This is Australia

Firstly, don't thank God. Thank the American taxpayer.

Why don't you live there if its so good. They haven't the guts to walk at night without a gun. They are gutless wimps.

What's this shit about saving the free world? From what? You've been listening to too much to those ratbags on here with their propaganda.
Grow up idiot.

God made the American taxpayers.
It's not safe to walk downunder streets at night without a gun, but people have to if they want to go to work etc.
Anita Cobby, at night in suburban Sydney, kidnapped, raped and murdered, the details of what the group did too horrific to release to the public.
Very sad.
It woke up the People to what horrors are possible.
Janine Balding, same deal, kidnapped from the train station carpark by a group of misfits...dead, very sad..she worked for the same organisation mrs bambu did.
Plus all the others.
The rapes and murders of young women in Melb in recent times, and the murders of Indian males in Melb at night.

America basically saved the free world from Germany WW1, ...Germany WW2, ..Italy, Japan WW2.
Anyone who can't see that is seriously misguided.

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