This Is Your Side, Liberals

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Your vulgarity is far from the worst aspect of Liberals....

"...former New York Gov. George Pataki called the killings the "predictable outcome of divisive, anti-cop rhetoric of Attorney General Eric Holder and Bill De Blasio."
Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash - Yahoo News

George Pataki should be put in a chokehold until he acknowledges his irrelevance. lol.

Funniest how you don't recognize your post applies to you!

The chuckles just keep comin'!!!!
He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.
Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Your vulgarity is far from the worst aspect of Liberals....

"...former New York Gov. George Pataki called the killings the "predictable outcome of divisive, anti-cop rhetoric of Attorney General Eric Holder and Bill De Blasio."
Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash - Yahoo News

George Pataki should be put in a chokehold until he acknowledges his irrelevance. lol.

Funniest how you don't recognize your post applies to you!

The chuckles just keep comin'!!!!

I'm as relevant as you are.
So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.

So you're actually asking my opinion on something without just simplistically making stuff up?

Holy crap, excellent! Progress!

I think the guy who took him down should have stopped choking him the moment they hit the ground. I think a complete investigation is needed on that guy's tactics, beginning to end. I would have been perfectly happy had the Grand Jury gone the other way. I would like to see the Grand Jury process revised so that the obvious conflicts of interests when public servants are accused are at least minimized, if not eliminated.

Thanks for asking!

He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.

So you're actually asking my opinion on something without just simplistically making stuff up?

Holy crap, excellent! Progress!

I think the guy who took him down should have stopped choking him the moment they hit the ground. I think a complete investigation is needed on that guy's tactics, beginning to end. I would have been perfectly happy had the Grand Jury gone the other way. I would like to see the Grand Jury process revised so that the obvious conflicts of interests when public servants are accused are at least minimized, if not eliminated.

Thanks for asking!


So why are you putting so much effort into propping up the positions of those who are demonizing him and deifying the cops, and why are you putting so much effort into demonizing the people who are angry over this?
The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.

So you're actually asking my opinion on something without just simplistically making stuff up?

Holy crap, excellent! Progress!

I think the guy who took him down should have stopped choking him the moment they hit the ground. I think a complete investigation is needed on that guy's tactics, beginning to end. I would have been perfectly happy had the Grand Jury gone the other way. I would like to see the Grand Jury process revised so that the obvious conflicts of interests when public servants are accused are at least minimized, if not eliminated.

Thanks for asking!


So why are you putting so much effort into propping up the positions of those who are demonizing him and deifying the cops, and why are you putting so much effort into demonizing the people who are angry over this?

Because, as independent, I often have to take the side of those with whom I disagree on other things. If I'm not consistent, then I'm not principled.

I think that PC & Identity Politics have done great damage to both American Blacks and America in general, and I'm as passionate about that as I am about Bush's hideous wars.

Those are my personal two hot buttons.

Last edited:
Poor, poor PoliticalShit.

Reduced to quoting an unknown student leader from somewhere, somewhere.

Poor, poor PoliticalShit.


Your vulgarity is far from the worst aspect of Liberals....

"...former New York Gov. George Pataki called the killings the "predictable outcome of divisive, anti-cop rhetoric of Attorney General Eric Holder and Bill De Blasio."
Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash - Yahoo News

George Pataki should be put in a chokehold until he acknowledges his irrelevance. lol.

Funniest how you don't recognize your post applies to you!

The chuckles just keep comin'!!!!

I'm as relevant as you are.

Your fondest wish.
I can't say I've read the whole thread but everything I've read was 1/2 great. Liberals/Democrats are so dismissive of the realities and well, whiny, at this point I have a difficult time not considering their contorted perspectives laughable, myopic and F'd up logically.

Thanks for another 1/2 great thread PoliticalChic ... you are "Spectacular .. Spectacular" and a fortunate Blessing..

again, Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours...:thewave:
So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.

So you're actually asking my opinion on something without just simplistically making stuff up?

Holy crap, excellent! Progress!

I think the guy who took him down should have stopped choking him the moment they hit the ground. I think a complete investigation is needed on that guy's tactics, beginning to end. I would have been perfectly happy had the Grand Jury gone the other way. I would like to see the Grand Jury process revised so that the obvious conflicts of interests when public servants are accused are at least minimized, if not eliminated.

Thanks for asking!


So why are you putting so much effort into propping up the positions of those who are demonizing him and deifying the cops, and why are you putting so much effort into demonizing the people who are angry over this?

Because, as independent, I often have to take the side of those with whom I disagree. If I'm not consistent, then I'm not principled.

I think that PC & Identity Politics have done great damage to both American Blacks and America in general, and I'm as passionate about that as I am about Bush's hideous wars.

Those are my personal two hot buttons.


Are you aware that conservatives have their own PC and identity politics? Maybe you should branch out.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Rudy Giuliani had a real life felon for his police chief. I don't see any reason to seek out his 'expertise'.

The murder rate dropped by 90% under Juliani. Who would you consult, Al Sharpton?
Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.

So you're actually asking my opinion on something without just simplistically making stuff up?

Holy crap, excellent! Progress!

I think the guy who took him down should have stopped choking him the moment they hit the ground. I think a complete investigation is needed on that guy's tactics, beginning to end. I would have been perfectly happy had the Grand Jury gone the other way. I would like to see the Grand Jury process revised so that the obvious conflicts of interests when public servants are accused are at least minimized, if not eliminated.

Thanks for asking!


So why are you putting so much effort into propping up the positions of those who are demonizing him and deifying the cops, and why are you putting so much effort into demonizing the people who are angry over this?

Because, as independent, I often have to take the side of those with whom I disagree. If I'm not consistent, then I'm not principled.

I think that PC & Identity Politics have done great damage to both American Blacks and America in general, and I'm as passionate about that as I am about Bush's hideous wars.

Those are my personal two hot buttons.


Are you aware that conservatives have their own PC and identity politics? Maybe you should branch out.

Yes, especially when it comes to their religion. And their wars. But the anger and frustration I feel for what has been done, and what continues to be done, to generations of American Blacks is enough for me.

That's just me.


A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.
"allegedly" .. :lmao:

A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.
"allegedly" .. :lmao:

That means he wasn't convicted of resisting arrest.

A guy who was both breaking the law and resisting arrest is the victim. He did nothing wrong.

And the PC Police wonder why.....

.... oh, never mind.


He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.

When you resist arrest, any force is necessary to subdue the criminal.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Rudy Giuliani had a real life felon for his police chief. I don't see any reason to seek out his 'expertise'.

The murder rate dropped by 90% under Juliani. Who would you consult, Al Sharpton?

Do they count the 3000 murdered on 9/11 in that? I'm genuinely curious.
He's dead. Believe it or not, simpleton, you can be a victim without having done nothing wrong.

So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.

When you resist arrest, any force is necessary to subdue the criminal.

And choking him to death is considered unnecessary.
Every time some Liberal offense-to-civilization is posted, many Liberals immediately complain that....'that doesn't represent me....I don't agree with that....why are you blaming all Liberals..." etc., etc.

Well, wake up and smell the coffee: this political system is binary. You vote for Obama, you are responsible for his actions...and for Pelosi having been speaker.....such as his urging the anti-police protesters with "Stay on course!"

Don't like it?
Vote more carefully.'s the latest one on your side of the aisle:

1. "Student Leader: 'No Sympathy' for Executed NYPD Officers

2. Following the execution of two New York Police Department officers, a Brandeis University student leader wasted no time in making it clear that she did not care that they were murdered. sympathy for the nypd officers who were murdered today,” Khadijah Lynch, a junior and an Undergraduate Department Representative in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, wrote on Twitter..... i hate this racist fucking country.

4. ... not the first time that Lynch has made questionable statements on race relations in the United States. .... She proceeded to claim that "American police forces of today descend from a legacy of slave captives and overseers" and are racist bigots.

5. ....we are not that far removed from this country’s legacy of slavery and that most of our laws are shaped to uphold a system of white supremacy. The Mike Brown case is only a reflection, a repeat and a reminder that this nation rests on the brutality and criminalization of black people and other non-whites.

6. Lynch was also a featured speaker at a Brandeis community-wide vigil in memory of those allegedly killed as a result of racial profiling earlier this academic year and is listed as an undergraduate department representative for the Department of African and Afro-American studies.

7. ....a social justice themed institution grounded in zionism. word. thats a fucking fanny dooley.

8. ...the fact that black people have not burned this country down is beyond me...

9. “She's a UDR, which means she's a leader on campus responsible for advising younger students,” a recent Brandeis graduate told TruthRevolt.

10. Lynch then returned to Twitter and called for an "intifada," in which innocents are murdered, in America....i need to get my gun license. asap."
Student Leader No Sympathy for Executed NYPD Officers Truth Revolt

Name the liberal posters on USMB who have ever advocated shooting policemen.

"President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two city police officers were shot and killed in their patrol car by a man who posted anti-police messages to his social media account.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” Giuliani said during an appearance on Fox News early Sunday. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”
Obama s propaganda pushed people to hate the police Giuliani says TheHill

Rudy Giuliani had a real life felon for his police chief. I don't see any reason to seek out his 'expertise'.

The murder rate dropped by 90% under Juliani. Who would you consult, Al Sharpton?

Do they count the 3000 murdered on 9/11 in that? I'm genuinely curious.

You're blaming Juliani for failing to prevent 9/11? Did they include the people who were killed at Pearl Harbor in the Honolulu murder rate?
So he was doing something wrong?

What, precisely?


He was allegedly resisting arrest, a misdemeanor, and he got a police administered death penalty for it.

The cops were there, again, because he was breaking the law, again.

I wonder how you missed that part of the story!

And he was only "allegedly" resisting arrest. I see.

But for you, an obedient, dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, that's as close as you'll get to being accurate.

That's what happens when a mind is distorted by ideology.

Just going that far must have REALLY hurt. Good for you!


So you have no objection to the police using unnecessary force.


Yet another lovely straw man.

This is just too easy.


I'm asking you. If the police can use lethal force for the commission of a misdemeanor,

when can't they use lethal force. It's your position that they were justified in killing Garner, that's no strawman, that's a fact.

I'm just trying to determine where you draw the line. Since you apparently are not prepared to state where you draw the line,

I am fully justified to reach the conclusion I do based on the information I have. It's your responsibility to correct the record.
They didn't use lethal force, garner died because he was out of shape. Probably from sitting on his ass collecting welfare. So his death can also be traced back to you. If he had a job, 1 he probably would've been in better shape 2 he wouldn't of been on the street breaking the law. That's a good reason to start the end of the welfare state. It would've saved Brown also.

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