This Is Kinda How I See Most On The Left Becomming


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

From 2013 through 2016, “right-wing” terrorists in the United States killed some 46 people.

Conversely, Neiwert notes, only 17 people have died due to domestic Islamic terrorism over the past three years. Left-wing domestic terrorism barely registered during the time span; only four such deaths occurred in the past three years.

Project much?


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Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Starting on that bottle early today? I guess it is Saturday.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Starting on that bottle early today? I guess it is Saturday.
Starting the evasion early?

Not nearly as much as you apparently. You didn't need no three years--- in just a couple of months, the radicalized, dangerous, race-hating Left carried out 8,700 protests where nearly 600 of them turned into violent terroristic riots in 69 cities doing about 2 billion in total damages, severely injuring around 2000 police killing almost 50 more. A leftwing orgy of violence, hate, and madness.

Only a couple months needed.

The radicalized Left is America's #1 concern today. Now they have even stolen a national election giving us an incompetent, senile, puppet presidency working for foreign interests.


Not nearly as much as you apparently. You didn't need no three years--- in just a couple of months, the radicalized, dangerous, race-hating Left carried out 8,700 protests where nearly 600 of them turned into violent terroristic riots in 69 cities doing about 2 billion in total damages, severely injuring around 2000 police killing almost 50 more. A leftwing orgy of violence, hate, and madness.

Only a couple months needed.

The radicalized Left is America's #1 concern today. Now they have even stolen a national election giving us an incompetent, senile, puppet presidency working for foreign interests.

Without doubt, the radicalized left is the single biggest domestic terrorist group the USA faces today. They are second only to the Peoples Republic of China, or as most people call them; The Chicoms.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

I think for the lefties it's all about CONTROL. They just can NOT, STAND, ANYONE, that DARE stray off the reservation. They can't stand individuals, free thinkers, people that don't want to be part of their group think. It makes their blood boil. You must FOLLOW ORDERS, you must CONFORM, you must BUCKLE AT THE KNEES and SWEAR YOUR ALLEGIENCE to THEIR AGENDA, or you are DANGEROUS, a TERRORIST, a RACIST, blah frickin' blah, and you must be SHUT UP and SHUT DOWN, and they have NO problem using whatever means necessary, even if it's CORRUPT. One can't repeat it enough... DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
After reading the OP's post it's understandable as to why people might have reservations about them owning a gun.
Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017

Nope. We never gave the left any reason to storm the Capitol, we never stole any election, besides, you didn't need a stolen election to attack this country in nearly 600 violent riots last year killing or injuring 2000 police doing billions in damage.

Only an idiot like you Jack could riot nearly 9000 times in one summer then bitch about a few hundred people protesting the Capitol for a few hours.

As to 2017, you took a far more covert position: you only spent the next four years doing everything possible trying to undermine first the election, then the administration, and finally, the presidency.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, all the people that started the 1/6 riot were LEFTIST PLANTS, antifa, blm, all coordinated with Soros and Nancy Pelosi, as in they were also PLANTING BOMBS THE DAY BEFORE. It was the LEFTISTS that caused the riot. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is behind 99.99% of ALL VIOLENT RIOTS in the America today, and for the past two years. YOU people, DEMOCRATS, are LIARS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, SOCIALISTS, AUTHORITARIAN, CORRUPT, LAWLESS, but most of all, VIOLENT. Democrats are a CANCER on America, and the entire party should be declared a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The entire democrap party is made up of the FILTH of society, the BOTTOM FEEDERS, the PERVERTS, the CRIMINALS, the ILLEGALS and the VIOLENT GARBAGE.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, all the people that started the 1/6 riot were LEFTIST PLANTS, antifa, blm, all coordinated with Soros and Nancy Pelosi, as in they were also PLANTING BOMBS THE DAY BEFORE. It was the LEFTISTS that caused the riot. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is behind 99.99% of ALL VIOLENT RIOTS in the America today, and for the past two years. YOU people, DEMOCRATS, are LIARS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, SOCIALISTS, AUTHORITARIAN, CORRUPT, LAWLESS, but most of all, VIOLENT. Democrats are a CANCER on America, and the entire party should be declared a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The entire democrap party is made up of the FILTH of society, the BOTTOM FEEDERS, the PERVERTS, the CRIMINALS, the ILLEGALS and the VIOLENT GARBAGE.

As one of the planners of it all, I'm sure that went right over Mr. Mehoff's head. He's probably sitting at home right now in his garageless house typing on his wife's laptop looking at your list wondering what you are complaining about!
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Starting on that bottle early today? I guess it is Saturday.
Starting the evasion early?
Come-on, that's a bloody tRumpling saying other people are confused. It's either drug or alcohol, and I was feeling generous.
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

= Offends Leftists

= Does not offend Leftists

Enough said
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, all the people that started the 1/6 riot were LEFTIST PLANTS, antifa, blm, all coordinated with Soros and Nancy Pelosi, as in they were also PLANTING BOMBS THE DAY BEFORE. It was the LEFTISTS that caused the riot. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is behind 99.99% of ALL VIOLENT RIOTS in the America today, and for the past two years. YOU people, DEMOCRATS, are LIARS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, SOCIALISTS, AUTHORITARIAN, CORRUPT, LAWLESS, but most of all, VIOLENT. Democrats are a CANCER on America, and the entire party should be declared a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The entire democrap party is made up of the FILTH of society, the BOTTOM FEEDERS, the PERVERTS, the CRIMINALS, the ILLEGALS and the VIOLENT GARBAGE. run with that already debunked bucket of shit.
You stink as it is. May as well get some more on you.

And the VIOLENT GARBAGE?? Showed themselves on January 6th. And just about to a man and woman...were wearing or carrying Trump gear.
Also, after your little rant above, I just want to make sure we agree on who the "unhinged" people are. (Hint. It's not us. :))
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, all the people that started the 1/6 riot were LEFTIST PLANTS, antifa, blm, all coordinated with Soros and Nancy Pelosi, as in they were also PLANTING BOMBS THE DAY BEFORE. It was the LEFTISTS that caused the riot. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is behind 99.99% of ALL VIOLENT RIOTS in the America today, and for the past two years. YOU people, DEMOCRATS, are LIARS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, SOCIALISTS, AUTHORITARIAN, CORRUPT, LAWLESS, but most of all, VIOLENT. Democrats are a CANCER on America, and the entire party should be declared a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The entire democrap party is made up of the FILTH of society, the BOTTOM FEEDERS, the PERVERTS, the CRIMINALS, the ILLEGALS and the VIOLENT GARBAGE.

As one of the planners of it all, I'm sure that went right over Mr. Mehoff's head. He's probably sitting at home right now in his garageless house typing on his wife's laptop looking at your list wondering what you are complaining about!

Full of shit as usual Freaky. But I do like I get under your skin. You're not very most Trump supporters aren't.
You're also not very smart..but that's beside the point. :)
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

Yet you didn't see ANY of us storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021...or in 2017 for that matter either because an election was lost. Just you righties. Curious. :)
See, being "tightly wrapped" is a state of mind. I only have to come to these boards to know that most "unwrapped" ones...fall solidly on the right hand side of the aisle.
You righties seem to be thoroughly convinced that this country is about to come to an end just because there's a guy with a "D" in the Oval Office now. So instead of
trying to find ways to solve issues that have needed addressing for decades, what you guys do? Complain bitterly about Mr Potato Head, Disney, Dr Suess, "woke" this,
"woke" that (incidentally the only people who use the term "woke" are righties, the rest of us knew it was passe in 2017), and take your pick of any "ist" or "ism" term that
alt-right media farms out to you that day. And then drag out all the usual wedge issues like the 2ndA, abortion, religion, Brittany Spears. :)

I'm sorry, remind me again...who's "unhinged" and "unwrapped" again? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, all the people that started the 1/6 riot were LEFTIST PLANTS, antifa, blm, all coordinated with Soros and Nancy Pelosi, as in they were also PLANTING BOMBS THE DAY BEFORE. It was the LEFTISTS that caused the riot. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that is behind 99.99% of ALL VIOLENT RIOTS in the America today, and for the past two years. YOU people, DEMOCRATS, are LIARS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, SOCIALISTS, AUTHORITARIAN, CORRUPT, LAWLESS, but most of all, VIOLENT. Democrats are a CANCER on America, and the entire party should be declared a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The entire democrap party is made up of the FILTH of society, the BOTTOM FEEDERS, the PERVERTS, the CRIMINALS, the ILLEGALS and the VIOLENT GARBAGE. run with that already debunked bucket of shit.
You stink as it is. May as well get some more on you.

And the VIOLENT GARBAGE?? Showed themselves on January 6th. And just about to a man and woman...were wearing or carrying Trump gear.
Also, after your little rant above, I just want to make sure we agree on who the "unhinged" people are. (Hint. It's not us. :))
Do you have a keeper? If not, you need one. The fantasy you live makes you a danger to yourself.

Seek help.
And the VIOLENT GARBAGE?? Showed themselves on January 6th.
No, Mr. Mehoff, they showed themselves in plain sight back on 11/03 when they stole a national election and actually thought if they acted like everything was normal and tried hard to bury the topic, that like believing wearing the mask has really helped limit the virus, that people really were vacant enough to eventually tell themselves that, ya, the most loved and successful president of the last century got swept aside by an unpopular man unable to even carry a campaign.

And just about to a man and woman...were wearing or carrying Trump gear.
Yeah, funny about that--- --- let's look at your first lie--- I can easily pull up photos of the crowd taken that day to show that besides those dressed in full camo who didn't come from the rally, about 70-90% of those AT the rally, NOT to a man, could pass for most anyone on the street with no obvious Trump paraphernalia in sight!

Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 4.52.42 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 4.53.59 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 5.05.01 PM.png

But beyond that--- when was the last time you ever saw a bank robbery with name tags? Though it has been proven that BLM and Antifa were there getting it started out of hand, yeah, Trump people don't hide behind black masks, hoodies and umbrellas like the kind of thugs you seem to admire! Trump families came to hear a rally and a lot of them went down to the Capitol for good reason: love of country instead of whatever the fuck it is that you practice!
Last edited:
Full of shit as usual Freaky. But I do like I get under your skin. You're not very most Trump supporters aren't.
You're also not very smart..but that's beside the point.

Full of shit, under skin, uncomplicated, and just not very smart. Boy Mr. Mehoff, you really went to the well on THAT one once again flailing impotently at the messenger because you have no answer to the message!
Most on the Left are pretty confused. Confused about country, loyalty and goals. They are always the ones who will tell you here they plan to report you to the CIA or something because you uphold the 2nd Amendment or some such crazy thing. Lefties always want to report you to someone, it is like a cleansing for their souls; natural born tattletales who like squealing on others to some oppressive, all-powerful higher authority-- -- -- so long as it ain't just God.

It would be an interesting study to see how many Lefties were born the youngest sibling of their family.

Most on the Left are pretty unhinged, violent, or not far from becoming so--- real domestic terror material. This seems to be the case for this fellow here as well, who went far enough to be a Green Beret for the Army so he could apparently spy on us for Russia?

That about as tightly wrapped as many Lefties here appear.

I think for the lefties it's all about CONTROL. They just can NOT, STAND, ANYONE, that DARE stray off the reservation. They can't stand individuals, free thinkers, people that don't want to be part of their group think. It makes their blood boil. You must FOLLOW ORDERS, you must CONFORM, you must BUCKLE AT THE KNEES and SWEAR YOUR ALLEGIENCE to THEIR AGENDA, or you are DANGEROUS, a TERRORIST, a RACIST, blah frickin' blah, and you must be SHUT UP and SHUT DOWN, and they have NO problem using whatever means necessary, even if it's CORRUPT. One can't repeat it enough... DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH.
Great job Karen.

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