue.

That's all part of the game plan. They want those illegals here, MS-13, murderers and all, because once they gain full power of the government again (and it will happen sometime) they will grant those millions and millions of people amnesty and citizenship which would give them the right to vote. And guess who they are going to vote for?

If minorities were known to vote heavily Republican, we would still need a wall because the old wall would have been up so long we'd need a new one. A Democrat politician only cares about one thing--the Democrat party.
DACA kids make good citizens

2 DACA recipients arrested over suspicion of human smuggling: report

Border agents arrest DACA recipient in Texas for smuggling immigrants

Former DACA recipient arrested again for illegal border crossing - CNN

Report: Feds Arrest 14 DACA Temporary Amnesty Recipients with Prior Criminal Convictions - Breitbart

DACA arrested

New Data Show Immigrant Gang Arrests

Undocumented Activist Loses DACA Protection For Protesting
Yes and I can find stories about Republicans being arrested
Why some even beat their wives

Does that apply to all Republicans

To your chagrin, Republicans are Americans. A percentage of these DACA people are trouble makers, and there is no way around that.
I started to read the article, but quit when I figured out that it was an extreme right wing site, and this was just an opinion piece.

I checked out the link that Wry Catcher provided, and guess what? The Horn News is a far right wing site that is questionable at best.

The Horn News - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda

Notes: The Horn News is a news and opinion blog with an extreme right bias in reporting. Virtually, all stories are pro-right and anti-left. The Horn uses loaded language frequently and often sources information to far right and questionable sources. Has a false claim via Politifact. (4/15/2017)

DACA deal: These Dreamers will leave the U.S. if Congress fails to find a fix

Libs ignore content and substance. They prefer to obfuscate and distort truth.
"Dreamers". Mmm, Yes, just another positive adjective for wetback babies, children of illegal aliens. Wetback babies...what about that? We focus on the goodies, and ignore ones that end up being a drain or harming society. I don't. WHY should we?

But homegrown white terrorists are okay?
Stay out of the fucking fire water Washington Redskin
The DACA folks are finally realizing they are fucked.

The Dems will do anything and everything to keep the Donald from
getting his wall. Including fucking over the DACA folks. They've never
given a shit about those wetbacks.

Exactly, but you know how Democrats love to promote SOB stores to get their way. They'll use anybody.

We have a leaky faucet in this country, and that leaky faucet is the border, chain migration, and the lottery. Trump is willing to give the Democrats more than they want, but in exchange, we have to fix the leaky faucet so we are not here 5, 10, 20 years having the same debate; a mistake Reagan made.

The Democrats don't want that faucet repaired because it ruins their long-term plans of making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. Screw the 700,000 or 1.8 million people. We are not about to let Republicans ruin our plan to take over this country.

Dem's don't have the votes or the support of the American people otherwise there would already be DACA and amnesty for the rest of the illegals. So they break the law, give sanctuary to illegals, and obstruct any attempt to secure the border. A SCOTUS smack down is long overdue on this issue.

That's all part of the game plan. They want those illegals here, MS-13, murderers and all, because once they gain full power of the government again (and it will happen sometime) they will grant those millions and millions of people amnesty and citizenship which would give them the right to vote. And guess who they are going to vote for?

If minorities were known to vote heavily Republican, we would still need a wall because the old wall would have been up so long we'd need a new one. A Democrat politician only cares about one thing--the Democrat party.
DACA kids make good citizens
100% of them?
The DACA folks are finally realizing they are fucked.

The Dems will do anything and everything to keep the Donald from
getting his wall. Including fucking over the DACA folks. They've never
given a shit about those wetbacks.

Well March 5th time is up. I understand there is a block on that but SCOTUS
will toss that ruling in the trash when Trump files for an emergency ruling.
A President getting rid of an executive order by a former President is not subject
to Judicial Review.

The next CR is March 23rd. 18 days after DACA's clock has run out.
1.8 million for the Wall, an end to chain immigration and the end of the
Lottery system. (The Lotto system could be compromised because we can
control which one of those get in.)

The fate of the 1.8 million who would receive green cards and a path to
citizenship is in the hands of the Dems. The DACA folks already know
they've been used for political purposes. They know the dems are gonna
sell them out.

They hitched their wagons to the wrong team of horses.

Adios Amigos...
The 1.8 million are Trumps responsibility

He is the one who revoked DACA protections

Nope. You're totally wrong.

He has provided a path for citizenship with a deal. The Dems say they
want Comprehensive Immigration reform and Border Security. He's
offered that.

Second...There are only 699,000 DACA folks. He offered another
1.2 million that he would put on the path of citizenship.

Now let's go deeper. The Dems have no more leverage and they have
plenty of folks that are trapped by their vote for the budget.

They just voted to pass this budget. So what are they going to do in
March vote against their own electorate and against their own vote?

Are they gonna not only cancel their own vote but shut the government
down over DACA? They've already learned the American people are not
going to accept that.

What color do you want the wall to be?
Trump had a valid program which he tore up without having something to replace it with

Now he is holding them hostage

The majority of Americans support DACA and do not support the Great Wall of Trump
Every DACA person let in is harming American citizens
DACA kids will make great citizens

Shame to lose them over political bickering and conservative hatred

No, not really. You hear About the three poor dreamers got caught in roughly a week smuggling humans. Ether safe then sorry. Fuck the “dreamers”.
Last edited:
Dem's don't have the votes or the support of the American people otherwise there would already be DACA and amnesty for the rest of the illegals. So they break the law, give sanctuary to illegals, and obstruct any attempt to secure the border. A SCOTUS smack down is long overdue on this issue.

That's all part of the game plan. They want those illegals here, MS-13, murderers and all, because once they gain full power of the government again (and it will happen sometime) they will grant those millions and millions of people amnesty and citizenship which would give them the right to vote. And guess who they are going to vote for?

If minorities were known to vote heavily Republican, we would still need a wall because the old wall would have been up so long we'd need a new one. A Democrat politician only cares about one thing--the Democrat party.
DACA kids make good citizens

2 DACA recipients arrested over suspicion of human smuggling: report

Border agents arrest DACA recipient in Texas for smuggling immigrants

Former DACA recipient arrested again for illegal border crossing - CNN

Report: Feds Arrest 14 DACA Temporary Amnesty Recipients with Prior Criminal Convictions - Breitbart

DACA arrested

New Data Show Immigrant Gang Arrests

Undocumented Activist Loses DACA Protection For Protesting
Yes and I can find stories about Republicans being arrested
Why some even beat their wives

Does that apply to all Republicans

To your chagrin, Republicans are Americans. A percentage of these DACA people are trouble makers, and there is no way around that.
Relates to condemning all for the actions of a few

Went right over your head didn't it?
The DACA folks are finally realizing they are fucked.

The Dems will do anything and everything to keep the Donald from
getting his wall. Including fucking over the DACA folks. They've never
given a shit about those wetbacks.

Well March 5th time is up. I understand there is a block on that but SCOTUS
will toss that ruling in the trash when Trump files for an emergency ruling.
A President getting rid of an executive order by a former President is not subject
to Judicial Review.

The next CR is March 23rd. 18 days after DACA's clock has run out.
1.8 million for the Wall, an end to chain immigration and the end of the
Lottery system. (The Lotto system could be compromised because we can
control which one of those get in.)

The fate of the 1.8 million who would receive green cards and a path to
citizenship is in the hands of the Dems. The DACA folks already know
they've been used for political purposes. They know the dems are gonna
sell them out.

They hitched their wagons to the wrong team of horses.

Adios Amigos...
The 1.8 million are Trumps responsibility

He is the one who revoked DACA protections

Nope. You're totally wrong.

He has provided a path for citizenship with a deal. The Dems say they
want Comprehensive Immigration reform and Border Security. He's
offered that.

Second...There are only 699,000 DACA folks. He offered another
1.2 million that he would put on the path of citizenship.

Now let's go deeper. The Dems have no more leverage and they have
plenty of folks that are trapped by their vote for the budget.

They just voted to pass this budget. So what are they going to do in
March vote against their own electorate and against their own vote?

Are they gonna not only cancel their own vote but shut the government
down over DACA? They've already learned the American people are not
going to accept that.

What color do you want the wall to be?
Trump had a valid program which he tore up without having something to replace it with

Now he is holding them hostage

The majority of Americans support DACA and do not support the Great Wall of Trump
Every DACA person let in is harming American citizens
Tell us the part about murderers, rapists and drug dealers
That's all part of the game plan. They want those illegals here, MS-13, murderers and all, because once they gain full power of the government again (and it will happen sometime) they will grant those millions and millions of people amnesty and citizenship which would give them the right to vote. And guess who they are going to vote for?

If minorities were known to vote heavily Republican, we would still need a wall because the old wall would have been up so long we'd need a new one. A Democrat politician only cares about one thing--the Democrat party.
DACA kids make good citizens

2 DACA recipients arrested over suspicion of human smuggling: report

Border agents arrest DACA recipient in Texas for smuggling immigrants

Former DACA recipient arrested again for illegal border crossing - CNN

Report: Feds Arrest 14 DACA Temporary Amnesty Recipients with Prior Criminal Convictions - Breitbart

DACA arrested

New Data Show Immigrant Gang Arrests

Undocumented Activist Loses DACA Protection For Protesting
Yes and I can find stories about Republicans being arrested
Why some even beat their wives

Does that apply to all Republicans

To your chagrin, Republicans are Americans. A percentage of these DACA people are trouble makers, and there is no way around that.
Relates to condemning all for the actions of a few

Went right over your head didn't it?

Where did I condemn all? What I responded to was your comment that DACA people make great citizens; not that it should matter. What matters is going by the book like everybody else if you want to be part of this country.

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