This Is Not Near Over. Facts not Conspiracy.

At this point if they don't have actual proof, I mean real proof, enough proof to drop on the desk of the supreme court with confidence then I don't believe it.

It's always the build up, but never a pay off.

If they have undisputable proof then fine, let's have it. But if it's just more talk about bombshells then Ive heard enough.

I don't know if there was fraud or not. I do know that there is a lack of transparency. How can one present you with evidence when they're not permitted to look at the evidence?
They are yet there is a procedure to navigate to be able to have audits and those audits have to be performed by certified and licensed people not from some Ninja who is looking for bamboo paper...
At this point if they don't have actual proof, I mean real proof, enough proof to drop on the desk of the supreme court with confidence then I don't believe it.

It's always the build up, but never a pay off.

If they have undisputable proof then fine, let's have it. But if it's just more talk about bombshells then Ive heard enough.
When information is withheld that could supply that evidence that could be provided and clear everything up? The resistance to transparency screams guilt.

I mean I get it. If there was no theft then why not just say "here is everything, show us what we did wrong". This whole thing could have been settled very easily if they just opened up the books so to speak.

But I also realize politics between parties right now is also a pissing contest. No one side wants to concede or help the other, everything has to Be their way or no way, everything is resistance against the other. It's all just wanting to be against the other side anyway they can even if it means abandoning consideration, rationality and common sense.

So I don't know what happened in reality and if it was stolen then let's have it, show us the proof but all this endless talking about the theft is just growing tiresome. Or who knows, maybe that's the game, to stall things so long that everyone just gives up on looking for what happened. Then again, maybe it isn't.

Again, why do they need to do this? Because a group of people can't accept that their savior lost..because he blew the response to the pandemic? That's not a reason.
Repeating something until it becomes the truth isn't the way we do things in this country. There are methods for addressing these accusations. And they were afforded the
opposition candidate, at the expense of the taxpayer, and at the expense of common sense. 73 lower court and 3 Supreme Court cases. All tossed. Over 50 of them directly
addressing the claims of fraud. Multiple audits, multiple recounts. How many times we want to litigate the election?
Nothing will ever satisfy the Trump crowd. Why? For a lot of reasons. Most of which, none of them will ever directly admit to.

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