This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Hossein Salami has vowed to‭ '‬hit‭' ‬everyone involved in the United States‭’ ‬killing of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.

Salami dismissed reports that threats had been made by Iran against the United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa.‭ “‬The IRGC commander said that any revenge for Soleimani would be taken in an‭ ‘‬honorable,‭ ‬fair and just manner,‭ ‬not on a female ambassador to South Africa.‭’”

However,‭ ‬the rumored threat does present an opportunity to the impeached president trump to become a‭ “‬war president‭”‬,‭ ‬which would guarantee his reelection November‭ ‬3rd.

If his friend,‭ ‬Lana Marks,‭ ‬the current United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa,‭ ‬were to be assassinated,‭ ‬it would open the door for the impeached president trump to blame Iran for its treachery‭ (‬even if the assassins were U.S.‭ ‬agents loyal to the impeached president trump‭)‬.‭ ‬As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump could claim her death justifies the retaliatory attacks he could then order against the‭ “‬evil Iranians‭”‬.

If this scenario can be put into action during the next thirty days,‭ ‬millions centrist voters who had planned to vote for Biden would immediately fall in line behind the impeached president trump.‭ ‬He would easily win reelection without any gun violence at polling locations by his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬without any help from Putin’s hackers.

This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Hossein Salami has vowed to‭ '‬hit‭' ‬everyone involved in the United States‭’ ‬killing of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.

Salami dismissed reports that threats had been made by Iran against the United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa.‭ “‬The IRGC commander said that any revenge for Soleimani would be taken in an‭ ‘‬honorable,‭ ‬fair and just manner,‭ ‬not on a female ambassador to South Africa.‭’”

However,‭ ‬the rumored threat does present an opportunity to the impeached president trump to become a‭ “‬war president‭”‬,‭ ‬which would guarantee his reelection November‭ ‬3rd.

If his friend,‭ ‬Lana Marks,‭ ‬the current United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa,‭ ‬were to be assassinated,‭ ‬it would open the door for the impeached president trump to blame Iran for its treachery‭ (‬even if the assassins were U.S.‭ ‬agents loyal to the impeached president trump‭)‬.‭ ‬As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump could claim her death justifies the retaliatory attacks he could then order against the‭ “‬evil Iranians‭”‬.

If this scenario can be put into action during the next thirty days,‭ ‬millions centrist voters who had planned to vote for Biden would immediately fall in line behind the impeached president trump.‭ ‬He would easily win reelection without any gun violence at polling locations by his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬without any help from Putin’s hackers.

That's one big suicide note.

This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Hossein Salami has vowed to‭ '‬hit‭' ‬everyone involved in the United States‭’ ‬killing of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.

Salami dismissed reports that threats had been made by Iran against the United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa.‭ “‬The IRGC commander said that any revenge for Soleimani would be taken in an‭ ‘‬honorable,‭ ‬fair and just manner,‭ ‬not on a female ambassador to South Africa.‭’”

However,‭ ‬the rumored threat does present an opportunity to the impeached president trump to become a‭ “‬war president‭”‬,‭ ‬which would guarantee his reelection November‭ ‬3rd.

If his friend,‭ ‬Lana Marks,‭ ‬the current United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa,‭ ‬were to be assassinated,‭ ‬it would open the door for the impeached president trump to blame Iran for its treachery‭ (‬even if the assassins were U.S.‭ ‬agents loyal to the impeached president trump‭)‬.‭ ‬As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump could claim her death justifies the retaliatory attacks he could then order against the‭ “‬evil Iranians‭”‬.

If this scenario can be put into action during the next thirty days,‭ ‬millions centrist voters who had planned to vote for Biden would immediately fall in line behind the impeached president trump.‭ ‬He would easily win reelection without any gun violence at polling locations by his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬without any help from Putin’s hackers.

Good grief..
This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Hossein Salami has vowed to‭ '‬hit‭' ‬everyone involved in the United States‭’ ‬killing of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.

Salami dismissed reports that threats had been made by Iran against the United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa.‭ “‬The IRGC commander said that any revenge for Soleimani would be taken in an‭ ‘‬honorable,‭ ‬fair and just manner,‭ ‬not on a female ambassador to South Africa.‭’”

However,‭ ‬the rumored threat does present an opportunity to the impeached president trump to become a‭ “‬war president‭”‬,‭ ‬which would guarantee his reelection November‭ ‬3rd.

If his friend,‭ ‬Lana Marks,‭ ‬the current United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa,‭ ‬were to be assassinated,‭ ‬it would open the door for the impeached president trump to blame Iran for its treachery‭ (‬even if the assassins were U.S.‭ ‬agents loyal to the impeached president trump‭)‬.‭ ‬As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump could claim her death justifies the retaliatory attacks he could then order against the‭ “‬evil Iranians‭”‬.

If this scenario can be put into action during the next thirty days,‭ ‬millions centrist voters who had planned to vote for Biden would immediately fall in line behind the impeached president trump.‭ ‬He would easily win reelection without any gun violence at polling locations by his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬without any help from Putin’s hackers.

Take yer meds
This Cunning Move By The Impeached President trump Could Guarantee His Reelection This November‭ ‬3rd

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Hossein Salami has vowed to‭ '‬hit‭' ‬everyone involved in the United States‭’ ‬killing of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.

Salami dismissed reports that threats had been made by Iran against the United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa.‭ “‬The IRGC commander said that any revenge for Soleimani would be taken in an‭ ‘‬honorable,‭ ‬fair and just manner,‭ ‬not on a female ambassador to South Africa.‭’”

However,‭ ‬the rumored threat does present an opportunity to the impeached president trump to become a‭ “‬war president‭”‬,‭ ‬which would guarantee his reelection November‭ ‬3rd.

If his friend,‭ ‬Lana Marks,‭ ‬the current United States‭’ ‬Ambassador to South Africa,‭ ‬were to be assassinated,‭ ‬it would open the door for the impeached president trump to blame Iran for its treachery‭ (‬even if the assassins were U.S.‭ ‬agents loyal to the impeached president trump‭)‬.‭ ‬As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump could claim her death justifies the retaliatory attacks he could then order against the‭ “‬evil Iranians‭”‬.

If this scenario can be put into action during the next thirty days,‭ ‬millions centrist voters who had planned to vote for Biden would immediately fall in line behind the impeached president trump.‭ ‬He would easily win reelection without any gun violence at polling locations by his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬without any help from Putin’s hackers.

President Trump could had taken us to war when Iran sent a missile into Iraq in their tantrum when Soleimani was squashed like a bug.

But he didn’t. Just like he refused to invade Syria and dispose of Assad like Democrats and neocons wanted him too after the “chemical attack”.

So much for your “Warmonger Drumpf” fantasy.
Democrats will bend over backwards to defend terrorists when Trump is on the other side. They did it with Iran already. The did it with the PKK in Syria/Turkey by pretending they were US allies. If Trump were to find a cure for cancer, they would raise millions to stop him from extincting those poor cancer cells.

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