This is our GARBAGE media

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Afghanistan is crumbling.
Inflation is out of control.
Crime is through the roof.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind.
Covid is apparently out of control.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties.
People refuse to work.

And this MISDEMEANOR BULLSHIT is what leads the national news for our garbage ass corrupt media?

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Maybe you need a different news source. It hasn’t “been leading” in any of the media I pay attention to.
It shouldn't be in ANY national media ffs. It's a damn misdemeanor for burning a flag. People burn the American flag at near every riot/protest yet we don't hear about their sentencing do we? We don't even hear about their sentences for rioting.
Afghanistan is crumbling.
Inflation is out of control.
Crime is through the roof.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind.
Covid is apparently out of control.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties.
People refuse to work.

And this MISDEMEANOR BULLSHIT is what leads the national news for our garbage ass corrupt media?

Biden had the stones to end the Afghanistan war, bucking the deep state you claim to hate so much.
biden created a disaster
There's been a disaster in Afghanistan for 100 years. That the country collapsed in just days is proof that things were far more disastrous there than anybody could have imagined, including the military leaders that lied to us all. 20 years of blood and treasure and we built absolutely nothing there.
Maybe you need a different news source. It hasn’t “been leading” in any of the media I pay attention to.

Top story all day in the Reich press.

I don't watch mainstream media AT ALL.....Fake News ... lies..... I don't

Does anybody still watch that shit? I don't think so.....

Their numbers are down down down...and that's good!:biggrin:

Afghanistan is crumbling.
Inflation is out of control.
Crime is through the roof.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind.
Covid is apparently out of control.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties.
People refuse to work.

And this MISDEMEANOR BULLSHIT is what leads the national news for our garbage ass corrupt media?

Afghanistan is crumbling. We should have been out of there after we got Osama, but Obama didn't do it. I guess we had not made enough money on the war until now, as I see no reason for the Mission Creep that allowed us to stay there past the goal of why we went there.
Inflation is out of control. I can't work up much excitement about inflation, yet. I'm debt free, don't spend what I am making now and been retired for 6-7 years, not touch investments since the first year (for a swimming pool) and market returns on our accounts are better than expected.
Crime is through the roof. Crime not much higher than it has been in Jackson (which isn't saying that much really) the last 4 to 8 years, but it ain't pretty.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high. Not seeing an increase of black on white crime. Crime against Asian is up, but I suspect it is white on Asians as Asians in general were made the little Satans of the pandemic by the right. Black on black sounds like it is up, but they don't mind, so why should I.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan. Glad he is getting us the hell out of there. The way we are getting out certainly is a shitshow. You are right about the stupidity of the military not having plans to remove or destroy weapons and equipment. It's not like he made the decision last week to get out of dodge and had to be out by the end of the week. If Joe had planned it himself, do you think it would have been better or worse. The joint chiefs and U.S. Central Command are the ones to blame for that one. That is military planning or the lack there of.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind. Those thousands of Americans stayed to the last damn minute, which was stupid on their part, their employers part, and the State Department's part. The military is still there to the tune of about 5,000 troops at least with several thousand around the airport in Kabul, last I heard. What happened to the Afghan military we've been training and equipping for the last 20 years? Sounds like the folded like a cheap suit.
Covid is apparently out of control. It was never under control. Right wing Americans value their independence too much to fight against the pandemic, only caring for their personal freedom to do as they damn well please. Now even Trump is saying get the vaccine. A big-time right wing anti-vax/ anti-precaustions, Florida talks show host, died of Covid the week before I left for Florida. A big-time right wing Tennessee talk show host of the same stripes died after I got back. Sounds like anti-vax and anti-precautions people are dropping like flies, as the unvaccinated are leading the way to the hospitals, emergency rooms and funeral homes. I'm fine. I got mine back in March when it was first available to me. Hell, even Donny got his when it was first available. He just didn't tell anybody.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties. Sounds like a good investment. Corporate coffers are fat, if you haven't been reading the financial section. They have been getting a free ride via Congress, most of this century as some people still believe in trickle down supply side economics, the fed has been floating that boat with large amounts of Keynesian money for years as we spend our way through. This dumb ass policy of not making people pay rent will come to an end and the corporations know it. They are probably picking up some bargains from individuals and LLCs being squeezed out because they don't have deep enough pockets. The only place for those folk is on vacation rental property as it is doing fine. I just paid 30% more to rent the same size upscale vacation home on a quiet beach as I did 4 years ago. I don't know about you, but my earnings did not usually go up 30% in 4 years, back when I worked for a living.
People refuse to work. You can't kick them out for not pay rent. Many still getting unemployment. Without having to pay rent, they don't need the income. Does it really surprise you, people milking it for as long as possible? Wages may have to catch up.

I guess I'm just left out of the anguish you are feeling, except for the Army worms that started eating the trash grass between the pool and the front privacy fence in the back side yard and the Burmuda in the front side yard, while I was on vacation. Luckily they don't like the Zoysia that makes up the bulk of my lawns front and back. I have some 36.8% permethrin coming in the next 2 days. I figure that will clear the little critters out and I will go back to being an all around happy camper.:)
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It shouldn't be in ANY national media ffs. It's a damn misdemeanor for burning a flag. People burn the American flag at near every riot/protest yet we don't hear about their sentencing do we? We don't even hear about their sentences for rioting.
A terrorist organization favored by a former president--your blob-- is going to make news. Sorry.
Afghanistan is crumbling. We should have been out of there after we got Osama, but Obama didn't do it. I guess we had not made enough money on the war until now, as I see no reason for the Mission Creep that allowed us to stay there past the goal of why we went there.
Inflation is out of control. I can't work up much excitement about inflation, yet. I don't spend what I'm debt free, don't spend what I am making now and been retired for 6-7 years, not touch investments since the first year (for a swimming pool) and market returns on our accounts are better than expected.
Crime is through the roof. Crime not much higher than it has been in Jackson (which isn't saying that much really) the last 4 to 8 years, but it ain't pretty.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high. Not seeing an increase of black on white crime. Crime against Asian is up, but I suspect it is white on Asians as Asians in general were made the little Satans of the pandemic by the right. Black on black sounds like it is up, but they don't mind, so why should I.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan. Glad he is getting us the hell out of there. The way we are getting out certainly is a shitshow. You are right about the stupidity of the military not having plans to remove or destroy weapons and equipment. It's not like he made the decision last week to get out of dodge and had to be out by the end of the week. If Joe had planned it himself, do you think it would have been better or worse. The joint chiefs and U.S. Central Command are the ones to blame for that one. That is military planning or the lack there of.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind. Those thousands of Americans stayed to the last damn minute, which was stupid on their part, their employers part, and the State Department's part. The military is still there to the tune of about 5,000 troops at least with several thousand around the airport in Kabul, last I heard. What happened to the Afghan military we've been training and equipping for the last 20 years? Sounds like the folded like a cheap suit.
Covid is apparently out of control. It was never under control. Right wing Americans value their independence too much to fight against the pandemic, only caring for their personal freedom to do as they damn well please. Now even Trump is saying get the vaccine. A big-time right wing anti-vax/ anti-precaustions, Florida talks show host, died of Covid the week before I left for Florida. A big-time right wing Tennessee talk show host of the same stripes died after I got back. Sounds like anti-vax and anti-precautions people are dropping like flies, as the unvaccinated are leading the way to the hospitals, emergency rooms and funeral homes. I'm fine. I got mine back in March when it was first available to me. Hell, even Donny got his when it was first available. He just didn't tell anybody.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties. Sounds like a good investment. Corporate coffers are fat, if you haven't been reading the financial section. They have been getting a free ride via Congress, most of this century as some people still believe in trickle down supply side economics, the fed has been floating that boat with large amounts of Keynesian money for years as we spend our way through. This dumb ass policy of not making people pay rent will come to an end and the corporations know it. They are probably picking up some bargains from individuals and LLCs being squeezed out because they don't have deep enough pockets. The only place for those folk is on vacation rental property as it is doing fine. I just paid 30% more to rent the same size upscale vacation home on a quiet beach as I did 4 years ago. I don't know about you, but my earnings did not usually go up 30% in 4 years, back when I worked for a living.
People refuse to work. You can't kick them out for not pay rent. Many still getting unemployment. Without having to pay rent, they don't need the income. Does it really surprise you, people milking it for as long as possible? Wages may have to catch up.

I guess I'm just left out of the anguish you are feeling, except for the Army worms that started eating the trash grass between the pool and the front privacy fence in the back side yard and the Burmuda in the front side yard, while I was on vacation. Luckily they don't like the Zoysia that makes up the bulk of my lawns front and back. I have some 36.8% permethrin coming in the next 2 days. I figure that will clear the little critters out and I will go back to being an all around happy camper.:)
The big story is that sales of fainting couches (triple reinforced to withstand the weight of the average blob supporter) are through the roof.
Afghanistan is crumbling.
Inflation is out of control.
Crime is through the roof.
Black on white/Asian crimes are high.
Biden armed our enemies in Afghanistan.
Biden evacuated the military leaving thousands of Americans behind.
Covid is apparently out of control.
Corporations are buying up all the rental properties.
People refuse to work.

And this MISDEMEANOR BULLSHIT is what leads the national news for our garbage ass corrupt media?

Maybe you should watch a different channel. Everything I've seen is leading with Afghanistan.
I saw something on CBS contending that global warming caused the taliban victory. lolol.

Anyway. Western media as a whole is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. It's mainly just a bunch of smut.
I don't watch mainstream media AT ALL.....Fake News ... lies..... I don't

Does anybody still watch that shit? I don't think so.....

Their numbers are down down down...and that's good!:biggrin:

View attachment 530001
That is no joke either,used to be that millions tuned in across the country every night but in recent years that number has spiraled to just under a million now.people are awake to the idiot box,seems like it’s just here at this site where the people still trust the msm media.
I don't watch mainstream media AT ALL.....Fake News ... lies..... I don't

Does anybody still watch that shit? I don't think so.....

Their numbers are down down down...and that's good!:biggrin:

View attachment 530001

Yes.........much like corrupt sports, the corrupt news agencies in this country are seeing a rapid decline in watchers.

But instead of cleaning up their corruption and trying to become BETTER, HONEST media........they continue to create more heinous lies, dish out more misinformation, spew out more hate/animosity/racism/bigotry, continue to rally behind the Dems, and continue to play BOTH sides of this COVID circus.

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