This is the race and racism section

I don't have contempt for whites. I have contempt for white racists. Stop misrepresenting yourselves as all whites. On one hand your punk ass wants me to say not all whites, then when I point out white racists then I have contempt for all whites. Which one is it bitch.? huh? Are all whites racist since that's what I am pointing out? Or are all whites not racist and I'm only pointing out the racist whites?
For Christ sake, get the marbles out of your mouth and try and form a coherent comment.

So you are illiterate.
So you can't form a coherent statement.

No, you can't read.
Not the gibberish pap you write.

Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.
So what you're saying is that freedom of speech which includes a responce doesn't apply to white people ? You seem to be complaining about whining by whining.
Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.
So then is it OK for us whites or any non blacks to call you nig-er? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard a rap song where you're not calling each other nigg_r, so, you like being called that, right?

Feel free to walk up to any black man and call him hat so you can get the proper appreciation you desire. As for me, this section of USMB is about to be made an example of.
I already have, and nothing happened. I'm not afraid of any of you people, and your threats don't scare me either.

No you haven't and nobody is concerned if you are scared or not. You have NEVER walked up to a black man and called him that word. NEVER. I don't make threats.
Yes I have, because he called me a cracker. Doesn't matter if you believe me or not. You have no idea who I am. I'll say any fuckin' thing I want to any one of you to your face, I don't give a fuck. You sons a bitches don't scare me. It's me you should be afraid of.

Now why don't you walk up to a white guy and call him a cracker?
For Christ sake, get the marbles out of your mouth and try and form a coherent comment.

So you are illiterate.
So you can't form a coherent statement.

No, you can't read.
Not the gibberish pap you write.

So you had to use a meme to say something in English that people can understand?

OK... whatever... I guess you're just too stupid to articulate your own comments.
Here's a meme for you then... since you like your little BLACK POWER FIST in your avatar...


We've had enough of that BULL SHIT.
"No, you were just talking whitebread dumbshit.”

Chicago thread, Post #5.

Whitebread is not a claim of racial superiority of blacks.

It is a racist term nonetheless. It is a derogatory and insulting term based on one's contempt of people of the white race. It would be no different than me saying "darkie dumbshit" or some such. And if I did, you and I both know you would say it's racist. But you have called me racist for much less.

But the comment made that created what I said was a racist declaration made by a white person which was based on the belief of the racial superiority of whites. Because I'm being called a racist by you whites here based on what? The fact I am calling out white racism and nothing else.

What comment did he make that was a racist declaration? I've read the entire quote string and the only thing he said that might, might be construed as racist is "The only racist I see hanging out here is you, bubba.". If that is a racist declaration then you have the market cornered on racist declarations.


to the class of bland, clean-cut, middle-of-the-road suburbanite breeders. The Cleavers from the old TV show "Leave It To Beaver" are a familiar archetype of whitebread culture. Compare to yuppie.

The term implies profound cultural naïvete, blind consumerism, and an unquestioning "follower" mindset. Common trappings of the whitebread lifestyle include golf, Kenny G and Enya CDs, SUVs, an irrational fixation on lawn care, Golden Retrievers, nominally
Christian religious beliefs, Old Navy clothing, moderate to conservative political views, bad Chardonnay, equally bad espresso, cookie-cutter houses, Bath & Body Works hygiene products, and very white-collar employment.

Though whitebread individuals are usually white, the term is not necessarily racial in meaning - the implication lies more with the blandness, predictability, and banality of plain white bread. Accordingly, "wonderbread" is often used as a synonym.

Do you seriously expect me to believe that you used the term in this context? It is clear to a lot of folks here that you have nothing but contempt for white people. Citing an Urban Dictionary definition is not fooling anybody.

I don't have contempt for whites. I have contempt for white racists. Stop misrepresenting yourselves as all whites. On one hand your punk ass wants me to say not all whites, then when I point out white racists then I have contempt for all whites. Which one is it bitch.? huh? Are all whites racist since that's what I am pointing out? Or are all whites not racist and I'm only pointing out the racist whites?

A "punk ass" and a "bitch" in one post? Must have struck another nerve.

Anyway, I'll stop misrepresenting myself as all whites if you stop misrepresenting yourself as all blacks. When I say "some blacks..." you accuse me of saying "all blacks". Your identity as an individual is so completely smothered by your identity as a black person you take any criticism of black individuals as criticism of your entire race and thus as criticism of yourself. I relate my personal experience of black racism and you find the idea so horrifying that you can't even bring yourself to believe that it could have actually happened, that I MUST have made it up.
Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

How about the freedom to think? Or to express an opinion? Do we all have these freedoms too?

Yep and it seems that in this section whites have been the only ones able or free to do these things.

If you are black, and you're voicing your own opinion here on this forum and section, doesn't that very fact prove this statement wrong?
Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.
I'm curious, do all blacks have as thin skin as you do?

Seems that you whites have the thin skin around here. You're the ones who stared whimpering about backs making everything about race in a race and racism section of discussion forum.
No, you whine about everything being not your fault, every day! I'm simply asking if all blacks are such big whiners and losers as you are. My guess is probably not.

They aren't.

I've done better than you and Taz. So if I'm a loser you guys, well, just give up.
Prove it.
Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.

There is no 'special' place needed for blacks to whine.

Have at it

Another stimulating and constructive conversation on race. Kind of a specialty 'round here.

Technically, it's about collectivism whenever human beings are only seen as members of groups rather than Individuals. Except thunderlips over there doesn't realize the shortcoming in his own bullpucky.
Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.
So what you're saying is that freedom of speech which includes a responce doesn't apply to white people ? You seem to be complaining about whining by whining.

Freedom of speech is us responding to the racism plastered all over this section. There are over 4,000 threads where whites were spewing your lies about blacks and no complaints about how everything is about race and the incessant infantile whining I have seen from the likes of you. Freedom of speech is the ability for us to hold a mirror to your face about the things whites do without all the crying, bitching, moaning and squealing you guys are doing,
Another stimulating and constructive conversation on race. Kind of a specialty 'round here.

Technically, it's about collectivism whenever human beings are only seen as members of groups rather than Individuals. Except thunderlips over there doesn't realize the shortcoming in his own bullpucky.

That is what whites have done. And it is what whites have spent 4,000 threads doing here. When that happened we didn't see all this talk about how wrong collectivism was. And as long as the whites here get to tee off on blacks we will never hear them talk about how wrong it is to see people as members of a group.
Another stimulating and constructive conversation on race. Kind of a specialty 'round here.

And what kind of stimulating and constructive conversation do you expect to have? The lawn jockey mambo where we blame ourselves for everything?
Last edited:
Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

How about the freedom to think? Or to express an opinion? Do we all have these freedoms too?

Yep and it seems that in this section whites have been the only ones able or free to do these things.

If you are black, and you're voicing your own opinion here on this forum and section, doesn't that very fact prove this statement wrong?

No. Whites here are free to say any derogatory thing they want about blacks without 100 blacks trolling their every post. Nor do whites get their threads shut down by admin because whites incessantly troll the threads until admin closes them. Nor has a white person got their thread shut down by an admin before a post because the admin didn't like what was said about whites while letting all kinds of whites create racist threads and breaking the same rules they tell you to follow.
Another stimulating and constructive conversation on race. Kind of a specialty 'round here.

And what kind of stimulating and constructive conversation do you expect to have? Th lawn jockey mambo where we blame ourselves for everything?
Do you take ANY responsibility for where blacks are now? Or is it 100% whitey's fault?
Whitebread is not a claim of racial superiority of blacks.

It is a racist term nonetheless. It is a derogatory and insulting term based on one's contempt of people of the white race. It would be no different than me saying "darkie dumbshit" or some such. And if I did, you and I both know you would say it's racist. But you have called me racist for much less.

But the comment made that created what I said was a racist declaration made by a white person which was based on the belief of the racial superiority of whites. Because I'm being called a racist by you whites here based on what? The fact I am calling out white racism and nothing else.

What comment did he make that was a racist declaration? I've read the entire quote string and the only thing he said that might, might be construed as racist is "The only racist I see hanging out here is you, bubba.". If that is a racist declaration then you have the market cornered on racist declarations.


to the class of bland, clean-cut, middle-of-the-road suburbanite breeders. The Cleavers from the old TV show "Leave It To Beaver" are a familiar archetype of whitebread culture. Compare to yuppie.

The term implies profound cultural naïvete, blind consumerism, and an unquestioning "follower" mindset. Common trappings of the whitebread lifestyle include golf, Kenny G and Enya CDs, SUVs, an irrational fixation on lawn care, Golden Retrievers, nominally
Christian religious beliefs, Old Navy clothing, moderate to conservative political views, bad Chardonnay, equally bad espresso, cookie-cutter houses, Bath & Body Works hygiene products, and very white-collar employment.

Though whitebread individuals are usually white, the term is not necessarily racial in meaning - the implication lies more with the blandness, predictability, and banality of plain white bread. Accordingly, "wonderbread" is often used as a synonym.

Do you seriously expect me to believe that you used the term in this context? It is clear to a lot of folks here that you have nothing but contempt for white people. Citing an Urban Dictionary definition is not fooling anybody.

I don't have contempt for whites. I have contempt for white racists. Stop misrepresenting yourselves as all whites. On one hand your punk ass wants me to say not all whites, then when I point out white racists then I have contempt for all whites. Which one is it bitch.? huh? Are all whites racist since that's what I am pointing out? Or are all whites not racist and I'm only pointing out the racist whites?

A "punk ass" and a "bitch" in one post? Must have struck another nerve.

Anyway, I'll stop misrepresenting myself as all whites if you stop misrepresenting yourself as all blacks. When I say "some blacks..." you accuse me of saying "all blacks". Your identity as an individual is so completely smothered by your identity as a black person you take any criticism of black individuals as criticism of your entire race and thus as criticism of yourself. I relate my personal experience of black racism and you find the idea so horrifying that you can't even bring yourself to believe that it could have actually happened, that I MUST have made it up.

Language is a tool and words have meaning. Understand that before you pretend something you said struck anything but disgust.

I don't give a damn what you do. The experience you had that you claim was black racism would not have passed EEOC standards. You say a black guy spit on you but you cannot clarify if he did so because you were white or because he was angry about what happened. Nowhere in your story was any statement made whereby the person made any reference to your race. That's what I base my conclusion on. Your story My identity as an individual is not smothered by anything. Your argument in this regard shows more of your ignorance. My identity as an individual is shaped by my experience of being black, black is part of my individuality and I don't have to drop that because of your INDIVIDUAL white fragility.
Why are whites here crying about blacks talking about race in the race and racism section? How can you accuse a person of making everything about race in a section of a discussion forum that was made to discuss nothing but race?

Or is this supposed to be the white folks free post of racist comments about blacks section and blacks are only allowed say what whites want to hear?

Are we blacks supposed to talk about knitting here and whites get to lie to themselves in every post or thread about "black welfare' and shit? Are we required to post only things that dumb ass worthless black sellouts say like Thomas Sowell because that's what whites think?

There are a couple thousand threads in this section minimum were whites are unlading on blacks with racist lies. If a black person creates a thread or posts, they get trolled incessantly even some admin participate in the trolling. Last night I outed one person quoting directly from stormfront, and there are many more here who do the same thing. And despite the thousands of threads where whites are posting up racist bullshit about blacks without end, not one time will you see one these whites crybabies telling them how they make everything about race. Not one time will you se any of these whiny bastards complaining about how we are individuals. Never the comment of how this has happened all during the course if mankind. No sniveling about groupthink.

Freedom of speech was not just made for whites.

So what we are about to see here is the standard white racist tactic calling people whiners. But this thread was created because of the whining from whites about blacks making everything about race in a race and racism section of a discussion forum.
Whiners are now a race? Must be all black then.

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