This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality

It all depends on how you define terms and how sure you are that your definitions are unbiased. The phony Leftists won't challenge you on such a basic matter, so don't try to hang that ideology on me. Typical of the Leftist fraud was Hillary Clinton saying, "I don't have a problem with moving jobs offshore, but why should the government pay companies to do that?" Instead of this typical deceptive upper-class Leftism, we should pass laws prohibiting both outsourcing and insourcing of foreigners to steal our jobs.

I don't recognize your right to your job or the amount of salary you make. In our time, that only represents brown-nosing to the hereditary ruling class. A country run on birth and not worth will not survive.

The rich don't create jobs; they only hike the ball. Entrepreneurs may be good at starting a business, but that says nothing about their ability to run a business, or again, the value of their contribution. It's as if in a kids' game, whoever provided the ball got to make up special rules for himself. He could try that, but he would get beaten up. That's the attitude adults should take towards their owners and bosses. If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all.

Profit is a tax, excessive profits are as bad as excessive taxes. The Right has "Tax Freedom Day," but you never hear your boogeyman Leftists counteract that with "Profit Freedom Day," do you? So your persecution complex is about imaginary enemies. Believe my definitions and you will have it confirmed by reality that Leftists have been assigned by their Right Wing fathers to aid your side.

Only conceited people use words like "envy" and "jealousy." They imply that we would want to be like them: hollow, greedhead, workoholic, addictive zombies. Most of us had the chance to be rich but wisely realized that's all we would be and would have crippled our personalities to achieve that goal. We don't have to recognize the legality of it either; laws allowing these methods are purchased by the highest bidders. If someone steals my wallet, am I jealous because he has money and I don't?

Profit is a tax, excessive profits are as bad as excessive taxes. The Right has "Tax Freedom Day," but you never hear your boogeyman Leftists counteract that with "Profit Freedom Day," do you?

Business owners can't force you to give them their profits.

What an imaginary world Greedheads live in! Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else when his fellow Greedheads there all have the same conceit about how they are creating our income, not we creating theirs--all that is the same as government force. As lawyers spin words, you define force in a way that makes only the government look powerful.
Think so? Then, as I suspected, you have no idea of what Marxism is.

That zero percent personal income tax rate applies only to those whose incomes are below the poverty level. What would you have them do, pay a tax on Monday and qualify for welfare on Tuesday?

A progressive assessment imposed on those who can pay millions of dollars in personal income tax without it affecting their lifestyles in any way is more than fair. In fact it is merciful compared to what I advocate -- which is confiscation of every penny of personal wealth in excess of twenty million dollars! And as bad as I'm sure you think that is, it still is a hell of a lot better than Marxism. So you need to do a little reading before tossing around those "Marxist" and "Socialist" accusations.

You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

What someone inherited is none of your business. The person that left it to them ALREADY PAID TAXES ON IT.

I don't care if the Heirhead becomes a playboy and blows Daddy's money. But in the real world, he will use his unearned wealth to get unearned power over the rest of us. He will steal a job from someone with more talent but fewer connections. His Daddy is dead and with him dies Daddy's property rights. You want us to care about poor Daddy up in heaven when the real issue is that Junior down on earth is in a position he doesn't belong in.

What would happen if pro athletes could pass down their positions to their sons? Not only would the teams become pathetic, but the talented non-heirs would never be able to use their talents.
Look how well we did with low or no taxes. The British opposed expansion because of treaties with other countries at the time.[/QUOTE

The irony is that as soon as independence was granted, guess what? The federal government started collecting taxes! And there was yet another rebellion, because some didn't want their money to go all the way to Washington, or go anywhere at all. How much clout would us folks down here in S Carolina, or up here in Massachusetts have all the way over there in Washington, they thought? Damn them all.

The US did not "do well" because of low taxes. In fact, some of the most prosperous times ever were during the highest tax regimes ever, ie the 1950's. The US did well because it was opening a relatively undeveloped continent, and had the advantage of seizing new land from aboriginals, or taking it from other countries by force, utilizing the economies of slave labour, and later low cost labour from massive immigration, and also because it was isolated from some of the worst events in history by the safety of two oceans.

The two real causes of the War of Independence:

1. For the common people, the Proclamation Act of 1763. That Hate Whitey declaration tried to outlaw frontiersmen and keep the colonists squeezed into the coastal states. The rest of the land was given to the savages.

2. For the colonial aristocracy, knowledge that the British would inevitably replace them with the aristocrats cheated by primogeniture. Now that the White colonies were safe and up and running, the second sons could come in and seize the property of the American aristocrats. It is well known that the revolutions in South America were also caused by the colonial-born rich resenting the priority rule of those born in Spain and coming to the colonies to take over what they thought was land granted to them by the king, who was given his own power by God.
It all depends on how you define terms and how sure you are that your definitions are unbiased. The phony Leftists won't challenge you on such a basic matter, so don't try to hang that ideology on me. Typical of the Leftist fraud was Hillary Clinton saying, "I don't have a problem with moving jobs offshore, but why should the government pay companies to do that?" Instead of this typical deceptive upper-class Leftism, we should pass laws prohibiting both outsourcing and insourcing of foreigners to steal our jobs.

I don't recognize your right to your job or the amount of salary you make. In our time, that only represents brown-nosing to the hereditary ruling class. A country run on birth and not worth will not survive.

The rich don't create jobs; they only hike the ball. Entrepreneurs may be good at starting a business, but that says nothing about their ability to run a business, or again, the value of their contribution. It's as if in a kids' game, whoever provided the ball got to make up special rules for himself. He could try that, but he would get beaten up. That's the attitude adults should take towards their owners and bosses. If you're not a union man, you're not a man at all.

Profit is a tax, excessive profits are as bad as excessive taxes. The Right has "Tax Freedom Day," but you never hear your boogeyman Leftists counteract that with "Profit Freedom Day," do you? So your persecution complex is about imaginary enemies. Believe my definitions and you will have it confirmed by reality that Leftists have been assigned by their Right Wing fathers to aid your side.

Only conceited people use words like "envy" and "jealousy." They imply that we would want to be like them: hollow, greedhead, workoholic, addictive zombies. Most of us had the chance to be rich but wisely realized that's all we would be and would have crippled our personalities to achieve that goal. We don't have to recognize the legality of it either; laws allowing these methods are purchased by the highest bidders. If someone steals my wallet, am I jealous because he has money and I don't?

Profit is a tax, excessive profits are as bad as excessive taxes. The Right has "Tax Freedom Day," but you never hear your boogeyman Leftists counteract that with "Profit Freedom Day," do you?

Business owners can't force you to give them their profits.

What an imaginary world Greedheads live in! Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else when his fellow Greedheads there all have the same conceit about how they are creating our income, not we creating theirs--all that is the same as government force. As lawyers spin words, you define force in a way that makes only the government look powerful.

Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else


Business still can't force you to buy their product, unless government forces you. LOL!
You would be wrong. Waiting is the problem. I have no patience for people that sit on their butts waiting for a job to show up. None. There is no excuse for it. Silly Pride? hmph.
Do you think someone who lost a job that paid a living wage should spend no more than a week looking for another living wage job and if nothing turns up he/she should take a job flipping burgers or stocking shelves at WalMart for minimum wage? Or do you believe there are plenty of living wage jobs available for anyone who wants one?

Yes, actually. I think if you're unemployed and you think you're "too good" for honest, legal, paying work because "I used to make more than that", then you DESERVE whatever misery your lack of income is bringing you, and you need not come whining to ME for my tax dollars to subsidize you until you get something "good enough" for you.

After my father had a stroke and was no longer able to work, my mother and I scrubbed toilets, took in laundry, detailed cars, tarred rooftops, did ANYTHING and everything legal that we were offered to keep food on our table and a roof over our heads. Were we both qualified for other things? Sure. Did we have time to wait for those other things to come around? Not according to people who believe in taking care of themselves and making their own way in the world. But I guess that sort of Depression-era thinking is "outdated" now.

Or do you think that everyone who is out of work is "sitting on their butts waiting for jobs to show up?" Do you know that many of these unfortunates have families to support, which simply cannot be done on minimum wage? This isn't the 1950s.

Actually, Sparky, if they're declining to apply for "burger flipper" jobs, as you so derisively describe them, because those jobs are "beneath" them, then sitting on their butts waiting for jobs to show up is EXACTLY what they're doing. And if supporting a family on minimum wage "simply cannot be done", would you mind telling me how they can support them on NO wage?

My entire team was off shored to china. Big deal I had five job offers in as many days and a dozen in a few weeks.
So what? You're fortunate enough to have a skill which happens to be in demand. Do you think the same situation applies to everyone who is unemployed?

Fortunate enough? FORTUNATE enough? What, you think he just won that skill in the fucking Powerball lottery? If you have a skill that people want, it's because you took the time and effort to FIND OUT what people wanted, and then TRAIN FOR IT.

If someone has not done those two things, they are not helpless victims. They're lazy assholes.

I don't know if you're boasting or bullshitting. But if you're boasting you are a pretty fortunate fellow to have such exceptional latitude. Do you really need me to tell you everyone is not so well off?

Life is what you make of it. Stealing a portion of other people's income to make your life easier.. Sorry but that makes me want to puke.
Again you're focused on the least offensive category of those who are "stealing" from the tax base when the worst thieves by far are the categories I outlined in a previous message: the war-mongers, the Military Industrial Complex, the offshore wealth hoarders, the bankers who ripped off the FDIC with their schemes, et al. These guys don't make you "want to puke." The guys who can't find a decent job do.

You're right. Those guys DON'T make us want to puke, because - shockingly enough - your worldview is NOT objective reality. We are no more required to "want to puke" over things YOU personally dislike than you are required to "want to puke" over people who sit on their dead asses, whining about how they "aren't as fortunate" and demanding tax subsidization.

I won't do it. I won't take "re-distribution" checks. Hell no. It's bad enough that my tax rate isn't always the highest rate. This class envy tax crap has to stop.
You will if you find yourself up the creek without a paddle. And don't think it can't happen, because it's happened to a lot of men who are just as good if not better than you are.

Riiiight. Because everyone turns into a worthless, whining tax mooch when life becomes hard, simply because that's the only response YOU can think of. Let me completely blow what passes for your mind and point out that SOME people really do find other ways to deal with life's hardships than to rip off their neighbors at the point of the federal government's guns.


Think so? Then, as I suspected, you have no idea of what Marxism is.

That zero percent personal income tax rate applies only to those whose incomes are below the poverty level. What would you have them do, pay a tax on Monday and qualify for welfare on Tuesday?

A progressive assessment imposed on those who can pay millions of dollars in personal income tax without it affecting their lifestyles in any way is more than fair. In fact it is merciful compared to what I advocate -- which is confiscation of every penny of personal wealth in excess of twenty million dollars! And as bad as I'm sure you think that is, it still is a hell of a lot better than Marxism. So you need to do a little reading before tossing around those "Marxist" and "Socialist" accusations.

You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

Try to comprehend this, because it's important.

Other people's money is not yours. You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.
Think so? Then, as I suspected, you have no idea of what Marxism is.

That zero percent personal income tax rate applies only to those whose incomes are below the poverty level. What would you have them do, pay a tax on Monday and qualify for welfare on Tuesday?

A progressive assessment imposed on those who can pay millions of dollars in personal income tax without it affecting their lifestyles in any way is more than fair. In fact it is merciful compared to what I advocate -- which is confiscation of every penny of personal wealth in excess of twenty million dollars! And as bad as I'm sure you think that is, it still is a hell of a lot better than Marxism. So you need to do a little reading before tossing around those "Marxist" and "Socialist" accusations.

You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

Try to comprehend this, because it's important.

Other people's money is not yours. You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.
Well, now, that would be your opinion. Which, me poor ignorant con girl, really has no value of any kind. Now I know you do not like taxing wealth. Just seems so wrong to you. Why, you have been told it is wrong, and you believe what you have been told. Why, me girl, isn't it great to be angry. You do so love being angry.
But here is the thing, me poor ignorant con tool. You will pay the taxes that we all pay. They may be the lowest since the 1950's. They may be near the lowest of any country in the world. But they will make you scream like a stuck pig(which is in reality a good likeness of you). Because you are a con tool. And, me girl, no one really takes you seriously. You are incapable of economic argument. Just beyond you. Better to spend your time in the bat shit crazy con web sites accomplishing cut and paste duties.

Look, me girls. You have a true malady. You are another congenital idiot. Which is a true psychological illness. Not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
The imbalance between supply and demand is not healthy for the nation or most of its people.

Pretending that does not matter (or is not true) is pretty much all the wealthy have in their defence

(well that and the tea party dupes and their MASTERS of course)
You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

Try to comprehend this, because it's important.

Other people's money is not yours. You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.
Well, now, that would be your opinion. Which, me poor ignorant con girl, really has no value of any kind. Now I know you do not like taxing wealth. Just seems so wrong to you. Why, you have been told it is wrong, and you believe what you have been told. Why, me girl, isn't it great to be angry. You do so love being angry.
But here is the thing, me poor ignorant con tool. You will pay the taxes that we all pay. They may be the lowest since the 1950's. They may be near the lowest of any country in the world. But they will make you scream like a stuck pig(which is in reality a good likeness of you). Because you are a con tool. And, me girl, no one really takes you seriously. You are incapable of economic argument. Just beyond you. Better to spend your time in the bat shit crazy con web sites accomplishing cut and paste duties.

Look, me girls. You have a true malady. You are another congenital idiot. Which is a true psychological illness. Not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

You will pay the taxes that we all pay. They may be the lowest since the 1950's.

The top rate in 1988 was 28%.
Much lower than the current top rate.
Your ignorance is not surprising.
You would be wrong. Waiting is the problem. I have no patience for people that sit on their butts waiting for a job to show up. None. There is no excuse for it. Silly Pride? hmph.
Do you think someone who lost a job that paid a living wage should spend no more than a week looking for another living wage job and if nothing turns up he/she should take a job flipping burgers or stocking shelves at WalMart for minimum wage? Or do you believe there are plenty of living wage jobs available for anyone who wants one?

Yes, actually. I think if you're unemployed and you think you're "too good" for honest, legal, paying work because "I used to make more than that", then you DESERVE whatever misery your lack of income is bringing you, and you need not come whining to ME for my tax dollars to subsidize you until you get something "good enough" for you.

After my father had a stroke and was no longer able to work, my mother and I scrubbed toilets, took in laundry, detailed cars, tarred rooftops, did ANYTHING and everything legal that we were offered to keep food on our table and a roof over our heads. Were we both qualified for other things? Sure. Did we have time to wait for those other things to come around? Not according to people who believe in taking care of themselves and making their own way in the world. But I guess that sort of Depression-era thinking is "outdated" now.

Actually, Sparky, if they're declining to apply for "burger flipper" jobs, as you so derisively describe them, because those jobs are "beneath" them, then sitting on their butts waiting for jobs to show up is EXACTLY what they're doing. And if supporting a family on minimum wage "simply cannot be done", would you mind telling me how they can support them on NO wage?

Fortunate enough? FORTUNATE enough? What, you think he just won that skill in the fucking Powerball lottery? If you have a skill that people want, it's because you took the time and effort to FIND OUT what people wanted, and then TRAIN FOR IT.

If someone has not done those two things, they are not helpless victims. They're lazy assholes.

You're right. Those guys DON'T make us want to puke, because - shockingly enough - your worldview is NOT objective reality. We are no more required to "want to puke" over things YOU personally dislike than you are required to "want to puke" over people who sit on their dead asses, whining about how they "aren't as fortunate" and demanding tax subsidization.

I won't do it. I won't take "re-distribution" checks. Hell no. It's bad enough that my tax rate isn't always the highest rate. This class envy tax crap has to stop.
You will if you find yourself up the creek without a paddle. And don't think it can't happen, because it's happened to a lot of men who are just as good if not better than you are.

Riiiight. Because everyone turns into a worthless, whining tax mooch when life becomes hard, simply because that's the only response YOU can think of. Let me completely blow what passes for your mind and point out that SOME people really do find other ways to deal with life's hardships than to rip off their neighbors at the point of the federal government's guns.
How about this then, what about the government kicking in a little or helping to subsidize an income of a worker who has been hit by hard times, and this by no fault of his or her own, (i.e.unemployment insurance), only being used as an add on to a person's new under paid job title as is gained immediately by them, in order to make the difference up that the person had lost for a total of two years only, in which is to be paid for by the state government insurance program in this way ?

Yes the government subsidy of course would always have a cap on it, in which would be under review, and then set up properly in accordance with the applicants qualifications and needs in respect to his application when submitted, meaning if it (the income) falls beneath the level that the person whom had taken the hard hit in which they had taken, and as long as the person is now working that flipper job by no fault of his or her own, then wouldn't this type of subsidy system/program work better to sustain that person and his family, who would then be able to work the flipper job until something better comes along, even though the person was once a journeymen skilled worker capable of making far more in life maybe before the hit had taken place ? Are we not better off in America, if we protect the very souls in which are skilled and have a history of making America and all Americans strong, instead of pushing them down into a situation where they are destroyed with those whom had not been doing the right things in life ? If a world war were to break out again, would you want this nation this weak by what we are doing to it and inside of it now?
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Profit is a tax, excessive profits are as bad as excessive taxes. The Right has "Tax Freedom Day," but you never hear your boogeyman Leftists counteract that with "Profit Freedom Day," do you?

Business owners can't force you to give them their profits.

What an imaginary world Greedheads live in! Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else when his fellow Greedheads there all have the same conceit about how they are creating our income, not we creating theirs--all that is the same as government force. As lawyers spin words, you define force in a way that makes only the government look powerful.

Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else


Business still can't force you to buy their product, unless government forces you. LOL!

In the world we live in, money is power and power is force. All "free market" means is that those who control markets are free to do anything they want to us. Capitalism is Communism for the rich.
What an imaginary world Greedheads live in! Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else when his fellow Greedheads there all have the same conceit about how they are creating our income, not we creating theirs--all that is the same as government force. As lawyers spin words, you define force in a way that makes only the government look powerful.

Firing us, breaking up our union, telling us to work somewhere else


Business still can't force you to buy their product, unless government forces you. LOL!

In the world we live in, money is power and power is force. All "free market" means is that those who control markets are free to do anything they want to us. Capitalism is Communism for the rich.

You're free not to buy from the evil capitalist.
Think so? Then, as I suspected, you have no idea of what Marxism is.

That zero percent personal income tax rate applies only to those whose incomes are below the poverty level. What would you have them do, pay a tax on Monday and qualify for welfare on Tuesday?

A progressive assessment imposed on those who can pay millions of dollars in personal income tax without it affecting their lifestyles in any way is more than fair. In fact it is merciful compared to what I advocate -- which is confiscation of every penny of personal wealth in excess of twenty million dollars! And as bad as I'm sure you think that is, it still is a hell of a lot better than Marxism. So you need to do a little reading before tossing around those "Marxist" and "Socialist" accusations.

You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.

Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.
You're missing the point. Start with unquestionably unearned wealth first, and you may not have to go beyond that. Above-average inheritance and trust funds must be confiscated. Given an undeserved head start, the spoiled-rotten children of the rich will become a cancer on society. So they must be cut off from Daddy's Money at age 18. If we have to do it on our own, so must they.

YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.

Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.

having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us.

Now, now, just because you're inferior doesn't mean you're in charge.
Go whine in Cuba, everyone is equal there.
YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.

Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.

having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us.

Now, now, just because you're inferior doesn't mean you're in charge.
Go whine in Cuba, everyone is equal there.

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Not sure why my comment above was added to the wrong poster's post in reply, when it was another poster I was posting this response to instead...Hmmmm
YOU are missing the point. YOU have no right to "start" confiscating ANY wealth that is not obtained illegally. Nor do you have the right, let me hasten to add, to illegalize a method of gaining wealth SIMPLY because you personally do not approve of it - or, I think more accurately, you don't personally have access to it.

You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.

Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.

having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us.

Now, now, just because you're inferior doesn't mean you're in charge.
Go whine in Cuba, everyone is equal there.
Is that adolescent nonsense your idea of a diversion from the example of Daddy Bush's money being ultimately responsible for his elitist, ignorant, semi-literate, ne'er-do-well son, George W., being installed as President? Do you think young "Georgie" could have risen to political prominence if he were born into an ordinary family? Knowing what we know about him it's likely he would have ended up selling used cars or serving time in prison. Instead he managed to become the worst President in our history, a brazen criminal who looted our treasury and ruined our national reputation by instigating and/or enabling the most egregious war crimes in modern history.
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Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.

having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us.

Now, now, just because you're inferior doesn't mean you're in charge.
Go whine in Cuba, everyone is equal there.
Is that adolescent nonsense your idea of a diversion from the example of Daddy Bush's money being ultimately responsible for his elitist, ignorant, semi-literate, ne'er-do-well son, George W., being installed as President? Do you think young "Georgie" could have risen to political prominence if he were born into an ordinary family? Knowing what we know about him it's likely he would have ended up selling used cars or serving time in prison. Instead he managed to become the worst President in our history, a brazen criminal who looted our treasury and ruined our national reputation.

I'm not sure what his adolescent nonsense is about.
It's probably easier for his ego to blame mean, rich guys for his failures.
You may not think THEY earned it, but YOU sure as shit didn't.

Again, wouldn't you try to change a rule that let prep-school baseball teams start every inning with the bases loaded, even if your own team doesn't load the bases on its own very often, which is what you mean when you imply, "You didn't earn it either, so let them have their unearned privilege."

Or would you call that manly resentment "jealousy" motivated only by the fact that your team always loses to them? You are trying to avoid the real issue, which is having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us. Not only that, but they make sure that only no-talent self-hating brown-noses get to scratch and claw their way up to the class the Heirheads were born in. It is our natural right to demand a society run by those with the most talent. I'm not going to claim that even the Heirheads would benefit from that. I don't lower myself to try to persuade high and mighty lowlife. To me, they're just guillotine fodder.

having Daddy's Money put inferior people in superior positions over us.

Now, now, just because you're inferior doesn't mean you're in charge.
Go whine in Cuba, everyone is equal there.

In a free country, a lazy, Low IQ draftdodger like Bush would have wound up living in a trailer park. On parlor socialism, you've got things upside down. Fidel Castro came from one of the richest families in Cuba, so it's the same structure as the United States. This was brought out in a Robert Redford movie when he asked one of Batista's thugs why so many of the Communists were from the upper class. The policeman answered, "The father of the one you know worked my father to death. The rich get tired of screwing us one way, so they try another. That's all Communism is."

You have a childish fixation in finding a Big Shot father figure, so you have to believe that one of the phony factions of the ruling class is on your side. You dream that they will adopt you, get your kid out of the draft if that comes up, makes sure you're in a situation where you don't have to be smart to become richer, and place you above people with talent, who will be your slaves. Your ultimate goal is to be accepted for Country Club membership, with one of the spoiled Heirheads patting you on the head and saying, "We forgive you for not being born rich."