Think Kobe would care if I was killed in a crash

Call me different I guess. I really don't relate to all this kobe fanfare. Think he would care if he read about me dying in a crash.
To listen people talk like he was their best friend, and yet, probably hardly knew the guy. Is kinda corny to me.

Just another millionaire that flew his helicopter to work everyday.
I remember when Mickey Mantle died......there were tons and tons of similar coverage -- filled with boomers opining about the greatness of Mickey and how sad it was..

I don't recall many people whining about it either -- or saying "why should we care?? He is just some guy who hit a ball" -- only complaint I heard from anyone was how they felt it wasn't fair for someone who was a chronic alcoholic and abused his liver for 40 years, how someone like that should be moved ahead of other people -- just because of him being a famous athlete....
Is that what you remember? Ahhh....the endless comparison game. The Mick pretty much was a drunkard. Today we have endless ways of seeing people through life and death. The Mick died and did not get an endless send off. And I who at that time had baseball as my favorite sport, did not get into crying mode. Today's era is what it is. Kobe had a good life. From birth to death he was privileged. At his death he seemed to be better a man then in his earlier years. May he rest in peace with the other victims and their families have closure.
Oh...its the old "If I didn't do it nobody did" deflection....

Mickey Mantle got hours of coverage beginning from him needing a organ transplant -- to him instantly getting a transplant to him dying..and it got wall to wall coverage -- but this was before the days of TMZ -- and this is after the guy was done playing for decades....

But yo sissified ass is whining over media coverage about a guy who died just a couple of years after his retirement -- and died not by drinking himself to death -- but from a helicopter crash that included children -- among which was his own daughter -- and you think since your miserable narcissistic ass don't care about it -- no one else should either -- if you don't like, turn yo TV OFF and shut the fuk up....
All i ask is that Cable TV companies are forced to promote deals with ala carte channels. So we all have a choice. There are many sissies, *****, faggots, in this nation. Some just waiting to burst out into the scene when the goodies are not there for them. The men who play sports in this modern age are so rich it is sickening. And the people willing to pay the extreme rates to watch them play are not getting value. Yeah...give the people the choice to cut cable channels they do not want and let them save money. Just on sports I look at ESPN, FOX, and CBS as a savings of 8 plus 4 plus 4 equals 16 dollars a month just there. Make them premium channels for you macho azzes to pay and that becomes 25 plus 10 plus 10 equals 45 dollars a month or so. See the difference? He lived a good life. Not from the inner city of Philly. He lived in the rich suburban main line of that city and other parts of the world. He was not cheated as so many others are. Our priorities are so out of whack with the globalist strategy of building sports people from admiration to heroes to gods. I see no difference watching sports from the 1970's and today except the prices are massively higher and the consumer subsidizes it and a lot of other things without a voice from our government who seems to be in league with the cable companies and businesses associated with them. TV people are not what we see on the screen. Many of them are frauds and callous. We see the political ones every day. And they were the ones we watched when younger and they were more neutral and did not show their true colors. And oh yeah...RIP Kobe and the others who died in that tragic accident.
This thread has really proven who the racist trash on this forum is. To not like someone is one thing, but to try and trash a young man who was an inspiration to others, was a good mentor to some, a good husband and a great father to his children is really sad. The only reason they hate him is because of the color of his skin.
--o yeah!! much real proof!! just like Smollet's proof....hahhahahahahah

YOU are the racist!!! YOU prove to be the racist by injecting race into it!!!!

You guys are scum. 9 innocent people lost their lives and fools like you are these other fools are here spitting on them before they can even be put in the ground.
This thread has really proven who the racist trash on this forum is. To not like someone is one thing, but to try and trash a young man who was an inspiration to others, was a good mentor to some, a good husband and a great father to his children is really sad. The only reason they hate him is because of the color of his skin.

They love to lurk in the shadows and spout their potty mouth when a black person dies
Call me different I guess. I really don't relate to all this kobe fanfare. Think he would care if he read about me dying in a crash.
To listen people talk like he was their best friend, and yet, probably hardly knew the guy. Is kinda corny to me.

Just another millionaire that flew his helicopter to work everyday.
I remember when Mickey Mantle died......there were tons and tons of similar coverage -- filled with boomers opining about the greatness of Mickey and how sad it was..

I don't recall many people whining about it either -- or saying "why should we care?? He is just some guy who hit a ball" -- only complaint I heard from anyone was how they felt it wasn't fair for someone who was a chronic alcoholic and abused his liver for 40 years, how someone like that should be moved ahead of other people -- just because of him being a famous athlete....
Is that what you remember? Ahhh....the endless comparison game. The Mick pretty much was a drunkard. Today we have endless ways of seeing people through life and death. The Mick died and did not get an endless send off. And I who at that time had baseball as my favorite sport, did not get into crying mode. Today's era is what it is. Kobe had a good life. From birth to death he was privileged. At his death he seemed to be better a man then in his earlier years. May he rest in peace with the other victims and their families have closure.
Oh...its the old "If I didn't do it nobody did" deflection....

Mickey Mantle got hours of coverage beginning from him needing a organ transplant -- to him instantly getting a transplant to him dying..and it got wall to wall coverage -- but this was before the days of TMZ -- and this is after the guy was done playing for decades....

But yo sissified ass is whining over media coverage about a guy who died just a couple of years after his retirement -- and died not by drinking himself to death -- but from a helicopter crash that included children -- among which was his own daughter -- and you think since your miserable narcissistic ass don't care about it -- no one else should either -- if you don't like, turn yo TV OFF and shut the fuk up....

All i ask is that Cable TV companies are forced to promote deals with ala carte channels. So we all have a choice. There are many sissies, *****, faggots, in this nation. Some just waiting to burst out into the scene when the goodies are not there for them.

Was that your gay tirade.

The men who play sports in this modern age are so rich it is sickening. And the people willing to pay the extreme rates to watch them play are not getting value

So you are mad that you are not athletic enough to play professional sports, tough shit. Work harder on the garbage route and eventually it will pay off.

. Yeah...give the people the choice to cut cable channels they do not want and let them save money. Just on sports I look at ESPN, FOX, and CBS as a savings of 8 plus 4 plus 4 equals 16 dollars a month just there. Make them premium channels for you macho azzes to pay and that becomes 25 plus 10 plus 10 equals 45 dollars a month or so. See the difference?

Get you a fire stick.

He lived a good life. Not from the inner city of Philly. He lived in the rich suburban main line of that city and other parts of the world. He was not cheated as so many others are.

So since he didn't grow up in the "Hood" that makes him less of a black man. What are other black folks cheated of?

Our priorities are so out of whack with the globalist strategy of building sports people from admiration to heroes to gods. I see no difference watching sports from the 1970's and today except the prices are massively higher and the consumer subsidizes it and a lot of other things without a voice from our government who seems to be in league with the cable companies and businesses associated with them.

Maybe it's just me who in the hell has called this young man a "GOD".

TV people are not what we see on the screen

Neither are many of the dumbasses on this forum.

. Many of them are frauds and callous. We see the political ones every day. And they were the ones we watched when younger and they were more neutral and did not show their true colors. And oh yeah...RIP Kobe and the others who died in that tragic accident.

Wow that had to be one of the dumbest post I have read on this forum.
Call me different I guess. I really don't relate to all this kobe fanfare. Think he would care if he read about me dying in a crash.
To listen people talk like he was their best friend, and yet, probably hardly knew the guy. Is kinda corny to me.

Just another millionaire that flew his helicopter to work everyday.
If he were alive, yes he would care because he was a decent and moral man.
..yes--we get it..he was ''young''/famous/etc ---but all these people crying and etc is ridiculous ...and the MSM is going overboard
I only wonder why the media did not give 1/100th of as much attention to his faith as they have to his death.
It's sad and tragic, but enough is enough with the news coverage.
I agree. It appears that the media is trying to make Kobe a saint, which of course he wasn't. NONE of us are. It reminds me a bit of when the media carried on and on about John McStain, and pretty much made HIM a saint. So yes, Kobe's passing WAS tragic, and he will be remembered as one of the most exciting players the NBA has ever seen. He just doesn't need to be canonized by the media like McStain certainly was.
It's sad and tragic, but enough is enough with the news coverage.
I agree. It appears that the media is trying to make Kobe a saint, which of course he wasn't. NONE of us are. It reminds me a bit of when the media carried on and on about John McStain, and pretty much made HIM a saint. So yes, Kobe's passing WAS tragic, and he will be remembered as one of the most exciting players the NBA has ever seen. He just doesn't need to be canonized by the media like McStain certainly was.

I don't know who John McStain is (funny name though!). :D I agree. He was a great basketball player who died tragically. End of story. Let's move on to other happenings now.
It's sad and tragic, but enough is enough with the news coverage.
I agree. It appears that the media is trying to make Kobe a saint, which of course he wasn't. NONE of us are. It reminds me a bit of when the media carried on and on about John McStain, and pretty much made HIM a saint. So yes, Kobe's passing WAS tragic, and he will be remembered as one of the most exciting players the NBA has ever seen. He just doesn't need to be canonized by the media like McStain certainly was.

I don't know who John McStain is (funny name though!). :D I agree. He was a great basketball player who died tragically. End of story. Let's move on to other happenings now.
John McStain is my nickname for John McCain.
It's sad and tragic, but enough is enough with the news coverage.
I agree. It appears that the media is trying to make Kobe a saint, which of course he wasn't. NONE of us are. It reminds me a bit of when the media carried on and on about John McStain, and pretty much made HIM a saint. So yes, Kobe's passing WAS tragic, and he will be remembered as one of the most exciting players the NBA has ever seen. He just doesn't need to be canonized by the media like McStain certainly was.

I don't know who John McStain is (funny name though!). :D I agree. He was a great basketball player who died tragically. End of story. Let's move on to other happenings now.
John McStain is my nickname for John McCain.

Oh! Lol! I though it was some athlete! :eusa_doh:
Yep, I agree

Great basketball player, yes. No different from anyone else dying though.

I've drifted away from being a "fan" of most sports specifically due to the insane spiral of money these guys have pushed for, which has led to a matching spiral in costs to see a game live.

They don't care about the fans one bit, IMO. I have no idea why the fans care about them.

Because they are fun.
Call me different I guess. I really don't relate to all this kobe fanfare. Think he would care if he read about me dying in a crash.
To listen people talk like he was their best friend, and yet, probably hardly knew the guy. Is kinda corny to me.

Just another millionaire that flew his helicopter to work everyday.

No, of course he wouldn't care if you died in a crash: for one thing, he's dead and you aren't. For another thing, he wouldn't have cared if he was alive.

He was just another millionaire who raped young girls and got away with it. There seem to be a lot of that, especially in the sports and entertainment industries.
No, of course he wouldn't care if you died in a crash: for one thing, he's dead and you aren't. For another thing, he wouldn't have cared if he was alive.
He was just another millionaire who raped young girls and got away with it. There seem to be a lot of that, especially in the sports and entertainment industries.
And what is the evidence that he raped her?

And if the evidence is clear, then why didnt she press charges.

Two women I person ally know were raped and both pressed charges.

It is not that hard.
Great basketball player who sexually assaulted a 19 year old girl working at the hotel.

Wow, you're one sick puppy. Seek help for your desperation and envy.

There is no proof that he sexually assaulted anyone. This is not different from when leftists say that about Trump or Kavanaugh. An accusation is not proof and should not be proof.

I understand that sexual assault is very hard to prove, but we can't go around crucifying people based on accusations alone, especially when they are wealthy people or powerful people. These people become targets.

Even sometimes people who are not wealthy or powerful are targets. Growing up, there was a girl I knew who falsely accused a boy of raping her because she was angry after he broke up with her. This was in high school! Another girl I knew would always claim she was pregnant by this one or that one but these pregnancies always mysteriously ended in miscarriages before she even had a chance to see a doctor!

Some people are greedy, selfish and heartless.
Great basketball player who sexually assaulted a 19 year old girl working at the hotel.

Wow, you're one sick puppy. Seek help for your desperation and envy.
What is a 19 year old *girl*?

They are adults last I knew at 18 yo.

Not really though. Most 18-year-olds are definitely NOT adults yet. IMO, you are not an "adult" until you move out of your parents' home and are self sufficient. Age be damned! :D

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