Trump’s supporters accept everything that idiot says as the absolute truth, that he knows all there is to know, and understands all things. (Of course, as we’ve seen on these message boards, the vast majority of right-wingers also believe themselves to be experts in all fields, just like Trump.)
In Herndon, Virginia, at a question and answer session hosted by Retired American Warriors, “The Donald”, declared in a room full of veterans attending the event, "When people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you're strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can't handle it." The insufferable tumor with the bad comb-over said this knowing that twenty-two veterans commit suicide each day.
This is another example of the support conservatives give to U.S. troops who fight in the needless wars Republicans want for their cronies in the defense industry to increase their profits.
So let’s hear the right-wingers responses to this OP, as they cheer for Trump’s stupid evaluation of those who actually made sacrifices for the U.S. Men and women who, unlike Trump, actually experienced war and saw the carnage of human bodies being blown apart. It is expected his dimwitted supporters will see his opinion concerning the men and women with PTSD as brilliant.
Go ahead righties, tell us what a great guy Donald Trump is, and how YOU and HE support the troops. (Note, how any other group of people do, or do NOT support the troops is irrelevant, so there is no reason to mention them.)
Donald Trump sparks fury with comment on veterans' suicide
Trump’s supporters accept everything that idiot says as the absolute truth, that he knows all there is to know, and understands all things. (Of course, as we’ve seen on these message boards, the vast majority of right-wingers also believe themselves to be experts in all fields, just like Trump.)
In Herndon, Virginia, at a question and answer session hosted by Retired American Warriors, “The Donald”, declared in a room full of veterans attending the event, "When people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you're strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can't handle it." The insufferable tumor with the bad comb-over said this knowing that twenty-two veterans commit suicide each day.
This is another example of the support conservatives give to U.S. troops who fight in the needless wars Republicans want for their cronies in the defense industry to increase their profits.
So let’s hear the right-wingers responses to this OP, as they cheer for Trump’s stupid evaluation of those who actually made sacrifices for the U.S. Men and women who, unlike Trump, actually experienced war and saw the carnage of human bodies being blown apart. It is expected his dimwitted supporters will see his opinion concerning the men and women with PTSD as brilliant.
Go ahead righties, tell us what a great guy Donald Trump is, and how YOU and HE support the troops. (Note, how any other group of people do, or do NOT support the troops is irrelevant, so there is no reason to mention them.)
Donald Trump sparks fury with comment on veterans' suicide