“This Dude is Shooting at Us!” – BLM Militants Run For Their Lives After Milwaukee Homeowner Fires Warning Shots at Protesters in His Neighborhood


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

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those elected and appointed governmental officials who wink at mobs and gangs are doing that which politicians and sycophants have done for MILLENNIA----groping in the gutter for popular support (the term "popular" in this case is a EUPHEMISM as is the term "gutter" which--historically referred to the sewage system of a crowded populated area)

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

Just wait until the Marxist snowflakes wonder from Kenosha to Point Place.

Nice shootin Red!

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

This is why Democrats have been trying to take our guns all of these years.
So we can't protect ourselves from their paid thugs.
Well, if Biden gets in the WH he'll turn every one of us into criminals in a matter of weeks.

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

Disappointed I did not get to see the video. Doubt the person shot at them, more likely intentionally missing them as the Gateway pundit did not report on firearms injuries to protestors or rioters. While not exactly legal, totally understandable and I am sure had the desired effect. I like privacy fencing with curved tops, curving down to meet substantial posts, set deeply in concrete. While not offering cover, it does guarantee concealment from cellphone video, rioters might like to use in court, if unhappy they had to march to an unprotected home or establishment. Mine looks stylish, professional, nicely staind and maintained, adding to property value, as well as controlling access and adding a degree of security and privacy. No need to be photographed defending your property or even letting someone know where you are defending from, eh?

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

This is why Democrats have been trying to take our guns all of these years.
So we can't protect ourselves from their paid thugs.
Well, if Biden gets in the WH he'll turn every one of us into criminals in a matter of weeks.

the disarming of the segment of the population designated to be OPPRESSED and EXPLOITED is nothing new. It has been going on for MILLENNIA.
Way back in ancient Greece, the HELOTS (remember them? -----8th grade history class---SPARTA?) were
completely disarmed by law and subject to DEATH
as BY A SPARTAN CITIZEN for any sign of resistance..
The Helots were, simply, enslaved people by virtue of conquest---ie NOT SPARTANS. With my apologies to the POPE----canon law disarmed jews in the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE for more than 1000 years and----Sharia aped the idea disarming all KAFFIRIN (infidels---like most of us here) Hitler did it too. I don't like guns-----but I have to admit-----DISARMING OF CITIZENS bodes no good, especially NOW!!!

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....


And this is what drives the democrats to ban and confiscate guns...If the targets of their racism, hate and violence can shoot at them.....it is much harder to burn, loot, beat and murder them...

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

Disappointed I did not get to see the video. Doubt the person shot at them, more likely intentionally missing them as the Gateway pundit did not report on firearms injuries to protestors or rioters. While not exactly legal, totally understandable and I am sure had the desired effect. I like privacy fencing with curved tops, curving down to meet substantial posts, set deeply in concrete. While not offering cover, it does guarantee concealment from cellphone video, rioters might like to use in court, if unhappy they had to march to an unprotected home or establishment. Mine looks stylish, professional, nicely staind and maintained, adding to property value, as well as controlling access and adding a degree of security and privacy. No need to be photographed defending your property or even letting someone know where you are defending from, eh?

Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments
The cops are overdoing it. A traffic ticket once in a while and an occasional arrest with due process, probable cause, and all the paperwork in order for court on time is enough. Maybe it is something like a quota that needs to be met on the job, but more is definitely not better.
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments
The cops are overdoing it. A traffic ticket once in a while and an occasional arrest with due process, probable cause, and all the paperwork in order for court on time is enough. Maybe it is something like a quota that needs to be met on the job, but more is definitely not better.

what is IT in reference to your allegation "the cops are over doing "IT"? In my view---in reference to the
dead bodies in the gutter and the vandalism and looting going on in my city-----the cops are not doing
IT enough

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

Disappointed I did not get to see the video. Doubt the person shot at them, more likely intentionally missing them as the Gateway pundit did not report on firearms injuries to protestors or rioters. While not exactly legal, totally understandable and I am sure had the desired effect. I like privacy fencing with curved tops, curving down to meet substantial posts, set deeply in concrete. While not offering cover, it does guarantee concealment from cellphone video, rioters might like to use in court, if unhappy they had to march to an unprotected home or establishment. Mine looks stylish, professional, nicely staind and maintained, adding to property value, as well as controlling access and adding a degree of security and privacy. No need to be photographed defending your property or even letting someone know where you are defending from, eh?


Appreciate the access. At that range, definitely not shooting at them. Privacy fencing would allow for same protection without even descriptions for when somebody tries to file charges, especially at night. In times like these, in certain locations could be the status symbol or choice homeowners. Just sayin. :cool:

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....


And this is what drives the democrats to ban and confiscate guns...If the targets of their racism, hate and violence can shoot at them.....it is much harder to burn, loot, beat and murder them...

Law abiding citizens are getting fed up with the violence, arson, looting and murders as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists describe as peaceful protests.
Watching your business looted and burned to the ground is bad enough. Anarchists of any screed coming to where you live and intimidating and looting homes is another.
Time to oil and clean the ole Brown Bess and show 'em you are protecting your home and standing your ground.
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments
The cops are overdoing it. A traffic ticket once in a while and an occasional arrest with due process, probable cause, and all the paperwork in order for court on time is enough. Maybe it is something like a quota that needs to be met on the job, but more is definitely not better.

what is IT in reference to your allegation "the cops are over doing "IT"? In my view---in reference to the
dead bodies in the gutter and the vandalism and looting going on in my city-----the cops are not doing
IT enough

It's not the cops that are at fault... It's those "Democrat elected Mayors and City Council members that lay down the Rules of Engagement. If LEO's are prevented from enforcing the law and protecting themselves it's time to impeach those who are restraining and condoning the actions of anarchists that loot, burn and physically harm the average citizens of Main Stream America. Time to clean and clear the streets. If those who we elected are too cowardly or in concert with the perpetrators they must be removed.....
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments
The cops are overdoing it. A traffic ticket once in a while and an occasional arrest with due process, probable cause, and all the paperwork in order for court on time is enough. Maybe it is something like a quota that needs to be met on the job, but more is definitely not better.

Hmm...., tell that to the LEO's working in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, the last 90 days and now Kenosha where Democrat politicians duck and hide while tying the hands of the police and allow the injuries of the police to mount.
That sure as hell doesn’t seem legal.
Welcome to TN a great place to live, with intelligent leadership, stand your ground laws and castle doctrine, like Wahlberg said, 'The patron state of shooting stuff.":eusa_dance:

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....


And this is what drives the democrats to ban and confiscate guns...If the targets of their racism, hate and violence can shoot at them.....it is much harder to burn, loot, beat and murder them...

Law abiding citizens are getting fed up with the violence, arson, looting and murders as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists describe as peaceful protests.
Watching your business looted and burned to the ground is bad enough. Anarchists of any screed coming to where you live and intimidating and looting homes is another.
Time to oil and clean the ole Brown Bess and show 'em you are protecting your home and standing your ground.
macy's is leaving Chiraq.
LEO's working in Portland, Seattle, Chicago,
100% Democrat. Gun control at all costs. All down the line from the Mayor's office, the police commissioners and chiefs of police, to the rank-and-file cops on the beat. It's 100% City Hall, the police unions and guilds, and some fraternal order of police or another.

They're damned.

The disarmed and unarmed "militants" of BLM and Antifa swore off their weapons and went to work in cahoots with the same dirty cops they're putting on such a show of "demonstrating" against.

God will punish them, and God willing, we the people will punish them out of their continual and progressive violations and infringements of our Constitutional Rights.

Why elect mayors and city councils when they order police to stand down during blatant acts of insurrection, violence, arson and pillaging? Have the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist managing these Blue Sanctuary Plantation City and States only given lip talk to their constituents? Why can we no longer depend on the people we elected to govern us on local levels?
What happens when you call 911 and it goes to voice mail?
Always remember when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. That's if they hear your 911 call..
Our support for law enforcement does not extend to the ham fisted bullying that has become standard operating procedure for many city and township departments. We definitely do have a problem with anarchists and thugs that see themselves as more of an occupying force above the law.
I continue to refer to the "fictional novel" 'Turner Diaries' that like Orwell fictional novels seem to have come true in the 21st Century.
Those insurrectionists/anarchist Commies calling themselves by any name planning to invade small towns, the suburbs and sub-divisions are on the verge of opening a box of self destruction they will not appreciate.....

What were the protesters doing that was illegal?

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