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For this some of the dates have passed yes, but it is not over and there are up coming dates where these control freaks will have a sit down , how they can destroy us some more.
The WHO is seeking public input on this question to support the work of the intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate an international instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
The first round of hearings will be held through a webcast on 12-13 April 2022. Sessions times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).
April 12, 2022: 8h-11h, 14h-17h
April 13, 2022: 9h-12h, 15h-18h
A second round of hearings is planned for June 16-17, 2022.The WHO is seeking written input from all interested parties in these hearings, and strongly encourages participation in this important process.
The guiding question for the hearings is the following:
“What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”
More information will be added to this page and this page when available.About the public hearings
In a consensus decision aimed at protecting the world from future infectious diseases crises, in December 2021 the World Health Assembly agreed to kickstart a global process by establishing an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.As part of this historic decision, the World Health Assembly requested the Director-General to hold public hearings, in line with standard WHO practice, to support the work of the INB.
Per the INB’s timeline, the first round of those hearings has been set for April 12-13, 2022, with a second round set for June 16-17, 2022 . This information on the modalities for the first round of hearings is also expected to apply to the second round as well.
WHO is seeking input from all interested parties in these hearings, and strongly encourages participation in this important process.
The hearings will take place through two components- a spoken component (through videoconference technology) and a written component (through a dedicated web portal).
The timing of the spoken component sessions is as follows (all times CEST):
April 12, 2022: 8-11 AM, 2-5 PM
April 13, 2022: 9 AM-12 PM, 3-6 PM
Subject to WHO’s policies and procedures and the availability of slots, spoken contributions will be welcome from all relevant stakeholders, including both public and private sector entities, that register and accept the applicable terms for spoken contributions. The modalities, as well as the applicable terms, will be published by WHO on this webpage.
Relevant stakeholders in this context includes non-State actors with a demonstrable interest in pandemic preparedness and responses, such as: international organizations; civil society organizations; private sector organizations; philanthropic organizations; scientific, medical and public policy institutions; academic institutions; and other such entities that have relevant knowledge, experience and/or expertise related to pandemic preparedness and response to share. Applicable terms will address, inter alia, requirements of timing, germaneness, civility and transparency.
Written contributions will be welcome from all interested parties, including the general public. The modalities for participation in the written component will be published by WHO on this webpage soon, and the public hearings will also be webcast and archived here.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has adopted the following “modalities of engagement for relevant stakeholders”:
Other entities and persons. (To be decided by the INB.)
Such entities could include, without limitation, academic institutions, civil society organizations, indigenous populations and communities, manufacturers and industry associations, and individual experts (such as academic figures or independent technical experts).
Proposed Modalities Of Engagement For Relevant Stakeholders
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below is also why this is detrimental for America to become aware of these losers and the games being played on the American people.