This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

Except Trump didn’t lose so you’re not celebrating that, you’re toasting the big steal
now you are just making shit up. I never threw any tantrum. The name caller did.
Of course you did.

You're coming up with idiotic conspiracy theories because you're STILL upset with losing the last election. You're clearly a sore loser crybaby and you should be treated as such.
True, but my reply was at least mature.
You think it's mature to make up stupid conspiracy theories because you can't accept the fact that your candidate simply lost the election?

That's not mature. That's just you being a sore loser crybaby.
Of course you did.

You're coming up with idiotic conspiracy theories because you're STILL upset with losing the last election. You're clearly a sore loser crybaby and you should be treated as such.
You can continue to invent my position as much as you want to. I’m sure it’s easier for you to feel as if you won that way. You’ll do it without my participation though. I have little patience for this nonsense.
The solution to this, seems to me, pretty easy.

Go back to strictly using, paper ballots, and hand counting them.

Do like the European nations do, keep the computers out of the process.
It is so much more rare we hear about election controversies over there. . . gee, I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Second, only allow voters to vote in their registered districts, and require an ID to register.

A voter should have an ID when they show up to vote, or the person running the polling place should know the person voting. . . the only time I can remember not having to prove who I am, is if the person at the polling place knew who I am.

. . this? IMO? Seems to me, fair to all parties and interests involved, except of course, the Deep State, which seeks to manipulate elections.

All these threads about election rigging, and these controversies, that come up year after year, from the folks that bring them, to the folks that deny them? Don't happen by chance. Where there is smoke, clearly there is fire.

If the establishment makes a system with vulnerabilities, then, yeah, those vulnerabilities are going to be exploited. Nine times out of ten, where there is smoke, there is fire, and anyone that believes any different, watches too much establishment propaganda.
Gaslighting yourself again, conservative?
The Dirty Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They do commit voter fraud and they do rig elections.
They count ballots without poll watchers.
They ballot harvest.
They ballot stuff.
They register under multiple fictitious names.
The count the same stack of ballots over and over again.
The problem is that most Democrat Voters are just not very bright people and they are delusional fanatical cultists who actually believe that there is no cheating going on.
Maybe the Democrats should form their own country and leave the normal people alone........but they would starve in the dark without the GOP Taxpayers to mooch off of LOL

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